More classic Iron man

In case any of you missed this, here it is again. IRONMAN has posted since and in the same thread. I’d like the support of an admin to give him a limited time (e.g. 48 hours) to retract the Gurkha comments or get another formal warning on the grounds of racist posting.[/quote]

Just in case we decide that constant lying and trolling isn’t enough of a reason to ban IRONMAN permanently, I will give him a formal warning for the above in 24 hours unless he retracts the statement. I will post publicly to that effect, as well as PM him.[/quote]

bout Britain and it’s presumedly inept, trigger-happy, careless, rape-ganging, prisoner-torturing, civilian blasting, fire-carpet-bombing, Gurka-fodder-enforcing dimwits.

I consider that whole sentence racist. If he recieves the warning and does not retract his statement then two things will happen. 1st, he will be issued his 5th formal warning. 2nd since he disobeyed a moderaters command to retract his statement he will be issued his 6th formal warning, which leaves us with one more until a ban. We either ban him now, or we wait a little.

5 - 1 month (if they disobey our command then we will continue onto the next step.)
6 Demoted one rank.
7 Complete ban.

As an alternative, we can just ban him outright for permanent bad attitude towards all other users. Being a troll should be a bannable offence if there is a consensus.

oops :oops: well I agree with Crab on this one:

My bold.

well, he is in probation, and one more complain about some tiny issue from him can lead to ban, so he is really close from being complete ban, so dont worry about ti

I have already received multiple complaints from Man of Stoat about IRONMAN openly lying, misrepresenting what Stoat has said and generally posting abusive rubbish. Will that do?

Works for me

Take a ganders at this:

26.5 centimeter = 10.4330709 inches

Yup. You blundered again. You just proved to yourself that a HV .22 LR can pass through a man. Stoat, most 9mm won’t pass through a man if they don’t hit bone either. LOL

Learning now are you?[/quote]

Is that not exactly what MoS said? That it would penetrate about 10’’

Why oh why oh why do you make it so easy for us Tinny?[/quote]

Yes, precicely. he did show that it can pass through a man at over 10". That is true. Alas, his contention that a .22 does not have the power to pass through a man was false![/quote]

You know, I was lead to believe at school that 10.6 was a larger number than 10.4. Although this doesn’t seem to hold in TINWALTLAND.[/quote]

Let us know when every human body, bullet, trajectory of penetration, and shootable point in a person’s torso are exactly the same, every time.
Make sure you provide technical data about bullets passing through lungs or missing them, stomachs, intestines, etc. We need that data because it all proves stoat’s chart wrong!

Listen to yourself. I know it pisses you that I was right and patent Office Clerk was not, because you are both members of the gang, but don’t swerve to farr from reality BBL.

Get over it already.[/quote]

My bold.

Forgot to state above: you can see IRONMAN’s bad attitude towards other members of the site.

Well, my deadline has expired.

I will issue a formal warning shortly - posting unsubstantiated racist material. He hasn’t responded to my repeated posts on the matter, or read my PM advising him that he needs to justify / remove the allegations in question. If there’s any doubt that IRONMAN may have simply missed the posts in questio, please review ‘Off-Topic: General’. There is a subtle clue in there.

Would a chief mod (or anyone else for that matter) like to issue the second formal warning for disobeying the instructions of a moderator?

There’s a third formal warning (which will result in a permanent ban) for constant bad attitude towards all forum users. For anybody with qualms about him just being flamed by British users, look at how he has been treating Hosenfeld on the thread about US Marines 10-1 kill ratios.

I believe that there is also a very strong case to be made for handing out an additional ban for constant repeated lying and trolling.

So far, I have him down for sufficient formal warnings to consitute a ban. There is also the possibility of a further outright ban. I will issue the first warning once this has been up for a few hours.

A little bit of support would be nice. He is ignoring the warning. He posted after, so I clarified that my warning resulted in him receiving a ban. He has continued to post.

IRONMAN has continued to post.

This would be an excellent time for a chief mod / Admin to step in to back me up, probably by further warnings / bans.

ok, he is ban
sorry for the delay

I would have backed ya up crab but i was learning how to develop trench foot in western norway. :smiley: :cry:

look at his new sig, made just for him

Thanks all. Get well soon Gen. Sandworm. Getting trenchfoot though? THAT’S BAD DRILLS, SIR!!! :wink:

Is he banned for a month or is banned forever? His avatar is “complete banned” type.

I think permeant ban :?

If it’s permanently banned, FW or Gen. Sandworm should post in warning section this information.

If it’s banned only for a month this is the effect of Crab’s warning.

Alrighty then.

If it’s permanently banned, FW or Gen. Sandworm should post in warning section this information.

If it’s banned only for a month this is the effect of Crab’s warning.[/quote]

FW banned him so ill let him make the call. Month or Permenant? Might as well go with permenant since he already changed his rank to DDchd.