Multiculturalism - Yes or No

Don’t forget sugar Ants, Mmmm, Tasty… (grubs are a bit bland, but okay if properly seasoned.) :slight_smile: :wink: I doubt that the majority of people expect a Borg like Assimilation of immigrants in general, Where would the U.S. be without the contributions of “Americans” such as Werner Von braun, Albert Einstein and Mssr’s Bell, and Tesla? (not to mention all of those other Americans who brought us Whisky, and Beer making. )




Jawohl !

Every country have own culture, this also based the tourism
Look I think if someone curious to another culture, go to the foreign country and learn or build his/her own personal life about the adored culture, but not confuse everybody’s culture in one place, this is no Disneyland :smiley:

You know, after seeing Lutton radical Muslim rally I certainly hope you don’t hold any managerial posts - because relying on your power of perception your shareholders would be bankrupt in no time. We discussed malignancy of US foreign politics in Middle East in other thread which you happily abandoned.

Slavic nations like Serbs, Russians, Croats, Czechs, Pols in Eastern Europe refused to accept any refugees whatsoever and have total support of population which obviously makes all of them racist shitheads.

That crazy Merkel women welcomed unlimited number of Syrians into Germany WITHOUT any referendum on the issue, which of course, would certainly vote down the idea. Democracy ? Result ?
I visited city Dusseldorf few years back as tourist and tried to count pretty blond German ladies on streets. You know how many I counted in 2 days among probably 10.000 pedestrians ? 0. None. Not one. So you see dear Nick, Germans as were known for 3000 years and who alongside Anglo Saxons and French account for most of technological and cultural development of this world have for all practical purposes been transformed (at least in major cities) and were successfully drowned in multiculty pot in last 50 years. In countryside situation may be better but that’s only a question of time with current breed of politicians.

In that sense Putin may have similarities to Hitler, but there won’t be any Sharia abiding immigrants slashing down soldiers with machete in Moscow anytime soon. And you may, dear Nick, soon follow gold reserves of City group all the way to Siberia.

  1. Russia is not only oil, but bound anything. It’s 1/3 of land mass, remember ?
  2. Your “vast” GNP is partially based on fictional dollar printing and debt inflation that is supported by unlimited world wide military intervention that changes regime in any raw material country that happen to refuse your “fictional” and “worthless” paper inflated dollars. It’s a ponzi scheme on gigantic scale that started with breakup of gold standard. When your military supported financial ponzi scheme finally collapses than we’ll see.

And by the way, your vast GNP means almost nothing to ordinary Americans who don’t even posses their own house and who live in debt all their life. It does, however, mean everything to top 5% which will happily sent other 95% to any war necessary to support the scheme. Including you.

Maybe you would like to read statements of Thomas Jefferson regarding banking criminal structure being setup in USA few centuries ago ? Or that is too much of intellectual reading…
Obviously down to earth, straight forward, personal insults are more to your liking and inclination.

Hard to know how to react to that rant. There is, clearly, “background” here, with which I am not familiar. One problem I have is that I agree - up to a point - with some of the points raised. In particular, I also am very worried at this stage by the quantities of “funny money” created by quantative easing on both sides of the Atlantic, and the possible consequences of it leaking out but, on the other hand, the implication that we could work the Gold Standard in current conditions is … impractical. Also, the problem of “cultural dilution” in the West is worrying - but some of this cultural dilution comes from social and cultural changes entirely within Western society. Also, I tend to agree about the actions of the “crazy Merkel woman”. She certainly bulldozed over a heap of European Union law in her “Statue of Liberty” gig, whether owing to a perception of German national interest, or due to sheer sense of omnipotence and hubris, or both, is a matter for conjecture. However, none of this means that Europe needed (needs) to come to an effective, reasonable and lawful response to the “refugee crisis”, notwithstanding the Iron Chancellor’s idiocy. I expect that she will get hers at the next German Federal elections.

I cannot agree with the implication that the Muslim world has made no contribution to the advance of culture and civilization. The bedrock of our civilization, culture, art, and science owes a very great deal to the transmission of classical learning conducted by Islamic cultures in the Middle Ages, and to Islamic culture and science. Ludicrous to suggest otherwise.

I do hope that we are not heading into another flame exchange/banning episode, here. This site seems a bit weak at the moment, anyway. Do we really need this ? Yours from a Bunker Near You, JR.

Then what is your point? I think the U.S. has accepted a few thousand, maybe 10,000 at most and tends to not have any major issues with Middle Easterners despite having a fairly sizable immigrant population. Outside of 9/11, you’d have a tough time finding much evidence that Muslim immigrants in the U.S. have done much of anything. And the 9/11 Attacks were premeditated externally with virtually no domestic support…

Maybe you should do some research, or finish school or something? Because if you’re implying this is about security, you might be hard pressed to explain why Putin’s Russia has endured a far greater number of Islamist extremist terror attacks than the U.S. has from it’s citizens and neighbors…

Mainly, I was referring more to your posts implying racial inferiority of African Americans with your “Ferguson” comment, which seems extraordinarily stupid given that their ancestors did not choose to immigrate to America. So obviously that has nothing to do with immigration. And the U.S. has had African influences in its culture since long before the American Revolution. So it’s nothing new nor particularly foreign…

That crazy Merkel women welcomed unlimited number of Syrians into Germany WITHOUT any referendum on the issue, which of course, would certainly vote down the idea. Democracy ? Result ?

I dunno. What does that have to do with me and why did you mention me in the first post of this thread. You’re an immature racist looking to troll here by vacillating between topics that deserve discussion then tying them to a greater racist and antisemitic conspiracy agenda that is pretty clear…

I visited city Dusseldorf few years back as tourist and tried to count pretty blond German ladies on streets. You know how many I counted in 2 days among probably 10.000 pedestrians ? 0. None. Not one. So you see dear Nick, Germans as were known for 3000 years and who alongside Anglo Saxons and French account for most of technological and cultural development of this world have for all practical purposes been transformed (at least in major cities) and were successfully drowned in multiculty pot in last 50 years. In countryside situation may be better but that’s only a question of time with current breed of politicians.

Oh no! No more Aryans in Germany!!

In that sense Putin may have similarities to Hitler, but there won’t be any Sharia abiding immigrants slashing down soldiers with machete in Moscow anytime soon. And you may, dear Nick, soon follow gold reserves of City group all the way to Siberia.

I dunno about Putin’s similarities to Hitler. But if you are so ignorant to imply that there haven’t been bloody terror strikes in Russia, you might want to Google “Chechnya”…

  1. Russia is not only oil, but bound anything. It’s 1/3 of land mass, remember ?

Not bound by oil? Really? Do tell. Please break down the Russian economy for us, genius. Then go count the number of Russian blondes…

  1. Your “vast” GNP is partially based on fictional dollar printing and debt inflation that is supported by unlimited world wide military intervention that changes regime in any raw material country that happen to refuse your “fictional” and “worthless” paper inflated dollars. It’s a ponzi scheme on gigantic scale that started with breakup of gold standard. When your military supported financial ponzi scheme finally collapses than we’ll see.


And by the way, your vast GNP means almost nothing to ordinary Americans who don’t even posses their own house and who live in debt all their life. It does, however, mean everything to top 5% which will happily sent other 95% to any war necessary to support the scheme. Including you.

Almost two-thirds or the American population “owns their own home”. Again, grow up idiot and do some research instead of just spouting ignorance…

Maybe you would like to read statements of Thomas Jefferson regarding banking criminal structure being setup in USA few centuries ago ? Or that is too much of intellectual reading…
Obviously down to earth, straight forward, personal insults are more to your liking and inclination.

Maybe you can link it? What does the “criminal banking scheme” have to do with economies of scale? I suppose much, but you seem to be just throwing out cliche conspiracy shit. Personal insults? Who called whom out by username in this thread?

You want to talk about multiculturalism and immigration, fine. If you’re trolling with a pretty clearly Neonazi/Ustaše agenda, I think that is a bit different…

Are you kidding? It’s been so long since we’ve had a troll to play with! No one is getting banned. :slight_smile:

Here we make the Trolls dance to earn their keep.


America was melting pot experiment , among other national and sovereign states. Now, national states disappear as experiment globalizes the world.

why ? dollar and gold would value less as volume of goods increased. It seems to be terminated because endless speculation and dollar printing by US banking gangsters would not be possible. FED is not state but private owned, did you know that Nick ?

Migrants refuse to assimilate ! You have whole Turkish neighborhoods in Germany where Turkish flags are raised when Germany plays Turkey !!!

I wait for moment when Lutton rally comes to NY and US police goes to hell.

a) How bout Baltimore, sugar pops ? Reason ? Blacks tend to drop out of school and have lots of children, all on social welfare of course… Did you learn something called geometric progression ?

b) Weren’t “African Americans” :slight_smile: repatriated to Liberia ? Would you remind me what marvelous state did they manage to build there ? Maybe you would like to compare that to Southern Africa for example ?
Not implying anything…just asking questions

At least Chechens are smart enough not to protest anywhere near Moscow…russia Always had Muslim minority, and porous borders - int’s not a continent

a) Russia has plenty of blondes and will for some time, thanks to Putin.
b) Which part of graph, don’t you undertsand ?

They don’t own shit, it’s all on mortgage, babun.

a) It’s not economies of scale, it’s dollar printing privileges…
b) Words of Thomas Jefferson - YOUR PRESIDENT, which you don’t learn in school…
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered…I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies… The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”

Oh, what can I say ? Don’t feed him ? I could write a small book in response to the latest rant. But I shall refrain … Yours from the Gates of Walhal, JR.

Witman111 said: " Words of Thomas Jefferson - YOUR PRESIDENT, which you don’t learn in school…" Well we did learn those words in school,they are fair well known words . Don’t expect us to hand you a larger spoon to stir our Pot with.

Are we still going on about this guy? Sounds like he would support Le Pen. Or Trump. Or my arch-nemesis.

The posts are utterly worthless, but it’s fun to watch him Dance.

Again, migrants refuse to assimilate as Putin and even Merkel pointed out before ! Why have Switzerland banned mosques in referendum … probably because they are primitive and backward nation …

Obviously there are some here who did not and asked for illumination.

tankgeezer I am utterly unmotivated with your comments :):):slight_smile:
hopefully some suicide bomber will shake you up :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s a measure of desperation to be quoting Putin on anything.

As for Switzerland, its long and continuing history of hiding the loot of various dictators and appalling regimes guilty of the worst crimes against humanity demonstrates that it isn’t primitive or backward, just repulsively venal and mercenary. It would be a deservedly economic backwater if it had to rely upon its modest resources of cows and snow.

As for migrants assimilating to the host community, and as somebody married to a migrant to my country who fled the horrors in the former Yugoslavia said to me about a year ago, “As long as they live by our laws and customs, I don’t care who comes here”.

That doesn’t mean they can’t continue their own customs and language and beliefs, as long as they’re not insisting that we have to change our ways to accommodate them. Which, apart from the occasional arrogant arsehole from various ethnic and or religious sectors, they don’t. Over time, we’ll all learn to accommodate each other in reasonable matters.

As for the arrogant arseholes and their demands, if they don’t like it here they can f**k off. Which is the same opinion shared by the majority of recent migrants who came here for a better life.

I doubt that TG is greatly, or even slightly, concerned with motivating you.

Your intolerant sentiment that TG or other people should be hurt or even killed by a suicide bomber to demonstrate your intolerant opinion about intolerant people of the sort given to suicide bombing espoused by ISIS etc puts you in the same category as ISIS.

Do you think it’s a bit odd to be demanding that migrants assimilate while at the same time hoping that TG or other members of his dominant community, to which you want migrants to assimilate, will be hurt or killed by a member of the small proportion of migrants who not only don’t assimilate but violently reject the dominant community of which TG and the people you want hurt to demonstrate your empty point are members?

Seems to me that you have a way to go before you have assimilated to the the dominant community of which TG is a member so, until you get on board with the rest of the dominant American and wider Western community which finds suicide bombing repugnant, I’d suggest that you leave your head up your own arsehole and don’t post again until you renounce advocating suicide bombing of American, or any other, citizens just because they disagree with you.

I looked through the posts, and found no one had asked for illumination. I did see you as usual attempting to troll the site, a behavior that has in the past earned you well deserved vacations. As to you being motivated, it is impossible for me to care less what if anything motivates you. Were you a thinking person, (admittedly a long shot, but a slim possibility) you should pay heed to RS* advice, as presently, you’re sitting up a tree, on the wrong side of the saw.

Did the Swiss ban mosques … or just minarets ? Having some familiarity with modern Swiss cities, I would say it is just possible that many who voted for the ban were worried that more minarets might break the continuity of the predominant skylines of uniform apartment blocks and rather less uniform enormous headquarters buildings of various international organisations (ILO, WIPO, FIFA …).

It is actually quite impossible to ban mosques. I suppose you could try to use planning/use laws (and the Swiss are top-hole about that sort of thing) but, in the end of the day, all you need to set up a mosque is a smallish room for ablutions (and to lose the shoes) and a large room with plenty of carpets, mats etc, along with a few cinder blocks to create the shrine-thing facing towards Mecca. That’s it. Around the corner from my house is what is reputed to be Ireland’s most radical mosque, catering mainly for Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. It is an adjunct to a large warehouse operation run by a Moslem entrepreneur involved in the importation of spices and exotic pulses and vegetables from the Indian sub-continent. (Very useful service to the community - we never run out of basmati rice, tinned spinach or brown lentils around here.). Our other (known) mosque was Dublin’s first - it is located in a former Protestant Christian church, across the road from a former synagogue. One day I was stopped by a cheerful young south east Asian van driver who asked me for directions to this place of worship. I told him where it was, to be answered with the question as to whether it had minarets. I had to describe to him what it actually looked like, managing to remember that it was distinguished from actual Protestant churches by having a Crescent Moon emblem on the roof. He did not seem particularly surprised …

I say “only other (known)” because it is virtually certain that there are more around the area, housed in less conspicuous premises. While the radical lentil appreciation society around the corner might be worrying, I am more worried by some of these micro-mosques which, along with their associated madrassas, are the most likely hosts for ultra-radical foreign imams and other dodgy Islamist characters who, it has recently appeared, have begun to visit the country in order to ensnare young Irish Muslims (and most of them are, legally, Irish) to the cause of ISIS or Al-Queda. Our security forces appear to have limited penetration of this world (hardly surprising - the average young military intelligence officer or Garda would not have learned Arabic, Urdu or Punjabi in his primary school) and our Muslim clerical establishment remains much more complacent about this trend than their counterparts in, for example, the UK. Of course, it may not all be complacency. After all, one of the most vocal Islamic spokespersons here is based on our largest Islamic cultural centre, which is linked to a large mosque (with minarets) located in prosperous south Dublin, which was certainly constructed (and is almost still subsidized) from outside the country. Who could be supplying the dosh ? Could it possibly be Wahhabi interests located on the Arabian Peninsula …? Yours from the New Caliphate, JR.

Maybe this fellow is the Bag Man.
