Movies that can make you cry

Wow, it’s been years since I saw that movie, that WAS sad. It was even sad when reading the book. I recently found the book “Savage Sam” by Fred Gipson about the “son” of Old Yeller. I haven’t read that since my teen years, so couldn’t tell you much about it. (I haven’t found my “Old Yeller” book…hmm)

War movies don’t make me cry, the last movie to make me cry was Two Brothers.

The only film I’ve cried to is The Green Mile.

I cried at the end of Titanic when DiCaprio drown in the frozen sea leaving Kate Winslet all alone.For some reason I also cry at the end of Forrest Gump when Jenny dies leaving Forrest alone with his son.
Can’t help it,I am a very sensitive guy.

I get “choked up” at the end of Lord of the Rings: Return of the King when Aragorn and Arwen and all the subjects bow to Frodo and Sam. It’s not a sad part, I guess it’s the honor given to them that does it for me.

Or, if you happen to have the extended versions of the trilogy, when the elves come to help at the siege in The Two Towers. (Always wished it had been written that way in the book).

I agree with kamehouse about Forrest Gump, that chokes me up also. And the part when he finds out that her son is his son, Forrest Jr. named after him.

Mate, no disrespect, but any film that kills di Caprio is a winner for me. Even better if he’s killed before it starts. :smiley:

Forrest Gump is, oddly enough, probably one of the best war, and anti-war, films ever made.

And great for a whole range of other reasons.

It manages at the same time to deride political, military and civilian stupidity while upholding the best virtues of them all.

remember LT Dan??? actor Gary Sinise. he has a band now. ever since 9-11. the LT Dan band.

Schindler’s list. that one chocked me up. it was hard to sit there and watch that.

“Where the Red Fern Grows” makes me misty eyed. “Saving Private Ryan” definitely tugs at my heart, the same with “Old Yeller” and “Letters From Iwo Jima”.

Ol’ Yeller still gets me even at 58 yrs old…I don’t even watch it when it comes on, but I did watch a clip that was on about Disney films last week and dammed if I didn’t have to get up and go blow my nose again.

I liked Mr Roberts a lot, it was on tonight in fact, but I never cried, I was very shocked the first time I watched it, after all the funny stuff to get slapped in the face by the ending. Now I get it…and I’m proud of Ensign Pulver for his last scene…

Cry? One never cries old chap. Almost cry is as far as I allow myself.

Almost cried watching ; The Holocaust (when the young daughter went into the back of one of those gas vans), Life Is Beautiful (the bit with the gramophone and the ending), and for some reason I’m quite affected by the ending to To Kill A Mockingbird.

WE HAVE A WINNER!! Man, the scene with the little girl!! (you know the one I’m talking about) Oh Dear Lord in Heaven! I didnt just cry, I sobbed. It was the use of that color man, it just kills me every time! (which is probably why i havent watched it in forever)

yeah her pink (or red) coat was the only color in the movie.

I watched “Saving private Ryan” yesterday again. I had tears…

When the emperor dies, in Return of the jedi knight!
I cry every time i see it!

That’s one of my all time favorite movie moments! When Darth Vader chooses his son (Luke Skywalker) over the Emperor and the dark side of the force.

I definately agree about Forrest Gump… There are a few scenes in Band of Brothers that tear me up… like when Bill Guerneer and Joe Torre get their legs blown off by German artillery. Completly off topic, that movie The Notebook gets me every time.

Elem Klimovs “come and see” from 1985, the best war movie I have ever seen. To mention something more mainstream, it would be the BBC series Band of Brothers.

The little girl in the red coat in Schindlers List survived the war.She recognised herself in the film and wrote a book called The Girl In The Redcoat.Just a bit of trivia for you.