More classic Iron man

Took about 30 seconds to find on google mate, why does he leave himself open to counter attack like this?

By the way Ironman - love the way you’re calling Airborne Troops pilots, I’ll mention it to the Para Signals lad on my course, he might be able to claim pilot’s pay.

edit - don’t forget that of those 30 tanks, 3 were unarmed OPs and 3 were Stuart light/recce tanks, not MBTs

BDL thanks for including the URL at the bottom of the page, it stops you looking like a gaping well shafted arsehole!!!


The “Battle of Singapore” was indeed a disaster - but how many of the men captured were front line soldiers, and how many were rear area soldiers or local Militia such as the Malaya Regiment, locally raised home guard regiments raised from British men in the area and local natives? The Japanese attitude of the time was to despise anyone who didn’t commit Sepuku before capture, as was demanded by Bushido. If you’d have asked them about the Americans they captured, they’d have said the same thing. They saw all westerners as weak and lacking in honour, not just the Brits.[/quote]

Before we attribute malice to Ironman’s posts on this subject, i.e. training, we must at least consider the proposition that he is either too ignorant, stupid or obtuse to recognise the difference between a conscript army of 60 years ago, and the current professional volounteer Army you gentlemen were actually talking about and to which some of you belong.
After all, by his own posts he has already shown himself incapable of distinguishing between the British Empire and the current Commonwealth, Australia and New Zealand, front line troops and cannon fodder, the angles 35 and 45 degrees, and aircrew and Airborne Forces, to mention but a few.
It may not be nastiness, just another “misunderstanding”.
Rather like taking three attempts to find a suitable example of an alleged unlawful shooting incident, from amongst his own posts.

Don’t feed the troll any more. IRONMAN has stopped any pretence at debate and is just posting offensive rubbish to upset us.

I note that he has no respect of any kind for British veterans, actively revelling in things that have gone wrong for them, especially when that results of lots of deaths. This makes him, by his own scale, a blathering hatemonger whose contemptible anti-britishness shows his hypocracy [sic] for the world to see.

I’m 43 years old. I’m old enough to call anyone dude, even someone older than me. Just check the Net. You’ll find what you are looking for. Amnesty International is a good start. African country web sites might also provide articles for you. Try the UN as well.

Remember, if it involved an infraction of anything UK, it’s only claim! But if it involves anything US, it’s a fact! Good Lord dudey. Your word games don’t change anything. What about the drugs supplied to the UK military pilots? What about the rapes? Like you’ve never heard the commentary going on in the UK about these things. Sheeesh. You can play dead like a doggie but you’re not getting a treat.[/quote]

Well sonny, maybe you might like to investigate the cases of rape by their own colleagues reported by your own countries female soldiers?

Or perhaps the S/Sgt who confessed to the murder, sodomising, sexual abuse and rape, with others, of an 11 year old Albanian girl in Kosovo?

Or My Lai, in Vietnam?

Or the “culture of rape” in Vietnam?

Or the cases of rape alleged by Iraqi women against US troops?

Perhaps the cases of rape and murder by US military personnel in Korea?

As for never having heard of them, I’ve already stated the claims have been common knowledge in the UK for some years, published in virtually every newspaper.
Try to understand, sonny, Amnesty International will investigate any claims made by indigenous peoples or prisoners in a war situation.
The fact that they investigate claims, by anyone against anyone, does not make the claim true.
We have courts to decide guilt, not NGOs, not newspapers, and not Net reports.
As for the dead dog comment…

I think you are right. Either IRONMAN is trolling and taking the p*ss off us or he really is completely dense. In either case, he is preventing any respectfull and serious discussion from happpening on this site.


I think you are right. Either IRONMAN is trolling and taking the p*ss off us or he really is completely dense. In either case, he is preventing any respectfull and serious discussion from happpening on this site.


I’ve tried several times to drag the thread back on topic with what were, I believe reasonable posts, before reacting to junior’s bile.
Enough is enough.
Henceforth, ignored.

You brought it upon yourselves kids. Now let that be a lesson to you. Plus, I am a great big spaz.

Discovery 2: I can stealth edit other people’s posts

Go fuck yourself sideways, patronising knobhead! :roll:

Edited to say: Sorry but he was just pissing me off. He’s rather like my great-aunt - who is as poisonous and bigoted an old witch as you could ever hope to avoid - any time she feels as if she is losing an argument she alters the subject slightly but never satisfactorily answers ones earlier points and certainly never admits to being wrong.

IRONMAN, plesaurable s it ay be here, as the mods have taken no interest in encouraging you to referene your posts or in reprimanding you for posting your own grapgs from rr.director and then claiming them as official sources I think ill discuss WW2 elsewhere,

at the correctly spelt location below

Plus, I am a bitter Welsh person. [edited by Crab]

Discovery 3: I can non-stealth edit other people’s posts.

IRONMAN,please,add the url when you post something and you don´t mention the source,our rules said that every user must put the links,before posting the info.


Oh well you are welcome to go…awesome site BTW :roll: Bluffcove you act like you have no part in this flame war. And inregards to someone saying lets get back on topic. Well this was orginally part of ww2 bombers but all the crap was stripped out. It was then it was various debatealbe topics. But finally it was I that gave it the befitting name of Retarded Ranting and Raving. This is the worst topic on the site and is filled with mostly crap. Alot of you that post in this tread do post great things elsewhere but you keep coming here like little kids to play in the dirt and pic your noses. Its a worthless thread. Soon ill lock it off and move it out of the way. Seriously if a new member asked me what this thread was all about i would tell them not to read it because you would come out dumber in the end.

Actually on second thought I think I will move it.

apologies - testing out my mod-like powers for the first time. I thought this would be the ideal thread to fiddle with, as I am unlikely to detract from it.

Discovery 1: I can reply, even to a locked topic!

Nifty features of being a mod. I dont know if anyone ever gave you a run thru but feel free to ask? :smiley:

welcome to discovery channel, my friend

We should take actions if the things continue like this.

Check this:

Check the ip CAPSLOCKMAN is Bluffcove.