More classic Iron man

Could you read what I wrote above??

It’s very annoying to see a lot of childish posts such as: “Your soldiers sucks, my soldiers are great!” and reply… " No! Your soldiers sucks, my soldiers are great!"

Come on fellows!! :x :x[/quote]

Oh come on it’s good fun plus read the title to the thread I’d say we were sticking to the topic :lol:

Could you read what I wrote above??

It’s very annoying to see a lot of childish posts such as: “Your soldiers sucks, my soldiers are great!” and reply… " No! Your soldiers sucks, my soldiers are great!"

Come on fellows!! :x :x[/quote]

Oh come on it’s good fun plus read the title to the thread I’d say we were sticking to the topic :lol:[/quote]

No it’s not “good fun”. It’s offensive anti-Americanism. It is something your nation would be ashamed of you for.

Could you read what I wrote above??

It’s very annoying to see a lot of childish posts such as: “Your soldiers sucks, my soldiers are great!” and reply… " No! Your soldiers sucks, my soldiers are great!"

Come on fellows!! :x :x[/quote]

Oh come on it’s good fun plus read the title to the thread I’d say we were sticking to the topic :lol:[/quote]

OK I give up!!! :lol: :lol:

But keep your posts away from insults!!! And this is a warning.

No we’re after you for spouting so much shite.

I just looked behind my house, nothing there so you may be right.

In my very extensive experience of UK air operations all over the Globe I have never ever seen 1 pilot ever take anything other than an occassional sleeping pill. The governement may have bought them, but no one I have ever met has taken one.

Another blatant spout form Iron-Bru-Man. I bow to your wisdom of all things military.[/quote]

Call the MoD and ask him why you didn’t get your share in Iraq1 or Iraq2. Maybe he’s got a stash for you. They mave have bought L45,000 of them and just piled them up in a room, sat back with some tea, and watched them.

Maybe who knows I shall ask for my share tomorrow when I report for duty.

Hey Ironperson have you heard in operations British troops are issued opiates :shock:

Just we only shoot up with morphine when we really need to.

Usually after a visit by an A10.

In my very extensive experience of UK air operations all over the Globe I have never ever seen 1 pilot ever take anything other than an occassional sleeping pill. The governement may have bought them, but no one I have ever met has taken one.

Another blatant spout form Iron-Bru-Man. I bow to your wisdom of all things military.[/quote]

Call the MoD and ask him why you didn’t get your share in Iraq1 or Iraq2. Maybe he’s got a stash for you. They mave have bought L45,000 of them and just piled them up in a room, sat back with some tea, and watched them.[/quote]

I am only stating what I have seen matey-boy, Im not making it up, you just dont want to listen to any facts. I’m not even slagging off your military. I stand by my post, I have never seen any aircrew in 21 years being given or taking any drugs. Never.

I believe you. I haven’t either.

I believe you. I haven’t either.[/quote]

But then, you’ve never been in a position to have you? Being as you’ve never served, and probably never worked with military air crew

I believe you. I haven’t either.[/quote]

Yes but I am in the Air Force and the closest you have got to that is maybe playing Sturmovik. So I feel qualified to talk from experience.

Yea well, you didn’t even know that the RAF was taking them in Iraq1 either until I provided the reports about it.

What are you on about, I was there for Iraq 1 too, didnt you read anything? UK Military aircrew just dont take amphetemines etc to make them stay awake. Theres no need to.

Then you’re wrong. I know Paras who went and worked with the US Airborne, after a PT session, they were still waiting for the hard work to start while the Americans were knackered. SAS is THE standard that every military unit in the world aspires to.

You are happy enough to take the allegations without any proof.

I’ve not seen any proof posted yet that the UK forces do regularly engage friendly forces - one tank is hardly regularly, and there are extenuating circumstances to that one tank.

I don’t know anyone who has ever been issued illegal drugs/medication ever, in any theatre.

What are you on about, I was there for Iraq 1 too, didnt you read anything? UK Military aircrew just dont take amphetemines etc to make them stay awake. Theres no need to.[/quote]

And the US aircrews don’t take Provigil either.

The United Kingdom Parlaiment
“Mr Mike Hancock (Portsmouth South):To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, pursuant to the Answer of 11th October, Official Report, column 65W, on Provigil, what the conclusions of the research were, with particular reference to using these pharmaceutical agents during times of hostilities; and if he will make a statement.”

Yea, the UK has a history of sweeping things under the rug.[/quote]

In which case, considering it’s been in every serious newspaper published in the UK, both broadsheet and tabloid. left and right wing, they don’t seem to be trying too hard, now do they.
I’ve seen more anti-British bile spilling from your posts, than I’ve ever seen anti-Americanism on this site.
We all know that British soldiers, American soldiers, and the soldiers of every other nation make mistakes, and that all armies, like all societies, contain rogue elements.
Despite a number of posts in which it has been stated that the original discussion was about a difference in training cultures between our respective countries armies, with neither being better, merely different, you insist on “raising the stakes” with every post you make.
You make a habit of posting unsubstantiated claims as facts, your opinions as facts, and, on occasion, blatant lies as facts.
Are you getting off on it all?

Because they’re all smacked off their tits on speed?


Because they’re all smacked off their tits on speed?[/quote]

It really hurts you doesn’t it? This Provigil thing I mean.

The United Kingdom Parlaiment
“Mr Mike Hancock (Portsmouth South):To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, pursuant to the Answer of 11th October, Official Report, column 65W, on Provigil, what the conclusions of the research were, with particular reference to using these pharmaceutical agents during times of hostilities; and if he will make a statement.”

Because they’re all smacked off their tits on speed?[/quote]

It really hurts you doesn’t it? This Provigil thing I mean.[/quote]

What’s that then?

editted - since you editted your post as I pressed the quote button - no, it doesn’t. There’s a member of RAF ground crew saying he’s never seen it. I’d believe him over you or an MP. That’s me though, I listen to people who actually know what they are talking about

editted further - I notice the MP’s question is reference RESEARCH, rather than regular issue of this medication

“Mr Mike Hancock (Portsmouth South):To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, pursuant to the Answer of 11th October, Official Report, column 65W, on Provigil, what the conclusions of the research were, with particular reference to using these pharmaceutical agents during times of hostilities; and if he will make a statement”

he doesn’t actually say it was used at any time during hostilities

Drug abuse is not allowed in the British military. (abuse meaning for non medical reasons) I am possibly the only student on my course not to engage in pot-smoking becasue as a reserve unit not liable for call up until the completion of my course and not likely to end up anywhere hot or sandy with live rounds in my gat for at least the next three years the British army doesnt want me near even the smell of weed - this to avoid future problems with drugs in my career! 4 years hence if I do get to Sandhurst!

Copies of “Soldier” and the rest of their ilk frequently carry warnings from the Medical types and disciplinary types warning about the use 'roids and growth hormone, I was taking pro-plus on a recent exercise and was reprimanded by a member of the DS because it can make you irritable, Drugs (by which I mean prescription controlled) are not as freely available as you may like ot think. Bearing in mind the size of the British military the size of the order for stimulants sounds surprisingly small, bearing in mind that that order is probably not going to be exhausted any time soon!

The french opposed the bombing of Lybia primarlily because being an ex colony a number of residnets held dual nationality with them, imagine a similair scenen being palyed out in Guam, or Midway.

The bombing (not shooting down) of the Lockerbie flight is not particularly akin to yesterdays events, one could choose instead to highlight the 7-12 year mainland bombing campaign of our Irish friends instead, and on the subject of brushing things under the carpet for the good of the Nation(NORAID - AIR AMERICA - COLUMBIAN DEATH SQUADS) I would say that yes we as Brits do keep our heads high through adversity. Something about being the only free nation in Europe for about four years during WWII and fighting on regardless, the fact that during the mainland bombing campaign we stood strong.

I am aware that We have America’s sympathy for yesterday’s attacks and I am grateful but to a small extent I am agrieved that it took the attacks of 9/11 to make America aware of the threat terrorists post to the world. nearly one bombing or shooting a month for close on seven years di alot to shape the British view of the World, and we are now very Glad to see America sharing that standpoint with us, without its previously isolationist stance and acting more reponsibly with the great influence it can exert over the globe.

With reference to “look out here come the RAF” I am not aware of the RAF being used to counter terrorists at any time in retaliation for a bombing within the UK. but this is essentially a differnece of doctrine, we tend to send the Hereford gun club and lympstone canoeists after nasty types.

With reference to “best trained military” The RM have the longest “basic” training of an infantry unit in the World, this is before their “to arms” training. Even the Paras in the British army gain their wings about a month before any green lids are handed to the Lympstone intake.

In fact once within RM, you can go on to become a combat swimmer within the SBS where dropouts from SBS selection can waltz directly to SAS selection. I am entering the realms of “hardest soldiers” and the issue was to do with training, but to denigrate the level of excellence found in lympstone is to not fully understand the RM mentality, incidentally I think the FFL are probably going to be the last men standing in any sort of “hard” contest. - (bit of an anal rant there)

Theoretically, if we are only the second best army in the world - we have looked to the wrong place to measure ourselves. With inferior numbers, inferior equipment, inferior soliders, we have at times and in places been chosen over and above the “best” in order that missions get completed successfully.

When Germany discovered it needed better provision for anti-terror work it turned to the British for the advice and training.
When Aden faced problems with communist backed Rebels (adoo) it was the British that went and “educated” the defence forces (reinforced)

You mean this?

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