Movies that can make you cry

I haven’t seen the movie in a while, is there some sort of reference to her in the movie (other than the coat) that she would come forward?

That i don,t know.I haven,t read the book,only the back cover.

The girls name was Roma Ligoka.

Thanks! I got curious after you posted, and googled for it. Found out a little about her story.

“Stalingrad” one of the best world war 2 movie !

The Pianist has some really sad and brutal scenes.
Off topic,"Field of Dreams"The last scene where Ray ask’shis father to have catch like when he was little. It tug’s at my heart.

“A league of there own!”
It’s very sad near the end of the movie! Also it’s about ww2 and women baseball.

My three ,even though they have been mentioned are,

  1. “Saving Private Ryan” with Mrs. Ryan getting the bad news.Though it has gotten easier getting through the scene after watching it so many times.

2)" We Were Soldiers" passing out those Western Telegrams.

  1. “The Fighting Sullivans” When the the family gets the bad news,The Dad still goes about his daily work schedule on the railroad and goes to work.As his train is pulling out he sees his sons atop the water tower as young boys waving to him off to work.Joe or George (cant’t remember which)survived the sinking but perished at sea.

Yep…That gets me about every time I watch the movie. My dad’s a WW2 vet and seeing his mortality kind of affects the situation I guess.

The one that brings me tears is not about WW2 but is close to. It’s the end of the movie: Taegukgi. It’s the strory of 2 brothers wo are in the same unit during the korean war.

LMFAO!! :lol: I know this was written a year ago, but I was thinking the exact same thing re-reading this thread…

Uhm, maybe you should watch the movie again or read this:

Yesterday Dec 7 my step daughter was watching movies on the DVD player and she asked my to borrow my “Pearl Harbor” movie,its one of her favorite movies.I asked her if it was because it was Dec 7,but she said no she just wanted to watch it.Anyway I sat down and started watching it with her on the part where the attack begins.It gets to the part where the soldier brings the nurse Betty in his arms and she is dead I started to get watery eyed,oh no I better get out here before a tear comes out and I have to explain why I am wiping my eyes.

Waal, I done been a yar older, but’n I doan change ma mind one whit.

Di Caprio, he’s still a shit. :wink: :smiley:

Thin Red Line made me cry tears of rage and boredom.

On a deeper note, “Earn it” is a profound punchline that caught me off guard in Saving Private Ryan.

Care to elaborate on that? I got a copy in my collection, watched it several times and thought it is an exceptional movie. I could never comprehend the partially harsh criticism.

Flamethrowerguy: First off, thanks for reading. I hope you caught the hyperbole for what it was intended. It’s been a while since I caught this film. I caved in to the avid recommendation of a friend who’s a bit of a film buff. He told me it was superior to Saving Private Ryan and I was prone to trust his opinion. The movie I saw was a typical Viet Nam “why are we here?” flick transposed onto a WWII backdrop. I guess it offended me that the victory in the Pacific Theatre could be imagined as a moralistic failure. It went against the grain of such beloved films as The Sands of Iwo Jima, The Fighting Sea Bees and even Bridge Over the River Kwai. There was even a scene that was rife with imagery of the My Lai massacre. I mean really, if you bring your wife to the front then you must expect things to get messy family-wise. Otherwise you have a great cast, wonderful cinematography and good pyro. I hope this serves as an explaination. I might give it another chance. I only intend to express my opinion, not change any minds.

A couple of films that I find touching.

The Gallant Hours (1960)

The Wings of Eagles (1957)

The Gallant Hours - Opening and Closing

The Gallant Hours - Movie 1960 - Opening and Closing Scenes - starring James Cagney as Fleet Admiral William F. “Bull” Halsey, Jr. U.S. Navy
Song - “The Gallant Hours Theme”.
Music and Lyrics by Ward Costello.
Performed by Roger Wagner Chorale.

The Wings of Eagles (1957) - Closing Scenes

Movie based on the life and writings of U.S. Navy Commander Frank “Spig” Wead - a pioneer naval aviator, renowned screenwriter, and man of war. The movie stars John Wayne as Cmdr. Wead and was directed by John Ford. Also stars Maureen O’Hara, Dan Dailey, and Ward Bond.

George !!! you son of a gun. haven’t seen you on here for a loooong. time. how ya doing ??? Gary

Hi Gary,

Great to hear from you too. I have been kind of busy on other projects, but still pop by from time to time. I recently bought a house and was pretty busy initially with the search, paperwork, and then with the move. I am still getting settled in but things are steadily getting put in order.

On the negative side, work has been a little slow because of the economy, but I’m hoping that business will pick up soon. On the positive side, I am eligible for the tax rebate for first-time home buyers. So I am looking forward to that.

I hope things have been going well for you :slight_smile: