Next US President!

The evidence for that particular accusation is distinctly thin.

Which one? The affair? It’s thin because there was no “insider” (aka Linda Tripp) to “prove” it beyond a reasonable doubt. Nor is there an “independent council” investigating the accusations. But he spent an awful lot of time with her, and as several publications pointed out, if she were male, there actually would have been more questions as to what McCain was doing in the near constant presence of a companion lobbyist.

Or if social conservatives are about morality, why would they hire a woman whose teenage daughter is pregnant? Initially tried to cover up the pregnancy as her own? and who is rumored to have taken one of her grandchildren as her fifth child?

And if McCain is all about ethics and public service, again, why did he hire someone he portrayed as a crusader when Gov. Palin used her position to fire Alaska’s popular Public Safety commissioner simply because he refused to fire a state trooper that was married to her sister and in a very contentious divorce and custody battle?

Now I know for a fact sarah must be a good choice because the Democrat nummies are gunning after her hard…they are scared.

lets see her daughter is pregnant…Hum…Thats gotta be a first, would you rather her kill the baby nick? Sarah’s response was great! At least the child will know who it’s father is, and it will be born, more than I can say for the left-wing idiot’s who were “spawned.”

Tried to cover it up?? Im sure you can prove it right?? Personally, I think it’s none of my business. At least she’s going to have the baby and get married. That’s life, and that’s her choice. It doesn’t affect my opinion of Mr. or Mrs. Palin one bit. Atleast they know who the baby daddy is…

rumored to have taken one of her grandchildren as her fifth child… Oh thats a good one, A FUCKIN RUMOR thats a good one… her daughter must be “quick” at that! Let’s see, two kids in 5 months? Oh wait, I forgot a democrat never caries to term so the time frame must make sense to them.

You’re fucking delusional with that statement. Seriously? you mean like the silly bullshit being spread around the net about Obama? Much of which you’ve respewed in this thread?

Like Corsi’s book of garbage?

She’s being eaten alive by bloggers because she is not only unqualified, but has has twenty years worth of Senatorial skeletons in her closet as well…If this were Chelsey Clinton, and Hillary were up, God knows what would be going on!

I think McCain’s chances just ended today.

lets see her daughter is pregnant…Hum…Thats gotta be a first, would you rather her kill the baby nick?

Gee Mike, that’s exactly the (false) choice I offered. Her daughter should either kill her baby, or offer it to mom (again) to pretend it’s her sister, and not daughter…

Sarah’s response was great! At least the child will know who it’s father is, and it will be born, more than I can say for the left-wing idiot’s who were “spawned.”

To which pregnancy?

The evidence is that Palin had attempted to cover this by claiming that SHE was preggers!

Nice spin though!

Tried to cover it up?? Im sure you can prove it right?? Personally, I think it’s none of my business. At least she’s going to have the baby and get married. That’s life, and that’s her choice. It doesn’t affect my opinion of Mr. or Mrs. Palin one bit. Atleast they know who the baby daddy is…

Good for you! Actually, Palin denied this until the last moment. Her daughter was pulled out of school months ago! LMFAO! Yeah, they know who the baby’s daddy is! Spin, spin, spin…

rumored to have taken one of her grandchildren as her fifth child… Oh thats a good one, A FUCKIN RUMOR thats a good one… her daughter must be “quick” at that! Let’s see, two kids in 5 months? Oh wait, I forgot a democrat never caries to term so the time frame must make sense to them.

Um, the kid isn’t born yet! So, how would that be “two in five months?”

Oh, nice attack on all “Democrats” though. The typical blanket statements of hate and partisanship you offer here! Josef Goebbels would be proud! Only, Barack Obama’s mother was a teenager, and a Democrat, when she carried him to term. Which is why he’s telling the media to back off this story…

But what did McCain respond to Corsi’s book attacking Obama with some of the most putrid lies ever? Oh ho ho! It’s just a joke!

This is a WW2 forum, not a Democrat-Republican slagging match. Thread locked.