Next US President!

I think it was: “he’s a lunatic,” a “closet liberal,” womanizer, gay, his wife is a druggie and drunk, he has a black daughter, he’s too old, etc…

and who cares???

I do. McCain is a total flaming hypocrite for even pointing that out!

its a new ball game. Obama went after Biden’s foreign policy experience. Obama has none.

Obama has more “foreign policy” experience than Bush acquired as the gov’ of Texas…

Biden has a big mouth and always sticks his foot in it.

So does McCain, and an even bigger temper.

so who going to train him to be an Obama man???

Who said he is to be “Obama’s man?” Obama said he wanted someone that would challenge him and not be a yes-man…

the media will eat his alive.
in a crisis will Obama answer that phone at 3 am or call Biden???
McCain will pick his next week…

What do you mean? The media seems to approve actually. And how well has McCain done with the “3:00am call” when he plagiarized part of his Georgia speech from Wiki, his key adviser was a paid lobbyist for Georgia, then sent his own “team” to Georgia effectively undermining the Bush Admin…

Obama’s foreign policy will be run by foreigners !!!

“he’s a lunatic,” a “closet liberal,” womanizer, gay, his wife is a druggie and drunk, he has a black daughter, he’s too old, etc…

you think. don’t you know??? lets see the black daughter if you please, proof he’s womanizer, his wife is a druggie and drunk. ill wait for the proof. if he’s all you claim he is why is he in the lead right now and the libtards are sweatin’ bullets???

Um, waving hand overhead.

Actually, I don’t believe ANY of that. Accept that perhaps McCain is a bit of a womanizer, and I have some respect for that.:wink: But other than that he’s a decent man whom I still have some respect for. I was repeating the attack line against him used by the Karl Rovian bastards in 2000. Especially the one about his “black daughter,” who was actually a Bangladeshi adoptee, not related to McCain genetically. But of course, the Republicans used this against him in slightly racist fashion in South Caroline to deliver the primary to George (asshole) Bush…

So, what’s the difference?

Like who?

I thought Bush kissing the House of Saud (from the wonderful nation whose citizens were mostly to blame for 9/11) and pandering to the Chinese sweatshop owners was our foreign foreign policy…

Our foreign policy is 90% about securing Middle Eastern sources of oil. Even when we could save half our military budget by focusing on renewable energy, biodiesel, and synthetic oil from our abundant coal…

Great video Namvet…seen it before but the libs wont let the truth stand in the way of who they are gonna vote for.
Im not very pleased with McCain either but he beats Osama hands down.

Well, there’s always Bob Barr. :wink:

since 9-11 how many more attacks have we had??? were you absent when he told the world we need no one’s permission to defend ourselves??? ie Bill Klinton who turned our national security over to the UN. the same Klinton who is responsible for 9-11. Bush was forced to clean up the shit Klinton left behind.
and now your gonna sit there and tell me Bush alone is responsible for the energy crisis??? give your brain a chance !!!
were you also asleep when he recently announced ANWR is now open for drilling ??? I have to assume you are satisfied with paying higher gas prices as well. how does 6 or 8 or 10 bucks a gallon sound to you ???
so lets cut to the chase. which candidate approves of drilling at home and which one does not ??? and why does HE and the democraps insist YOU personally pay higher gas prices??? i WILL wait for your answer here.
…last count around 78% of Americans DEMAND we drill for oil. thats both liberals and conservs. well. who’s side are you on ??? do you know the country has a flame thrower pointed at Pelosi and her god damned Nazi storm troopers??? do you know the heat is so hot on democraps that now some of them are now forced to change their position??? why??? because their careers are stake. the fear in NOV they’ll be voted out of office because of a barrel of crude oil. getting rid of these useless morons is priority one !!! and now Pelosi is melting from the heat. the sooner were rid of this trash the better !!!
tell me. in his 4 or 5 years in the senate what has OSAMA done. whats his record???
tell me. what has the democraps done the last 2 years in office???
why have the war protesters turned against them??? now there’s a good one.
tell me. im just getting started !!!

You know, inasmuch as I hate to admit it, I think you’re right. This might sound conspiratorial to you , but if you know anything about the nazis movement in America, you know that they support the idea of a race war to bring down the current government that they acknowledge as “ZOG” (Zionist Occupational Government). What better way for them to stir up the proverbial bee’s nest than by shooting the first black President? Now, Im not saying that it will happen, but I think its a good guess that at least a couple of goose stepping rednecks in Idaho have already talked about it.

NOTE I am not now, nor have I ever been a conspirator against the US government, nor have I ever been a white supremacist, Nazi nor a Facist. I am merely offering supposition for the sake of discussion. So anyone who wants to flame me, please dont, and any Government “watchers” out there, please dont start following me around, you’ll only be wasting taxpayers money. The only meetings I attend are for Knights of Columbus, the Cub Scouts and my military model building group.:lol:

Lewis Black said it best; " Clinton, Obama, McCain, it doesnt really matter, because what you are given in the election is the choice between two bowls of warm sh*t. Its just a matter of picking which one smells better than the other".

The American political machine is flawed to a point. You cant get anyone who could really make a difference in the country to run, because they dont have the $$$ to do so. So, you’re left with those who marry into money, or those who were born into it. Somewhere out there is a great President, one who can make all the real changes that would make life better for ALL of us, but he’ll never make it into office because he doesn’t have the funding to get noticed.

I’m just sorry that its coming down to another election where we pick the lesser of two evils. Either we pick the guy whose gonna screw us up more, or we pick the guy whose gonna bumblef@ck us through another 4 years. Like the man said, two bowls of warm sh*t.

did you know Jesse Jackson is one of Osama’s biggest fans???

tell us. why did Osama put duc tape over his pastors mouth???

we’ll pick the guy that drills for oil.

Chris Matthews slam dunked Senator Kirk Watson, when he asked the Senator for just one example of Obama’s legislative accomplishments. If you want to see a politician choke on national TV…watch this! Chris was surprised when the Obama campaign’s own surrogates are left utterly stumped when asked to list his accomplishments as a Senator.

You really need an explanation?

You should already be hailing Obama!

Oops, some mistaking with names here?

none. Osama

not me. are you???


good. you won’t even have to vote. if he win’s he’ll be elected by the liberal media. not the people fell better now ???

Um. How many votes do they get?

And does Diebold get a say on this?