Movie Reccomendations

If this thread is not to spread lies then I suggest you leave and don’t patronise me with that young man Shite I’ve more miliitary experiance in my llittle finger than you have Pal. If you are reffering to the films made in Hollywood Then I know what your problem is, you’ve been lied to :slight_smile:

I have read a great many books from both sides and they capture what it was really like far better than a movie even newsreels can’t fully capture the emotions involved.So maybe you should try something other than your propoganda.


…even though it was pretty accurate. But then, you never saw the movie, yet you have a crippling urge to bash on me for liking it.


You are sad my boy. Truly. It’s a sickness.

Not as much as the Blind patriotism that you display.


Not as much as the Blind patriotism that you display.[/quote]

Dont make me separate you to guys. Ill come back there slap the both of ya :smiley:

Another great war film was Midway. It had a host of major stars. Pretty realistic too. I think it came out in the 1970’s. A wonderful film.

no offense, ironman, if my suggest rules are in effect, you already be ban
and if you disagree with me/dont know my post, you can ignore it, lol
its not just to me, its also to other members in this forum

i quote myself
do not use offensive words against other members

if you failed to do so, dont post at all, thanks

I have not used offensive words against others, but instead have been defending against them.

It is a response to:

and to:

Why don’t you find something better to do than gang up on newcomers to this forum with made-up criticisms from non-existant people and make insulting remarks about thier country? Certainly when you do such things, you don’t expect the person to not respond in kind do you? If you were swing a stick at a dog, would you not expect it to snap at you?

Every opinion I have stated in this forum has come under immediate attack with supporting quotes from supposedly unknown persons, insults to my country, and lot’s of “I heard someone say that…” or “They say in Russia that…” or name calling such as “idiot” and “moron” and such, and any whay that you and can pull a rabbit from a hat to put down anything that I say. Why don’t you simply allow me to state my opinion without such rhetoric? Then you will not have to be upset that it illicits a response from me.

Be courteous to me and you will receive the same.

Anyhow, I think that U-571 is the worst movie that is based on WW2. At first, I thought it was really a pretty good portrayel, and I thought that it was pretty accurate, but then I found out. For those of you who dont know, in the movie they portrayed the Americans capturing the German U-boat and getting the code, but it was really the British that did it. So why did they make that movie like that anyway? I have no idea. But for people who watched that movie, and dont really take notice to history, then they are really getting the wrong information in their heads, which is sad.

It is a response to:

and to:

Why don’t you find something better to do than gang up on newcomers to this forum with made-up criticisms from non-existant people and make insulting remarks about thier country? Certainly when you do such things, you don’t expect the person to not respond in kind do you? If you were swing a stick at a dog, would you not expect it to snap at you?

Every opinion I have stated in this forum has come under immediate attack with supporting quotes from supposedly unknown persons, insults to my country, and lot’s of “I heard someone say that…” or “They say in Russia that…” or name calling such as “idiot” and “moron” and such, and any whay that you and can pull a rabbit from a hat to put down anything that I say. Why don’t you simply allow me to state my opinion without such rhetoric? Then you will not have to be upset that it illicits a response from me.

Be courteous to me and you will receive the same.[/quote]
everyone is trying to contribute to this forum, if you dont like the respond, you can ignore it, no one point a gun to you and said you have to respond it, and please read carefully, i never insult your country, i just suggest that the movie is not as accurate as you would think it is

yeah, i read the newspaper talking about that, i heard the government of bristish did protest a little bit for that movie

Hmm. They protested the Americans capturing a U-boat and depicting it in a film, with Americans doing the capturing? You heard that? I hardly think so. :roll:

I have a correction for you. The submarine was Unterseeboot 505 (u-505), not U-571 however, as named in the movie. It was America soldiers from the U.S.S Pilsbury led by US. Naval Officer Albert Leroy David with 8 men that got aboard that sub and got the crypotgraphic machine.

It was not the British that did that.

Nor did the british government protest the film. :roll:

You guys have been getting away with murder in this forum haven’t you.

The story is obviously false. But close enought to get the message across. The Americans did capture a complete German U-boat in late 42. The commander didnt follow the scuttling procedure correctly and the Americans had enought time to board and keep it from sinking. They dragged the half sunked Uboat back to the US with the enigma as well. But by this time in the war the British had captured 3 engima’s already. Nonetheless it was still helpful.

Hmm. They protested the Americans capturing a U-boat and depicting it in a film, with Americans doing the capturing? You heard that? I hardly think so. :roll:

I have a correction for you. The submarine was Unterseeboot 505 (u-505), not U-571 however, as named in the movie. It was America soldiers from the U.S.S Pilsbury led by US. Naval Officer Albert Leroy David with 8 men that got aboard that sub and got the crypotgraphic machine.

It was not the British that did that.

Nor did the british government protest the film. :roll:

You guys have been getting away with murder in this forum haven’t you.[/quote]

yes it is true that the Americans did capture a U-boat with the enigma, but in the Movie they depicted it as they where the first to do it. The British captured the enigma in 1941, however the U.S. only did it in 1944.

Here is the proof.

Taken from wikipedia U-571 the movie.

“Enigma and the associated “code books” (actually, cipher-key tables) were first captured from U-110 by the British in May 1941, before the United States’ entry into World War II. The British also captured material from U-559 in 1942. The U.S. Navy did seize German Naval Enigma material in June 1944 when it captured U-505 (the U.S. Navy’s first capture of an enemy vessel at sea in 129 years).
The film caused irritation in Britain. Critics argued that U-571 failed to portray history correctly because, in total, there were some 15 captures of Naval Enigma material during World War II, of which the Americans carried out one (U-505), the Canadians carried out one (U-774), and the British performed the rest. While the British captures from submarines and weather trawlers provided critical information for breaking Enigma, by the time of the American and Canadian captures, the Allies were reading Naval Enigma routinely. Moreover, the American capture of U-505 by a destroyer captain on the eve of D-Day might have put Operation Overlord in jeopardy. However, as acknowledged by the film-makers, the story of the film is entirely fictional.
Shortly after the release of the film, BBC radio interviewed a former British naval officer who had been involved in the recovery of cipher-key tables from a German submarine that was on the point of sinking; he commented that the film had nothing to do with any historical facts, but was entertaining.
U-571 was an actual German submarine, but that vessel was not involved in anything like the events depicted in the film.”

Thanks for clearing that up S.A.M. :smiley:

Silly or not they did.,,328809,00.html

No prob Gen.

Silly or not they did.,,328809,00.html[/quote]

The person who wrote that tabloid article made the same claim that WildBoar did: that the british made that U-boat capture. Did you not read it? You have seen that the truth is that the capture was made by US the US, and still you post the link to the person that claimed the british did it? :?:

From the article you psoted a link to:

“The latest sceptic to wade in against the movie is our very own culture secretary Chris Smith, who has damned the way the film credits Americans with a heroic mission that was actually undertaken by the British.”
please do not listen to unreliable source

Silly or not they did.,,328809,00.html[/quote]

The person that wrote that tabloid article made the same claim that WildBoar did: that the british made that U-boat capture. Did you not read it? You have seen that the truth is that the capture was made by US the US, and still you post the link to the person that claimed the british did it? :?:

From the article you psoted a link to:

“The latest sceptic to wade in against the movie is our very own culture secretary Chris Smith, who has damned the way the film credits Americans with a heroic mission that was actually undertaken by the British.”

I warned you guys against listening to rhetoric over dark beer in pubs, I should also warn you against believeing anything tabloid , liberal press members write. It will only convince you of lies.

I cleaned you post up a bit. Without trying to take away from what you where saying. You can edit if you like but keep it clean or I will delete it. Thanks :smiley:

Thanks. I really hate being drawn into that kind of behavior.