Movies that can make you cry

we may try and sell our house again this spring. ill use a broker this time instead of of a realtor. if your a seller your in a hole !!!
I think maybe this is the worst winter ive seen in years. but we’re ok. good to hear from you. G

The last scene from Braveheart always gets me, the scene where the criminal… Sorry, the great Scottish warrior William Mel Wallace is on the rack, getting disembowelled and stretched, and you see his ex-wife in the crowd. Tears flowed freely at that point, when I realised that I could have spent the money that I wasted on a cinema ticket, on something more substantial… and the fact that I had lost several hours of my life watching such drivel, and would never get that time back! :wink: :wink:

This makes my eyes wet every time…
[b]Song from the movie “Tegeran-43”[/b]