New here and I have a story for you.

Most of my info comes from learning on this forum and listening to my dad brag about the days when Germany use to be a Great Super Power. I wish I had more time to read books but…why should I, when Shuultz can read them for me and I learn from what he posts!:):slight_smile:

I dig it and understand, my best man and first sargent his grandparents were both in the SS and he is now a BRO man god bless his soul.

My biggest advice to you is to go to Germany as soon as possible and record detail for detail their histories and record and photograph any artifacts they have this history is very important as we are leaning to a repetr of the 40’s again here pretty quick if as a species we don pull our collective head out of our collective ass!!!

hahahah as much as this site annoys the shit out of me somtimes as a place to share information and the like you guys can be funny as hell,

I am a serious reseacher, the hours if not years of my life that have been dedicatd to the reconstruction of my Grandfathers unit’s history has been long and hard I will probably be finished with this project for the 75th anniversery as my research has been limited up until the freedom of information act opened up the archives for personal information on non family members soldiers information for private people…

wish me luck people

if anyone is in Normandy this year My reenactment group BIG RED ONE Sweden will be camping at the Big Red One Museum in Colleville sur mer, stop by!

Yeah, well, I was planning to visit my Grandpa (and through that, my Grand-Uncle) this year, but paperwork got in my way…

Here’s hoping I still have a chance to talk to him next year…

Visas? you dont need a visa to come to Germany if you are visitning family its under a recent act that economic cooperative nations of the eu do not require a visa for short term visits up to 3 months…for US passport Holders.)

I urge you again to presue presue presue they could pop off tomorrow…

I have had this happen with my Vet Buddies (Cpt Bob Irvine Feb 2007) (Sgt George Gevonvich 2006) its heart breaking cos you can no longer get information from them and share with them the incredable things they participated in…I feel blessed to have talked to them at all.

Never the less I’ll quote a 29th Div vet I know “doesnt matter how much you do for us just the fact that you care is all that really matters”
I bout burst when he said that, I guess for me this has become an obsession but what the hell I could be dooing allot worse things with my life…
Dont forget the telephone is better than nothing.

Visa isn’t a problem - I’m still a German citizen. The problem is that my passport expired since I moved to Canada, and I have to go to Ottawa to get it updated, otherwise the Airlines wouldn’t even let me board.

ARRRGGGGGGGG passports uff you should be able to do it by certified mail.

Not since Germany felt like they had to introduce Biometric data on your passport…

Lucky I got a new pass when I was home! bummer =(

This is my first post,only because I stumbled across this picture on another forum.Maybe Joel was a little excited and didn’t know how to present it to you guys as a new member and stumbled on his facts.This is his great uncle who gave his life for his country and rest in a cemetery in Normandy.

Talk about people in glass houses throwing stones! :rolleyes:

I know this as “people in glass houses have to shag in the basement”.:smiley:

That’s… different, I guess. Never heard that variation before ^^

Don’t you have curtains in Germany? :smiley:

That would defeat the purpose of a glass house, now, wouldn’t it? :wink:

open your pictures in whatever program you view pictures on your computer. go to edit or format and do resize. then do percentage until you get less than 1000 X 1000 for the size in bytes.

I don’t know if Joel is a Troll or not, I defer to you guys with much more experience then me.

I have only had real access to the internet for about 5 years, but I have been interested history for a long
time and I have read a lot in my life.

Shortly after I got on line I made a comment on another military site that one should be careful when dealing with “war stories“ . I know, absolutely, that many of the tales I have heard from vets cannot be totally true. This doesn’t detract from their service, it may simply mean that they have told the story so many times and for so long they believe the story to be true.

We (vets) have been known to exaggerate our service and deeds.

I was banned from that site and labeled a “troll”, at that time I didn’t even know what a “troll” was and I still don’t know exactly what I said that was so wrong.

Could be Joel is young and taking comments way too personally.

What a blend of personalities! You guys KILL me! I love it here, my FAVORITE wwII forum!

Stories are just that.
Some folks have not learned that.
I belong to a vet email group.
A couple of my old team members also belong-we don’t get to tell any whoppers.

I have known a great many vets in my 64 years. Family, friends and neighbors.
I began collecting relics in the 50s when most were still in vets closets.
Heard lots of tales.

Some have forgotten details, some actually make up things.
Some are toally honest. Thing is, unless you were a witness, you will never know.
One thing my group notices is obituaries that are simply untrue on many levels.
Some guys have lied to their families who absolutely believe the nonsense they have been told.

I was with JFK Center in the mid ‘70’s, I spoke with SF guys who witnessed and/or participated in the filming of the GREEN BERETS. According to them they competed to see who could get the film makers to believe the most outrageous stories (apparently David Jansen was most gullible). They told me the Hollywood types would believe anything.
Might explain why so few good military movies are made.