Movie Reccomendations

Ok you say the British didn’t capture the U-571 No problem with that but then neither did the USA so it was entirely fictional then?
Even your own countrymen who know their facts are telling you :roll:

Well, If you guys read my earlier posts, then you would know that no one ever captured the U-571.

Also the British were the first ones to capture the enigma code, but both the Americans and Canadians each captured one around 1944.

I think we can leave the discussion about the move U-571.

All I did was suggest a movie and here come the attacks and falicies.

Back to the topic now please.

There is something that I hope you will all read here:

really, someone in the forum say russian soldiers piss at this movie since it didnt accurately discribe history[/quote]

This was the source of all of the arguing in this thread. Because I was a new member, you attacked my movie suggestion and posted an argumentative post immediately after I suggested a movie. You did not do this behind any of the other people’s suggestions, only mine. Just so you know.

Stalingrad review: really nice with two major combat, one in the street of stalingrad(i guess), and one is some german infantry destroying a group of russian tank, very nice effect and pretty nice plot, what makes me disappointed is the actors are not very good somtimes, and they really talk a lot of BS, this movie would be a little bit better with a little bit more action and a little bit less talking, and the ending is kind of wierd, but otherwise this movie is perfect

Saving Private Ryan: i find this movie very boring in the beginning and i barely have the patient to finish the entier movie, and the end is very wierd, dont know why tom hanks would run toward enemy lines to kill himself? and that ryan would actually feel guility of tom hanks killing himself?

Downfall: this movie is very good but if you are looking for action movie, you will be greatly disappointed, this movie has two minutes of action maximum, and the rest is about hitler’s life under then bunkers and shows how berlin is being fired by artillery and planes. this movie has used real soldiers name is few of them are still surivive today (or just die within five years ago)

have anyone watch the following movie?
sincity, the schlinder’s list, the pianist, saints and soldiers?
i have all of them but havent watch it yet, but not sure which is the best to watch

When you rent a movie you get what you pay for. If you want fantasy thats ok but if you want a factual account try documentaries or movies based on the real events. Try Mid Way, Tora Tora Tora, The Battle of Britain, The Longest Day, Das Boot or the opening sequence of saving private Ryan. For documentaries try Fire falls from the sky ( the german experience of the Battle of Britain )Their’s was the glory (acted by veterns of market garden) The Black Panthers ( the experience of a black tank unit during the battle of the Bulge) Try the History Channel as Hollywood tends to produce movies that that they think Americans want to see rather than the truth ie, U541

has anyone heard of the new movie “Leningrad”, its will be out in 2006

Doesn’t sound like my type of film, “A powerful love story” no thanks.

I’ll check it out regardless. 8)

now,we have the movies forum section!!! :smiley:

The War movies that i classify as my favourite would be “Enemy at the Gates” , i have done research on Russia WW2, most of the information in that movie is correct.
Movies like “saving private Ryan” depict the typical american propoganda, telling viewers the U.S won the war and did all the normandy invasion on june 6 1944.

I have to defend Saving Private Ryan here. Normally, I’d agree that the Hollywood version of events is rather twisted - I wouldn’t be surprised to see a blockbuster epic about how the US Navy defeated the Spanish Armada with the aid of some token English ships, or how the US Army defeated the mongol horde (In both instances by saluting their flag a lot and shouting ‘HUH!’).

Private Ryan omits the non-US Allied contribution to D-Day because it wasn’t relevant to the storyline. It is entirely plausible that a group of US soldiers searching for another US soldier in the (presumably) US zone would not come across any other Allied soldiers. If they had crowbarred in all the other nations it could have ended up with really grating scenes as Tom Hanks meets up with yet another stereotyped British/Canadian/Indian/Free French/Polish soldier drifting past to make up the ethnic quotas.

Mind you, is Saving Private Ryan the film where someone describes Montgomery as ‘overrated’? If it is, I could have tolerated a stereotyped 'ard as nails British Sergeant entering from stage left and knocking out whoever said it.

While I think of it, I can thoroughly recommend ‘Dambusters’. The special effects are terrible, but I still get a chill down my spine every the Wellington comes in low by Chesil Beach with the Dambusters’ March playnig in the background. Plus, I can never remember when the Bomb actually bounces, so the suspense remains. The attacks on the Dams themselves are nailbiting every time. Apparently this film was shot in black and white so that it would be possible to splice in stock footage. See the thread on ‘Mohne Dam’ in British Military for more information on Op. Chastise.

Where Eagles Dare is another classic. As far as I know, it bears no relation to any real raid. Even so, it’s a very enjoyable film with a few more plot twists than you might expect at first glance. Richard Burton, Clint Eastwood (amongst others) are sent on a mission to a German Castle to rescue a captured US Army General. I won’t say more on the plot, as it may spoil your enjoyment.

“The Long and the Short and the Tall”

If not just for the memorable theme song. It’s old fashioned black and white stuff made in 1960, but it dealt with dilemna’s of war before such things became fashionable!

Basically, a British patrol capture a Japanese prisoner in the jungle. Near hysteria among some members about atrocities committed by the Japanese (for instance, the Japanese soldier has a cigarette case they believe is looted from a British soldier) cause them to want to kill the guy, while others believe that isn’t right and seek to protect him.

Good old film, well acted, where the enemy is human and the “good guys” can sometimes be turned monsterous by the pressure of war and all that stuff…

But, as I said - great theme song.

I think the english or the Russians today should make a movie dedicated to all them 30 million people lost that the germans slaughtered during world war two, or a fiction movie where the soviets go for world domination, that would be quite ammusing.
On other subjects… With Enemy at the Gates , they sent out more then just them 40 or 50 men when they charged them to the germans… a mroe realistic number would be 5000.

That’s the problem these days though. Film’s seem reluctant to use casts of extras on a “full” scale. They just have a few then CGI the rest or have us believe that battles were thought with a few dozen men…

“Back in the day” on the other hand, we had films where to get the extras needed meant going for help to… The Soviet Army! (Waterloo)

And also a lesson for modern film-makers. They used historical sources for the events and dialogue! Very little was made up for cinematic purposes! American film producers take note!

I think that the Russians today should make a movie dedicated to all the estimated 60 million people that Soviet Union killed in forced deportations, man-made famines, in GULAG, & by execution (not including war). Not likely to happen though, is it?

Oh, this is Rummel’s “best estimate” table from all the literature & stats available:

edit to add:

has anyone here seen the new movie “Downfall”, because i have heard it is out but wont be showing on theatres.[/list]

Ive heard its a pretty good flick…there is a topic about it in here if you want more info. It comes out on video/dvd in the US in mid august ive heard

re Leningrad

Well… it can’t be that bad can it?
