More classic Iron man

how can somebody claim that stuff like that? lol. he didn’t even bother to give proof.l

If you are referring to our friend Frionpan… It would seem proof was not needed, this site is littered with his wisdom. Might i suggest you read up on his failings before you defend him.

Note to all - please reference information given if it is to be taken as fact.

Personally I find reference to Wikipedia entries poor ‘proof,’ as they can and often are posted/edited by people to suit their own agendas.

The Wiki M1 carbine entry is a good example, I wonder who changed it on more than one occasion to fit in with his howling moonbat claims…?

Twat-man has escaped, He is on the loose on the global internet, He must be apprehended and hounded and abused with extreme prejudice. Beat him like a GWA stepchild, but remember kiddo!

He knows more than you!

observe the protege / Sidekick!

If you find him or other trolls lurking report them here - could this be him, he got banned, but im not sure what for!

Picking up Rivers post on improving US infantry hit probability by 100%, can any one tell me why I see so many pictures of US soldiers firing their weapons with the but of the rifle out of the shoulder. Normally on top

This was apparently his own group. He was the admin and closed it down.


That last photo - if he pulls the trigger the point of the butt is going to catch him right on the bony part of the shoulder, now I know 5.56 doesn’t kick that much but surely that’s still going to hurt?

thats anti-american blather right there.

I presume its difficult to lower the head to the stock for a good view throug hthe sights with the helmet on? but ive never played with American rifles so I wouldnt know.

I think I found him here.

Didn’t he mention that he was an expert on human relations, psychology and sex?


I have not yet read what the poster called Ironman on that site has written, but a thought has occured to me.

Our IRONMAN has, (amongst other things,) shown himself to have low self esteem hence his rude and supercilious posts.
If it is the same person as that on, is he merely trying to set himself up as an oracle there for some virtual world adulation, or more sinister, is he actually grooming ?

I dont think thats him. The style is all wrong and he claims to come from a diffrent part of the country.

Not even an early Holy Guano or anything. I dont think this is our friend.

I dont think thats him. The style is all wrong and he claims to come from a diffrent part of the country.

Not even an early Holy Guano or anything. I dont think this is our friend.[/quote]

The style is different, and that ironman uses txtisms in a way that our Frionscam doesn’t/didn’t…

Not really - it’s something very strange - you even see them doing it whilst shooting. I found no ergonomic reason why you’d have the butt in that position with an AR (that’s Armalite, not “assult rifle”, btw), let alone out of the shoulder.

Perhaps something to do with wearing CBA? That’s not something I commonly wear down the range, so couldn’t comment on!

I could understand if they are just looking through optics as I used to do the same with a SUIT and SLR, but it seems to be more wide spread than that. The US tends to look into things a lot more than the UK and is very good at developing ideas. There must be a reason for this wide spread drill. As for body armour (BA), we used smaller butts but besides that no real difference with the latter BA. The old flak jackets where a real problem as the butt would slip.

Showing your age there 2nd ! :lol:
There again, I’m still quite fond of the SUIT myself.

Reference the flak jackets, I thought the very first ones we had were the US ones (USMC I think,) with a fabric covered piece of rope on the right shoulder, (to keep the butt in place in a similar fashion to the placcy pads on the INIBA vest) - remember them ?

Back to the question though, the 16 series uses a straight line from the muzzle through the buttplate to the shoulder in an attempt to reduce muzzle-rise to a minimum. This necessitates the use of a high sight line.
With the advent of ‘flat top’ upper receivers, the optics are placed much closer to the axis of the bore, reducing parralax, which in some cases can make the firer adopt a strained neck position.
To counteract this, either while observing or aiming, the weapon may be raised higher on the shoulder, thereby negating the straight-line design to reduce muzzle climb…
See a bit of a circle here ?


The first FJ I had had rubber square attached to the shoulders (76) by 78 the green plastic pads with the ridge came in. The INIBA was about 80 and worn under the smock with plates front and back. I have read an account of Korea (I brought a star I think) and he spoke of being issued FJs.

Now the SUIT, excellent bit of kit but the person who designed the mount should be shot very slowly.

I always wondered why the sights were so high.

So it is a soldier solution to a design problem then.

I think that could be. Qoute from site

“Once a rat, always a rat.”

I’ve even seen the spams do it with irons and high-mounted optics.