Next US President!

enough to get him elected.

And does Diebold get a say on this? why don’t you ask them???

At a time of war, the Democrats give us something the nation hasn’t seen in more than two generations: a ticket where neither of the the running mates ever wore a uniform of any kind.

I can’t feature these 2 in the military let alone a POW camp. they’d squeal like a pig


I don’t know. Why don’t you ask the “liberal media?”


At a time of war, the Democrats give us something the nation hasn’t seen in more than two generations: a ticket where neither of the the running mates ever wore a uniform of any kind.

I guess. If you call a tool that skipped off to the Nat’l Guard to avoid actual combat. And Cheney also never served in the military yet he was anointed Sec. of Defense. And the Administration never bothered to listen to the generals anyways…And was the last ticket with no formal uniformed military experience FDR?

I can’t feature these 2 in the military let alone a POW camp. they’d squeal like a pig

Some say McCain did just that. Including a whisper campaign conducted by Bush’s election staff in 2000…


And how many of those assclowns at “” have any military experience?

im a conserv. your a liberal. their YOUR people. not mine.

ZIIIIIIING right over your head

What’s a “conserv.?”

I guess I’m a liberal. Actually, I’m a moderate and would have voted for McCain in 2000. But he’s become a pandering old man at this point.

you see to be stuck in the past

Nope! I’m voting for America’s future! :wink:

What? dictator

no shit. wonder if that pics hangin’ on his wall???

Well, it’s nice that you think of me so much. But it’s a little creepy actually…

Dan Quayle served in the military? Yeah, right, with preferential treatment to keep his precious arse out of Vietnam.

Not unlike Dubya.

Reagan? Spent WWII in motion picture and war bond units. Great training for international military strategy as Commander in Chief. :rolleyes:

Nixon? Supply officer. At least he went overseas during hostilities and took his chances, which is more than Quayle, Dubya and Reagan did.

Agnew did more than the lot of them, in Europe, but is remembered better than anyone except Nixon as a crook.

So, on that selection, it seems that real military service in a shooting war (Agnew and, to a lesser extent, Nixon) results in the only resignations of a VP and President under threat of impeachment while draft and service dodgers and militarily unfit men went on to become Presidents and VP’s who served their terms, and are held by Republicans to be great presidents. :confused:

If Obama gets in, Republicans should be happy. It’s usually those with no real military service who are most willing to engage in military adventures, as the current incumbent had demonstrated, albeit with less than resounding success.

I don’t understand the reference to presidents being POW’s. Which American President was a POW? Only Nixon and Kennedy were at risk of being POW’s. Nixon was too far back, while Kennedy stuffed up in losing PT 109 and quite probably should have been charged for it rather than being made a hero.

You can stretch an analogy too far with that one - Teddy Roosevelt is IIRC something of a Republican saint and was very definately an ex-soldier.

I think they’re just envious of Churchill :wink:

I’m NOT voting for Barack Hussein Obama because he’s too liberal, He wants to redistribute wealth by raising income taxes and raising the capital gains taxes. Another reason is Obama and his wife have clearly been influenced by the hate spewed from the numnut Rev. Wright’s speaches against Americans.
Oh yea…Obama sees nothing wrong with taking firearms away from law abiding, tax paying citizens. Now aint that a hoot?

If someone wants to pay more taxes there is nothing stopping them from donating money from their paychecks every other week, Do we have any takers here on this forum that want to pay MORE in taxes??? As it is I pay enough already.

Surely Mr Bush didnt serve in the military? Im not sure its important to have your leader serve in the military. There are plenty of decent countries in the world that are so.

Sometimes I get the feeling that the US is a wee bit too militaristic at times.

He was in the Texas Air National Guard, flying F-102s.

To be fair, the US President is far closer in role to HMTQ than to the PM - and as you can perhaps imagine if none of the royal family were in the military things would be rather odd - a lot of “R” prefixes would suddenly become rather irrelevant for starters.

Not as creepy as that picture! Somebody photshopped the hell out of it.

It is a little spooky isnt it???

I think I should post the actual narrative of the botched attack. The whole thing was a complete cluster fuck, and blaming Kennedy for the loss is like blaming Custer’s scout for Little Bighorn…It should also be said that Kennedy would later distinguish himself by helping to develop tactics that transformed the PTs from a role in which they were completely ineffectual (as motor torpedo boats firing wholly unreliable torpedoes) to “barge busters” in which he endured vicious, close quarters combat closer to 18th and 19th century naval battle than to the carrier battles of WWII…