New here and I have a story for you.

What is your problem Rising Sun?!?!?!?!?!? I am simply trying to share the story of my great uncle and his squadron and all you do is throw negativity my way. If you can’t say anything even remotely nice, then keep all of your hate to yourself. Thank you.

RS is just a factual sort of guy and doesn’t hate you. His quest for accuracy and description in source info is his way of ensuring that the wrong info doesn’t get out there. Because your sorta new, I guess you have to earn your stripes before you can dance. Love your post though, I enjoyed reading it.

My problem with you, so far, is that you’re lifting stuff from the internet and presenting it as your own or someone else’s work. That doesn’t help your credibility.

And do be a dear and show all of us where I have said anything that any remotely rational person could perceive as evidence of hate on my part.

17 posts in and you choose to insult a mod here. Im sorry but thats just not acceptable to me.

Here is my problem with this story. You dont back it up with any evidence at all. Whats your grandads name? What unit did he fly for. 25 missions and 50 sorties? plain wrong, a mission is a sortie, or rather can be. A mission can be flown by 12 aircraft, that would be 1 mission for 12 sorties.

So did your Grandad fly 25 missions?

Lastly, while not totally unknown, by the Normandy campaign the germans would be hard pushed to send up 50 aircraft and would be very lucky indeed to bypass the hundreds of Allied fighters that were around the area day after day.

So please post your proof by all means, but also please refrain from insulting the Mods, or indeed anyone else here becuase they feel that you are being somewhat economical with your story.



I’m done with this website. I’ll move on to a WW2 site that does not have such hateful and disrespectful members.

You mean one that doesn’t question your obscure and so far unsupported claims?

Bloody Germans! You’re all so coldly logical. :smiley:

Can’t your feel the man’s pain. :wink:

Colonial wimps…

You should know better than adopting the English habit of talking around the actual matter… :wink:

Mea culpa. Mea culpa. Mea culpa.

I apologise for viciously wounding Joel and driving him away with my consistently hateful and disrespectful assaults upon him, such as in my posts #6, 8 and 19 above. I missed it when I wrote them but now, informed by Joel’s pain as the innocent victim of my vile words, I can see the hate and disrespect dripping from them. I am actually astonished that one of the other mods did not delete my offending posts for breaking just about every rule on this board.

It’s obviously a deep flaw in my character that not only have I hurt Joel by my poison pen but that I also view Joel as a thin-skinned, self-pitying, borderline paranoid, plagiarising twat who tries to present himself as a persecuted victim when he’s really just running away to avoid answering awkward questions. So I must apologise for thinking ill of him in that respect.

Joel was kind enough to send me a parting PM pointing out the flaws in my hate and rage filled personality. I’d respond to it if he hadn’t slunk off in a girly sulk, but there’s no point responding to someone who isn’t here because he’s gone to forums with members who won’t challenge problems with his posts, unlike the hate filled and disrespectful bastards on this forum. However, the main reason I can’t respond to Joel’s last PM is that I couldn’t stop laughing long enough to write. So I must also apologise for laughing at Joel’s unsolicited PMs, because he obviously takes them very seriously.

I think that takes care of all the apologies Joel would like me to make. What a pity he’s not around to accept them graciously as part of a mutual healing process.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Well, I was trying to be clear and direct. :wink:

As I hope I have managed to be in my abject apology to Joel. :wink: :smiley:

Good bye! Come back with a better troll next time…

Wow, this thread seems to be getting more ‘Goodbye’ posts than actual posts while people still cared.

Amazing :smiley:

PS: I know I’m part of the problem.

I miss Joel already…Fairwell my young lad. I sorta liked him. I’m still getting over Aly J’s absence…so lonely…:army:

I’m sure that if you asked nicely, and maybe brought some presents, RS* and Nickdfresh would be more than happy to help you over your… loneliness :mrgreen:

And there, my dear Herman, are points of screaming similarity with your long lost friend. Who usually makes her next appearance a few weeks after being banned in her last incarnation, which timing was about right for Joel’s appearance.

Except that after some rather detailed investigation I am fairly sure that there is no connection between Joel and aly, apart from what might be yet another intrusion into this forum by a poster of a particular type in the aly j mould (possibly trying to dock with the mother ship, which may be you :wink: :mrgreen: ).

Indeed, there is probably a genuine element to the Joel109 posts here which are part of an internet search on several forums for information about the missing great uncle.

The only problem is that the poster on this forum exhibited features and conduct which were not consistent with posts by the searcher elsewhere. Whether that is due to the poster being an imposter or meeting a more challenging membership here will never be known as he, or she, slunk off when challenged. Which suggests that it wasn’t the genuine Joel109 but perhaps someone who appropriated that identity from plenty of material on the internet. As he, or she, presented misappropriated internet material here and on at least one other forum. So nobody can work out where truth, if any, starts and bullshit starts.

Where did you get that crazy idea?

Herman is lonely for a very good reason, based mainly on Darwinian selection and I (and I expect Nick) ain’t gonna interfere with the immutable laws of nature. :wink: :smiley:

If Herman wants to alleviate his loneliness he would be better off spending his money on a blow up love doll. If he hasn’t already. :smiley:

Leave Herman alone…he aint hurting anyone…now I have a story for you…here it is…(my constructive contribution for today)

Chicago O’Hare Airport was named after Butch O’Hare who was a WW-2 pilot who died in action. Butch O’Hare was awarded the Medal of Honour.
Butch O’Hare’s father was a lawyer for the notorious Al Capone and was known as Fast Eddie.
It is quite interesting to see how society can condemn one person for his illegal notoriety and yet tribute and honour another person (the son) for his greatness!
I found the history of re-naming Chicago’s airport to O’Hare Airport quite interesting.

“… Darwinian selection…”

Has Sasquatch-ette already left Toronto, RS?
:shock: :smiley: :mrgreen:

Regards, Uyraell.

I got a question for you guys I have made a few post told some of my Grandfathers story and shared a couple of his Photos, Said a few things had an opinion or 2.

Outside of trolling the net for informationand reading books how many of you have met any of the Veterans you write about or have done any real research IE going to the archives and getting the source?

Here is an Example Stephen Ambrose stated in his book D-Day that on Omaha beach no heavy mortars or artillery were used on D-Day this statement is False why because my Grandfather had his 4, 81mm mortars set up at the rear CP of 2nd Bat and all 4 were firing before 10 am on the 6th of June an 81mm Mortar is light artillery he lost one Mortar team on D-Day, one man in the minefield and 2 to a direct hit while manning the mortar. The compnay had 26 men wounded and 8 MIA that 8 MIA is My Grandfather’s missing squad plus him He was the Forward Observer and was in Colleville with , Spalding, Dawson and Shelby and many others, yet no historical offical or unoffical states this,Minus the Pouge interview with spalding but he is misspelled Shelby’s Name Shelly.
you can read the History report here.

Also 81st chemical Mortar were set up but didnt fire a shot, as they werent neede because the 81’s were doing the Job and so was the navy.

So am I wrong? was Stephen Ambrose wrong?

Make Note several other Historians and a Museum director and I have been carefully reconstructing the Battle for Colleville for 7 years we have dicovered flaw after flaw and will try like hell to get it corrected. The only mention of H company on D-Day is a mention about Joseph P Parks and peter Cavelerie who recived the DSC for his actions on D-Day. And a short blip about H co receving heavy causualties while going up easy red trail. I wouldnt call 3 KIA and 26 wounded high causalties. Considering evey other company in the Batalion was cut to less than half strength with F co being completely whiped out exept 13 men of 256.

Really Rising sun M8 you shouldnt be so quick to suspect peoples stories to be BS you can try to pull that on me and I will prove you wrong time and time again as I have the reports photos and stories from Grandfather and his men, So much of this is history will be lost and so much of it has yet to be discovered. Also I like to learn and If I am wrong and can be proven wrong am willing to eat shit, but noone is perfect especially not historians as they are the last to deal with the paper moster of S-3 and the like.

Yes I have terrible grammar and spelling dont remind me.

Frankly, most of my information comes from Books, the Internet and Lectures.

I have lucky enough to have one of my classmates come in to our history class and retell his time in the Wehrmacht, which spanned from Guard duty at Gibraltar to fighting at the Eastern Front. Sadly, that’s been at least 4 years, and I’ve forgotten many of the details, especially most of the locations.

I have one living and two deceased Grand-uncles, all three of which were Paratroopers in the German Army during WW2, the still living one even took part in the invasion of Crete.

Sadly, I haven’t seen him in the last 3 years, which was pretty much the time when I started to get really interested in history. I’m trying to get to visit Germany again, hopefully by next year, so once I’ve been there and done that, I’ll try to retell his story.

Until then, I’m afraid I’ll be one of the people who can mainly only refer to books, etc.