My new Mosan Nagant

Dont wory thats can happend anyone you only need to delete post. :wink:

I deleted it for you.

Man of Stoat, how hard is it to get firearms in the Netherlands? Is there a limit on the number you can own?

Collecting militeria is a great way to preserve the past guys, look after the gear, but also learn your stuff as there are a lot of fakes around. I collect Russian and German guns, I have a bit of Russian militeria as well but steer clear of it now because of the fakes.

It is now almost impossible to get a collectorā€™s licence as an individual, unless you are very well-published or own a museum.

The sports shooterā€™s licence (what I have) is much easier to get (although not /that/ easy) - join a club where you can shoot the things you want to own (for this you need a bewijs van goedgedrag - basically a criminal record declaration & to convince the club youā€™re not a nutter). Then you need to shoot regularly for one year. Then you can get your licence which entitles you to 1 firearm for the 1st year, and from then on up to 5. You must also shoot 18 times a year to justify ā€œgood reasonā€. And how much of this impacts public safety? Almost none of it. Itā€™s just bureaucratic obstacles put in your way. As to what you can own, almost anything not fully-automatic, but no semi-auto pistol calibre carbines based around military actions, no rifles with a barrel less than 30cm (unless they were in the system before 01/08/2005), no pump or semi shotguns (unless they were in the system before 01/08/2005), no downconversions from select-fire to semi-auto (unless they were in the system before 01/08/2005), and nothing firing from an open-bolt. Thus you can have the Beretta CX Storm but not an Olympic Arms 9mm AR-15.

There is another category which is free to own though, under Art. 18 RWM - To over-simplify, if itā€™s black powder or Flobert-system, made before 1945, and NOT a centrefire cartridge revolver, then itā€™s free to own. If you want to shoot it, just the ammunition has to be on your licence.

Sounds like you guys just got hit by a new law, thats a real pain in the backside. I recently got asked by a guy over there what our laws are like because heā€™s thinking of moving to a more ā€œgun friendlyā€ country.

Good luck with your SVT40 when it arrives btw, they are a great rifle!

man that sucks, u have to go though all that to get a gun? Im 16 and all i had to do is get my mom to buy it with my money with a quick back ground check and it was mine. I feel for u guys who have strict gun laws, here in the US is really easy to get guns and u dont have to have a reason to buy them, just the money :smiley: . But this can be bad because some people are stupid and make everyone who has guns look bad. I personally am safe with weapons and i am not one of thoughs ā€œstupid peopleā€ :slight_smile:

Over in Australia its pretty hard to get a Gun, I can remember my grandad trying to persuade the court to allow him to keep his shotgun that he got from a German.
To have a license over here to have a weapon you need a license and do heaps of this paper work and crap and regular shire inspections, but if your a farmer like alot of people are then having a projectile weapon is easy :slight_smile: .
The weird thing is that you go through hell just to owne a gun but you can easily just go to your local market or shop and buy a huge hunting knife, spear or garden explosives :lol: ā€¦ect etc

We have strict gun rules for the good of the country, to stop terrorists, physcoā€™s, mental people, or untrusted people from harming anyone or anything.
Like America goes easier with allowing guns, and look what happensā€¦guns in schools and gangs and all.

We have strict gun rules for the good of the country, to stop terrorists, physcoā€™s, mental people, or untrusted people from harming anyone or anything.
Like America goes easier with allowing guns, and look what happensā€¦guns in schools and gangs and all.[/quote]

look at Switzerland - they give almost all males a full-auto assault rifle and look what happens - absolutely nothing.

We have strict gun rules for the good of the country, to stop terrorists, physcoā€™s, mental people, or untrusted people from harming anyone or anything.
Like America goes easier with allowing guns, and look what happensā€¦guns in schools and gangs and all.[/quote]

CJ do you have a gun , :wink:

What, like the UK where since banning handguns in 1997, handgun crime has risen 300%? And firearms homicides are at their highest level ever?

Cos, you know, also in the US, the places with extremely strict control like DC & NYC are totally peaceful & violence free, but Vermont, Alaska, and so on are total war zonesā€¦ not.

Seriously - donā€™t start this argument, since a few of us on here have read a huge amount of literature on the topic. Anyone can play the ā€œUS - loose controls, high gun crime, Japan - strict control, low crimeā€ game, and then any fool can play the ā€œUK - strict, high gun crime, Switzerland - loose, low gun crimeā€. Looking laterally like this is a waste of time - Killias tried it (although his data collection was fundamentally flawed), and thereā€™s a better correlation between car ownership & gun homicide than the correlation that Killias achieved. What is far more interesting is to look at the impact longitudinally of what happens when the law changes to get more strict or less strict - the UK being a prime example of the law getting stricter & gun crime getting worse, the US being a lovely example of crime against the person in general going down when a state goes shall-issue CCW. Nowhere has the firearms law ever got stricted and resulted in reduced violent crime. Never.

Ok Ok dont be angry , :wink: :wink:

What, like the UK where since banning handguns in 1997, handgun crime has risen 300%? And firearms homicides are at their highest level ever?

Cos, you know, also in the US, the places with extremely strict control like DC & NYC are totally peaceful & violence free, but Vermont, Alaska, and so on are total war zonesā€¦ not.

Seriously - donā€™t start this argument, since a few of us on here have read a huge amount of literature on the topic. Anyone can play the ā€œUS - loose controls, high gun crime, Japan - strict control, low crimeā€ game, and then any fool can play the ā€œUK - strict, high gun crime, Switzerland - loose, low gun crimeā€. Looking laterally like this is a waste of time - Killias tried it (although his data collection was fundamentally flawed), and thereā€™s a better correlation between car ownership & gun homicide than the correlation that Killias achieved. What is far more interesting is to look at the impact longitudinally of what happens when the law changes to get more strict or less strict - the UK being a prime example of the law getting stricter & gun crime getting worse, the US being a lovely example of crime against the person in general going down when a state goes shall-issue CCW. Nowhere has the firearms law ever got stricted and resulted in reduced violent crime. Never.[/quote]

i agree, the crime where i live is very low even though we live a hour from D.C. and nearly everyone has guns.Guns dont cause crime, people cause crime and citys are full of people.

My only point to add is this.

If evryone were to own a gun and a heated argument started and someone reached for a gun and shot someone in the heat of the moment it would be a lot more violent than simply getting or receiving a beating.

That said, the amount of stabbings that occur in Glasgow are outrageous right now, but not everyone dies. If gun culture ruled instead of knife culture Im sure there would be a lot more deaths.

The counterpoint to this is I suppose, if a criminal suspected I was carrying a gun, would he attack me in the first place?

Im actually on the fence here and am neither for or against. However I have and do enjoy shooting, but as a Crab am not really that good. What do you expect from firing 20 live rounds a year at 25 metersā€¦ The phrase banjo and Bulls arse comes to mind.

What, like the UK where since banning handguns in 1997, handgun crime has risen 300%? And firearms homicides are at their highest level ever?

Cos, you know, also in the US, the places with extremely strict control like DC & NYC are totally peaceful & violence free, but Vermont, Alaska, and so on are total war zonesā€¦ not.

Seriously - donā€™t start this argument, since a few of us on here have read a huge amount of literature on the topic. Anyone can play the ā€œUS - loose controls, high gun crime, Japan - strict control, low crimeā€ game, and then any fool can play the ā€œUK - strict, high gun crime, Switzerland - loose, low gun crimeā€. Looking laterally like this is a waste of time - Killias tried it (although his data collection was fundamentally flawed), and thereā€™s a better correlation between car ownership & gun homicide than the correlation that Killias achieved. What is far more interesting is to look at the impact longitudinally of what happens when the law changes to get more strict or less strict - the UK being a prime example of the law getting stricter & gun crime getting worse, the US being a lovely example of crime against the person in general going down when a state goes shall-issue CCW. Nowhere has the firearms law ever got stricted and resulted in reduced violent crime. Never.[/quote]

i agree, the crime where i live is very low even though we live a hour from D.C. and nearly everyone has guns.Guns dont cause crime, people cause crime and citys are full of people.[/quote]

Ok i dont think on normal people i think on drunk and crazy peoples who only wants do finish things with guns ,not peaceful. :wink:

Well true that in every country you will find a weirdo or maniac that has guns but gun rules over here are quite fair i reckon.

Oh, yes, it was a great idea for the taxpayer to ā€œbuy backā€ all those sub-100mm revolers so that everyone could go & buy nice shiny new over-100mm revolvers. And the semi-auto rifle ban was a raging success too, wasnā€™t it? :roll:

Luckily once the scots ban air rifles, all gun crime in Scotland will be eliminated.

Obviously it was the air rifle that was the problem, not the crazed druggie wielding it.

LOL yeah right. Read a little more. Australian gun laws are pathetic. Iā€™ts damn hard for a doctor to get a pistol licence for sporting use (someone who saves lives on a regular basis) while a thug with a security badge can carry one in the street.

Makes perfect sence to meā€¦ NOT!

Read the recent threads mate, :shock: , im saying over here we are quite strict with gun licenses and laws to permit one. :roll:
Get YOUR facts right.