Next US President!

Um, I think he voted to lower taxes on the middle classes and will continue to keep taxes off the middle classes…

And Obama’s plan would return the rates on Capital Gains taxes to what they were during the REAGAN ADMINISTRATION!

If you can post it without too much trouble, or give me a link, I’d be interested.

I think that in choosing Biden, Obie has shut himself out of serious contention.Should he win, the world may get to watch a second American Civil War.

I don’t know anything about Biden except what’s been in the press here lately, which is all unremarkable stuff. Why would he provoke serious internal conflict in the US? (I mean, more serious than the normal hostility between Republicans and Democrats, conservatives and liberals. :D)

I’ve been meaning to start something out of the acclaimed bio of JFK “An Unfinished Life.” In a nutshell, there were 30 PT Boats in the attack, half had radar, fired their torpedoes at signatures and then fled leaving the other boats like Kennedy’s (without radar) to troll for a target which was what he was trying to do when rammed…

Feds Investigate Possible Obama Assassination Plot in Denver

Three men arrested in Aurora, Colo., on methamphetamine and firearms charges may have been plotting to assassinate Barack Obama, FBI authorities told FOX News late Monday, although local officials are still pondering the intent of the suspects.


they also caugh somet guy bringing weapons into Pelosi’s Hotel

Biden was chosen for his foreign policy experience. which proves Osama has none. he eats gun powder for breakfast then goes around shooting his mouth off all day. and he has been called out for it. I think he’s 65. a “pandering old man”. :rolleyes:
McCain wasted no time showing the rift between these 2

and the dems have their doubts

Hillary supporters are now backing McCain. at least they know what the phrase “national security” really means.

Osama is the Man!

Biden is a non player, has perhaps some experience in foreign policy, but not in effective policy. He is the very essence of a bland, lukewarm, party hack. Having no personal accomplishments of note, and no particular abilities in statecraft, he must wait to be carried along by others or would otherwise be left in the shadows, and forgotten by history.
The possibility of another civil war comes from the socialist leanings of Obie, and the secret he is keeping. (we dont know what it is, but he is hiding something that would certainly influence his chances in an election.) Many Americans feel he is a threat to the American way of life, and the freedom of our republic.
This in itself could lead to a civil war if Obie attempts to alter in any way the constitution, or “massage” the laws of the U.S. for his personal agenda.
there are many in the U.S. that are arming against this possibility.

Uhhhhh…I hope you meant Obama! If it were Osama I think there would be many assassination attempts!:slight_smile: As I saw on a bumper sticker, Nobama '08.

OOPS!..I meant OBAMA (sorry, must have eaten too many kit kats)

Okay…we’ve all heard the news. McCain has named the new VP. Sarah Palin, i think she is perfect for the job and she’s hot too!!! Check the link below if you dare…it puts Sarah up against obama…yup…she has more experience than Osama…good pick McCain and she’s got great wheels too.

Yeah, but what is interesting is that the whole McCain camp claim of her as an anti-corruption crusader is being undermined by the fact that she herself has her own “troopergate” scandal and is being investigated by an ethics committee over it…

Biden? Show me anyone more entrenched as an DC insider and I’d be surprised. Have they for instance discussed Bidens familia?

Bidens son owns a hedge fund and is a lobbyist? ( so is Bidens brother) Hes been accused of fraud. They made hay over bidens son heading to Iraq, okay, mccains son has already served a hitch there and Palins son is on his way over too, but what about his other son, or his brother?

He son lobbied for a co. who received a 27 million dollar contact to work for the pentagon. He was paid 80K to lobby the congress by the Univ. of Scranton, yes that Scranton, “hometown” of Joe, for defense contracts and appropriations …when we see this displayed with the alacrity we see cindys sister, mccains sexy lobbyist and palin is state trooper issues I’ll become a believer in repudiation.

The Obama party is all about CHANGE… then why in hell would he pick an old retread douche bag like Biden?

they are gonna have to put a zipper in his face. he’s always shootin’ his mouth off and gettin’ into trouble. can you train a 65 year old to change his habits and be an Osama man ??? good luck

So, you like Obama because he’s not an “entrenched insider?”

Bidens son owns a hedge fund and is a lobbyist? ( so is Bidens brother) Hes been accused of fraud. They made hay over bidens son heading to Iraq, okay, mccains son has already served a hitch there and Palins son is on his way over too, but what about his other son, or his brother?

Um, McCain’s entire campaign was run by lobbyists and he was having an AFFAIR with one!

He son lobbied for a co. who received a 27 million dollar contact to work for the pentagon. He was paid 80K to lobby the congress by the Univ. of Scranton, yes that Scranton, “hometown” of Joe, for defense contracts and appropriations …when we see this displayed with the alacrity we see cindys sister, mccains sexy lobbyist and palin is state trooper issues I’ll become a believer in repudiation.

McCain’s campaign manager was a paid lobbyist for the nation of Georgia!

Well, they’ve muzzled McCain, haven’t they?

He won’t even conduct off-the-cuff question and answer sessions with the unvetted anymore.

if you vote for McCain ill vote for Osama…deal??? hahahaha

Yup! I voted for McCain in 2000 (in the GOP primary). :wink:

See you at the polls. :slight_smile: