More classic Iron man

You didn’t actually take the NAPS did you ? :shock:

I must admit I have seen pharmaceutical agents issued to some British Army soldiers, even in basics.
The panacea has always been Brufen, (Ibuprofen) ! :lol:

Or did you mean this?

MOD Oracle
“According to figures from the Defence Medical Supplies Agency, which provides medical products “to sustain UK military capability”, the MoD has been buying the drug since 1998 at prices at least 10% lower than those charged to the NHS.”

Provigil: …modafinil (‘Provigil’, ‘Alertec’, ‘Vigicer’, ‘Modalert’, etc) is a memory-improving and mood-brightening psychostimulant. It enhances wakefulness and vigilance, but its pharmacological profile is notably different from the amphetamines, methylphenidate (Ritalin) or cocaine. Modafinil is less likely to cause jitteriness, anxiety, or excess locomotor activity - or lead to a hypersomnolent ‘rebound effect’ - than traditional stimulants. Subjectively, it feels smoother and cleaner than the amphetamines too. The normal elimination half-life of modafinil in humans is between 12 - 15 hours. So it’s worth fine-tuning one’s dosage schedule accordingly.

    Current research suggests modafinil, like its older and better-tested analogue adrafinil, is a safe, effective and well-tolerated agent.

Amphetimines: Many of the effects of amphetamines are similar to cocaine. Addiction to and withdrawal from amphetamines are both possible. Amphetamine use also causes tolerance to its effects. This means that more and more amphetamine must be used to get “high.” Amphetamine withdrawal is characterized by severe depression and fatigue. Users will go to extreme measures to avoid the “downer” that comes when the effect of amphetamines wears off.

Short-term effects of amphetamine use include:

* Increased heart rate
* Increased blood pressure
* Reduced appetite
* Dilation of the pupils
* Feelings of happiness and power
* Reduced fatigue 

Long term use of amphetamines can result in:

* Insomnia, restlessness
* "Paranoid psychosis"
* Hallucinations
* Violent and aggressive behavior
* Weight loss
* Tremors 

IF the British are issuing this Provigil stuff out, I know which i’d rather have my pilots on, given a choice between that and amphetimines.

One of the reasons Bucky based DF trg on the Brit model, having being seconded to the Regiment.

IRONMAN, master of cut and paste as you are, posting links generally stops you looking like a CUNT, trustworthy as you are (6oo metres anyone - American spitfires - spring loaded rifles) it would be useful if inks accompanied your quotes so that we too could marvel at your use of google!

Nursing website - isnt exactly a clickable link or a URL now is it!

To the British Guys I think we know that the Brit Mil hand out medicines it is a sad time to point it out but Gulf War syndrome wasnt entirely imagined, or was it? Even if we take into account the use of druge in Gulf 1 those were either - medicinal to counter expected chemical and biological strikes, or - Porton Down related.

In either case the use of prescription controlled medicines within Uk forces is not akin to the wholesale self prescribed use of prescription controlled drugs in “other militaries”

You’re mixing people up again, I didn’t know but I’m army not RAF so I dont come into contact with the boys in blue very often.

You may not like the fact that the UK military uses drugs for some of it’s personel, but it’s not a secret. You may not like it that the British military makes friendly fire mistakes. But they do. You may not like it that you cannot intimidate me. Because you don’t.

But one thing you should like, is yourselves enough to not be so hell-bent on making the bulk of your posts something that is critical of the US - your best ally and friend in the world., especially since all of your criticisms are things which the UK is guilty of as well. You should realize that the impression you are creating of your countrymen that may be assumed by newcomers to this forum who see your continuous, hateful ranting and decide that Brits are suckazz hateful hypocrits. Because that is precicely the impression they will get.

without a link to refernece that to I can only go on what you ahve said but…

1000’s not tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands! Just thousands!

Realistically bearing in mind that we commited over 1000 ground troops to Iraq that means that before we take into account Airforce or Marines, or support arms or TA contributions, each soldier would have had less than ten tablets each, Bearing in mind this is “IF” they all got to IRAQ and not stuck in some container in Dover!

SO. of the 1000’s presuming this is 9,999 tablets, we could have kept our forces wake for maybe, ten days! denying hte fact that the body will seriously crash after about 7/8 anyway!

If we wanted to kit up our troops with psychology altering drugs as a matter of course we would have taken more than 9000 dont you.

Get a more accurate source and provide the link you dribble stained MONG

You’ve still not shown any evidence of British aircraft bombing friendly forces.
You’ve still now shown that the UK regularly issue those pills out - 4000 were bought for Iraq? Did they give a tenth of a pill to every man out there and hope that they’d only have to stay awake for 1.5 hours and the war would be over?
You’ve still not shown any sign of actually understanding anything that you’re arguing about
You’ve still not shown any sign of stopping arguing with people who do know what they are talking about

without a link to refernece that to I can only go on what you ahve said but…

1000’s not tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands! Just thousands!

Realistically bearing in mind that we commited over 1000 ground troops to Iraq that means that before we take into account Airforce or Marines, or support arms or TA contributions, each soldier would have had less than ten tablets each, Bearing in mind this is “IF” they all got to IRAQ and not stuck in some container in Dover!

SO. of the 1000’s presuming this is 9,999 tablets, we could have kept our forces wake for maybe, ten days! denying hte fact that the body will seriously crash after about 7/8 anyway!

If we wanted to kit up our troops with psychology altering drugs as a matter of course we would have taken more than 9000 dont you.

Get a more accurate source and provide the link you dribble stained MONG[/quote]

Yea, whatever.

Yes I did and encouraged others to I have seen some very interesting research into the effectiveness and yes they do work against some nerve agents if taken regularly.

I had problems with the malaria tablets, gave me a temporary and very painful rheumatism in the knees which cleared up as soon as I stopped taking them. No one considered informing me of this side effect until I had my demob medical.

bought? yes.

used? debatable

without a link to refernece that to I can only go on what you ahve said but…

1000’s not tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands! Just thousands!

Realistically bearing in mind that we commited over 1000 ground troops to Iraq that means that before we take into account Airforce or Marines, or support arms or TA contributions, each soldier would have had less than ten tablets each, Bearing in mind this is “IF” they all got to IRAQ and not stuck in some container in Dover!

SO. of the 1000’s presuming this is 9,999 tablets, we could have kept our forces wake for maybe, ten days! denying hte fact that the body will seriously crash after about 7/8 anyway!

If we wanted to kit up our troops with psychology altering drugs as a matter of course we would have taken more than 9000 dont you.

Get a more accurate source and provide the link you dribble stained MONG[/quote]

Yea, whatever.[/quote]

actually I do wstill wnat to see the URL for this quote!
but until such time as I see It I will continue to smile smugly and count this as a victory.

Im going back to my smug avatar!

without a link to refernece that to I can only go on what you ahve said but…

1000’s not tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands! Just thousands!

Realistically bearing in mind that we commited over 1000 ground troops to Iraq that means that before we take into account Airforce or Marines, or support arms or TA contributions, each soldier would have had less than ten tablets each, Bearing in mind this is “IF” they all got to IRAQ and not stuck in some container in Dover!

SO. of the 1000’s presuming this is 9,999 tablets, we could have kept our forces wake for maybe, ten days! denying hte fact that the body will seriously crash after about 7/8 anyway!

If we wanted to kit up our troops with psychology altering drugs as a matter of course we would have taken more than 9000 dont you.

Get a more accurate source and provide the link you dribble stained MONG[/quote]

Yea, whatever.[/quote]

actually I do wstill wnat to see the URL for this quote!
but until such time as I see It I will continue to smile smugly and count this as a victory.

Im going back to my smug avatar![/quote]

Go back a few pages and find it.

“Detectives have been told that although the riot seemed to be dying down, another soldier is said to have pulled out a pistol and fired at the Iraqi.”

Well I’m setting off soon to run around in green skin for another weekend. Although this weekend will be mainly sports kit, as I and others will be flinging ourselves out of a perfectly serviceable aircraft for the first time. Wahey if I’m not around on monday you know why :lol:

without a link to refernece that to I can only go on what you ahve said but…

1000’s not tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands! Just thousands!

Realistically bearing in mind that we commited over 1000 ground troops to Iraq that means that before we take into account Airforce or Marines, or support arms or TA contributions, each soldier would have had less than ten tablets each, Bearing in mind this is “IF” they all got to IRAQ and not stuck in some container in Dover!

SO. of the 1000’s presuming this is 9,999 tablets, we could have kept our forces wake for maybe, ten days! denying hte fact that the body will seriously crash after about 7/8 anyway!

If we wanted to kit up our troops with psychology altering drugs as a matter of course we would have taken more than 9000 dont you.

Get a more accurate source and provide the link you dribble stained MONG[/quote]

Yea, whatever.[/quote]

actually I do wstill wnat to see the URL for this quote!
but until such time as I see It I will continue to smile smugly and count this as a victory.

Im going back to my smug avatar![/quote]

Go back a few pages and find it.

“Detectives have been told that although the riot seemed to be dying down, another soldier is said to have pulled out a pistol and fired at the Iraqi.”[/quote]

Mods would you please note that IRONMAN when asked for a URL to his “nurses website quote” pulled a gun?

thats just not cricket its first class trolling!
Where is the URL for the quotes relating to drug abuse!

Dont you just love out of context, unqualified quotes:

“Detectives have been told that although the riot seemed to be dying down, another soldier is said to have pulled out a pistol and fired at the Iraqi.”

Who told the detectives?
Were they in a position to judge the situation?
Did they actually see the incident?
Which detectives?
Who released this information?
Have they got an axe to grind that may colour their perception?

without a link to refernece that to I can only go on what you ahve said but…

1000’s not tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands! Just thousands!

Realistically bearing in mind that we commited over 1000 ground troops to Iraq that means that before we take into account Airforce or Marines, or support arms or TA contributions, each soldier would have had less than ten tablets each, Bearing in mind this is “IF” they all got to IRAQ and not stuck in some container in Dover!

SO. of the 1000’s presuming this is 9,999 tablets, we could have kept our forces wake for maybe, ten days! denying hte fact that the body will seriously crash after about 7/8 anyway!

If we wanted to kit up our troops with psychology altering drugs as a matter of course we would have taken more than 9000 dont you.

Get a more accurate source and provide the link you dribble stained MONG[/quote]

Only 9000? ONLY?

"Demand peaked in 2001, the year British troops entered Afghanistan, when 5,000 pills were bought. Another 4,000 were purchased in 2002, the year before the Iraq invasion

9000 pills in two years!
730 days,

wow just a little bit over one pill a day for 12 men!
the most G’d up section and a half in the British infantry! They could de-stabilse the entire war effort!

Only 9000? ONLY?

United States of America Country Britain

$399 Billion Yearly Military Expenditure $42,836.5 Million
3.9% % of GNP 2.4%
18 Min Enlistment Age 16
73,597,731 Available Manpower 14,943,016
471,500 Active Military Personnel 113,900 (6,380 women)
220,000 Frontline Personnel 65,000
18,169 Airborne Units 1,891
29,920 Armor 5,121
5,178 Artillery 455
35,324 Missile Defense Systems 1,575
2,441 Infantry Support Weapons 3,236

Can you please explain WTF this is supposed to signify?