Next US President!

Personally, I could give a shit about Wright. He’s not running for president, and aside from some really out there conspiracy stuff, most of what he said was taken out of context and I certainly don’t agree with everything he said, he still had a point…

And secondly, the Ayers thing had been debunked. They’re not friends, and while Ayers was a 60’s radical, he’s also now a distinguished professor at U of I who has renounced violence and has expressed remorse over his “narcissistic, arrogant” actions in the 1960s, despite the mischaracterizations by some articles. No more controversial to me than the actions of Colin Powell, who while in the US Army during Vietnam is alleged to have covered up facets of the Mei Lai massacre…

By using such semantic logic to indict people with their pasts, one could also say that the US Congress has had racists and “terrorists” in it, Robert Bird was in the Klu Klux Klan (in the 1930s) and Strom Thurman was a white supremacist who had very clear ties to the Klan, but I never hear Republican’s calling him a “racist terrorist.” A man who had a long running love affair with a black woman he still wanted to relegate to second-class status and deny basic civil liberties too…

BTW, I still admire Powell, Thurman, and Bird. Because I think they regret their past transactions and the good they’ve done outweighs their early smarmy activities…

Ive been an Independent all my life, and vote for who I believe is the best person for the job, regardless of their affiliation. There is no way that I could vote for a person who attended a church like Wrights for 20 years, and defended him. Sure now he does not, but that is self-serving, it does not mean that he believes any differently. He still attends that church, and the new Pastor was hand picked by Rev Wright, to continue in his footsteps. He has already been shown to be preaching hate.

Ive attended churches for over 75 years, and left many of them that I did not agree with, had many relatives do the same. Looking for one where we agreed with all they preached. Found what we was looking for in the Salvation Army. They practice what they preach.

Actually, Obama has “renounced” Wright. And I won’t vote for a President that panders to assholes like Falwell and Robertson, two guys that said that 9/11 was caused by gays and abortionists, which by their logic is effectively making God a terrorist, since he uses terrorists to murder innocent people…

McCain called them out after the fact as “agents of intolerance,” but now he does his little flip-flop dance to make up in order to pander to the extreme Christian Right…Even though John McCain clearly hates them and probably doesn’t even believe half of what he says (in many ways, most of my political views are probably dead-on with McCain’s as I’m a “liberal, Rockefeller” Republican, but I will simply not vote for someone that wants to continue the Iraq War indefinitely) According to some, McCain is loved by the ‘liberal’ journalists that travel with him because he openly admits distaste to the very factions in the GOP he is now smiling at and pandering too, sort of a hoodwink approach. I fail to see how this is any less disingenuous that the actions of Barrack Obama…

Spot on!

Add in the highly unlikely possibility of a politician actually believing in anything much apart from saying and doing whatever is necessary to get into power and Obama is just as well qualified as every other liar to be elected.

From down here, I still can’t see America being ready for a nominally black or more or less genuinely female president, although Hillary may have more balls than Bill but rather less charm.

That’s going to depend heavily on the younger vote. Recent studies and a few political books have shown that most twenty to early thirty-somethings tend not to be as nearly race conscious and are for more accepting of women in positions of leadership/power. They also tend to moderately lean to the left. And this War affects their generation to most…

Thanks. I didn’t know that.

But, will they come out to vote?

Our politics generally lack clear extreme religious influences like Hagee, which isn’t to say that we don’t have them behind the scenes like the Exclusive Bretheren or haven’t had them in the past like the DLP or very minor current parties like Family First.

Still, I don’t think our electorate in general would tolerate the Mc Cain Hagee link as it appears to have been tolerated in America, as indeed the Bush Christians-save-Israel-for-Christ’s-Second-Coming camp were tolerated and courted by Bush as McCain is now doing. For example,

So the question is not so much whether or not extreme or trivial minority elements have too much influence, but do candidates and political parties in their pursuit for power court the wrong people without regard to whatever principle they stand for? Assuming they stand for any principle.

Personally, I’d be astonished to find a politician who condemns say, homosexuals or an ethnic group, who wouldn’t be prepared to do a deal with those groups if they looked like it would get him or her elected.

For a change, I’d like to see a politician who says ‘This is what I stand for. If you don’t like it, don’t vote for me.’

Instead they all turn themselves into bendy men and women, trying to please everyone and standing for nothing.

Hell YES America is ready for an African American or woman as president, just not these two in my eyes. I think all 3 choices we have suck and am amazed we cant do better. Have you noticed…not one of these candidates have addressed the border problem??

I honestly don’t know. But McCain is hardly lighting up the polls, and I believe he and Obama are pretty much neck and neck…

And some senior GOP strategists thank that there is no way McCain is going to win because he inspires apathy and will not appeal to the extreme Christian Right zombies…

Taxes…Whether Democrat or a Republican you will find these statistics enlightening and amazing.

Taxes under Clinton ------ Taxes under Bush 2008
Single making 30K - tax $8,400 ------ Single making 30K - tax $4,500
Single making 50K - tax $14,000 ------ Single making 50K - tax $12,500
Single making 75K - tax $23,250 ----- Single making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 60K - tax $16,800 ------ Married making 60K- tax $9,000
Married making 75K - tax $21,000 ------- Married making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 125K - tax $38,750 -------- Married making 125K - tax $31,250

Both democratic candidates will return to the higher tax rates
It is amazing how many people that fall into the categories above
think Bush is screwing them and Bill Clinton was the greatest
President ever. If Obama or Hillary are elected, they both say they
will repeal the Bush tax cuts and a good portion of the people that
fall into the categories above can’t wait for it to happen. This is
like the movie, The Sting with Paul Newman; you scam somebody out of
some money and they don’t even know what happened.

edited to try and adjust graph.

Because neither side realistically understands the problem, nor do they tell the truth…

It’s either a wonderful story of immigrants achieving the American dream and Cesar Chavez, or it’s a great way for companies to skirt minimum wage laws and roll back the New Deal worker benefits…

It’s very cynical. Yet no one will speak to the problem that when Clinton tightened the border-crossings, that’s when they “stayed.” Illegal immigrants used to come here to work as agricultural laborers (which are needed), but they went home mostly. Now, because the desert crossing points are so hazardous, they tended to bring their families so they only had to do it once and stay here…

The Piece of Shit legislation designed to address the problem worked for no one, not the immigrants nor did it address the legitimate labor shortages or actually deal with companies that knowingly make it a part of their business plan to hire illegals so they can pay a fraction of the wages they would pay to Americans in say skill trades such as construction-related industries…

Oh please, spare me the partisan bullshit links often shown to be completely false and one-sided, cherrypicked, out of context, or completely disingenuous for some reason. I’m sorry, but partisan foundations funded by the rich, corporations, big oil, etc. are not exactly noted for their honesty…

Where has underfunding the gov’t, and switching the tax burden to the “Blue” states that generate most of the US economy so Red states can get more money than they pay to Washington and not have to pay the amount of State taxes in places like Califunia and New Yawk!

The economy roared under Clinton, how’s it under Bush? Does the $400 or so average savings really matter? Wow! I can get a DVD player that I can sell when we get laid off!

Perhaps you can tell us why the average US worker is more productive than he/she was 20 years ago. Works longer hours. Why corporations have much bigger profits and pay their shitty CEOs so much more money, yet----worker wages in the US are stagnant? Yet, some major companies like Wal(China)-Mart and Toy’sR (from China with lead) are actually forcing HOURLY US WORKERS TO WORK OVERTIME, OFF-THE-BOOKS FOR FREE!!! And consistently getting away with it! I mean, the hourly, often minimum wage workers can float more dough to Sam Walton’s walking piles-of-shit children, who turned a very progressive worker-centered-company (many of the original cashiers working the older stores in the South are millionaires due to generous stock-options and profit sharing on programs that have long been killed off by greedy bastards named Walton) into workers’ hell…

Who lets them get away with this kind of BS? Politicians and people dumb enough to believe that Wal-Mart’s prices are significantly cheaper across the board. They’re really not…

I guess the kids will pay later as we buy now, on credit. What a great example the gov’t sets. We pay for a War on money borrowed from China, then lecture Americans on why they don’t save…

So everything is Wal Marts fault??? LOL You make me laugh Nick.

Here are a few stats…

  1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year by state governments.
    Verify at:

  2. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.

verify at:

  1. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens.
    Verify at: http://www.cis…org/articles/2004/fiscalexec.html

  2. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English!
    verify at:

  3. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.
    Verify at

  4. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.
    Verify at:

  5. 30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens.
    Verify at:

  6. $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare & social services by the American taxpayers.
    Verify at:

  7. $200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.
    Verify at:

  8. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that’s two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US.
    Verify at:

  9. During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our Southern Border; also, as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroin and marijuana, crossed into the U. S from the Southern border.
    Verify at: Homeland Security Report:

  10. The National Policy Institute, “estimated that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period.”
    Verify at:

  11. In 2006 illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances back to their countries of origin.
    Verify at:

  12. “The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One Million Sex Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States.”
    Verify at:

Feel free to quote where I said it was ALL Wal-Mart’s fault…

But, feel free to look up how they’ve openly called for US companies to reduce manufacturing costs by sending their plants to China. Which has led to a massive trade imbalance only now being slightly addressed by the lower dollar…

In any case, feel free to view the Frontline program on it:

On China (largely boosted courtesy of Wal-Mart, who have tried to hire illegals as well BTW. Mainly through a phony cleaning “contractor,” they were called out on it)

Here are a few stats.

LOL And you crack me up! If it’s on the internet, it must be true!

Dude, at least rely of something approaching a news site that doesn’t have partisan pretensions…

  1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year by state governments.
    Verify at:

This is only a projection, no one knows for sure. But the vast majority of illegal immigrants do come here to work, they just earn so little (since they can’t complain about illegally low pay or being forced to work over 40-hours a week for no overtime, etc.)


BTW Mike, please feel free as too how illegal immigrants have contributed to the Housing market crisis or gas prices spiraling out of control…

Mind you, I do not believe in unrestricted illegal immigration either, but I also don’t believe in slightly Nazi-esque contentions that somehow illegal immigrants are too blame for all of our problems…

And if you’re going to cheerypick statistics, at least attmept something at balance:

June 25, 2006
Econoblog: [b]The Costs and Benefits of Immigration

A Wall Street Journal Online Econoblog on the costs and benefits of immigration:[/b]

Immigration's Costs -- And Benefits, Econonblog, WSJ: ...The Wall Street Journal Online asked economists Gordon Hanson of the University of California, San Diego, and Philip Martin, of the University of California, Davis, to discuss the underlying causes of immigration (both legal and illegal), its historical roots and the nature of the current political uproar over the issue.
Gordon Hanson writes: For all the heat that the debate about immigration has generated, the net economic impact of immigration on the U.S. economy appears to be remarkably small. First, some thoughts on legal immigration, before we address illegal immigrants.
By bringing new workers into the economy, immigration allows existing U.S. capital, land, and technology to be used more efficiently. Also on the plus side, immigrants pay property taxes, sales taxes, Social Security taxes, and income taxes.
In the negative column, immigrants use public services in the form of public education, fire and police protection, government assistance, etc. Add the positive and negative elements together and you get what looks like a very small number.
We can calculate the gain to U.S. GDP due to immigration, known in econ parlance as the immigration surplus, using a simple formula that is a function of three things:
• The importance of labor to the U.S. economy
• The size of the immigrant labor inflow
• The change in U.S. wages due to immigration
Whether legal or illegal, immigration generates a gain in national income by making U.S. business more productive. George Borjas and Larry Katz have examined the specific consequences of immigration from Mexico for U.S. wages.
[b]But illegal immigration differs from legal immigration in several important respects. First, illegal immigrants tend to have low skill levels, which means they end up in jobs in agriculture, construction, household services, landscaping, low-end manufacturing, or restaurants and lodging. Employers in these industries (and consumers of the goods these industries produce) are primarily the ones who benefit from illegal immigration. In a recent study, Patricia Cortes, a graduate student at MIT, finds that U.S. cities that have higher larger immigrant inflows have lower prices for housekeeping, gardening, and other labor intensive services. Ten percent more immigration lowers prices for these services by about 1.3%.[/b]
Second, illegal immigrants, by virtue of their low income levels and their tenuous attachment to the legal economy, don't pay all that much in taxes. Yet their kids still attend school and their U.S.-born kids still get access to Medicare. What does this mean for the net fiscal consequences of illegal immigration? The Center for Immigration Studies, an anti-immigration think tank, estimates that the short-run net fiscal impact of illegal immigration is negative, on the order of $10 billion in 2002, or 0.09% of U.S. GDP in that year. This is not a big number.
[b]As with immigration overall, what upsets people is not the aggregate impact of illegal immigration, which, as with legal immigration, seems to be more or less a wash. It is that the benefits of illegal immigration are enjoyed by one group -- the employers who hire them (and the consumers of their services) -- while the costs are incurred by other groups -- low-skilled workers and taxpayers in states where illegal immigrants reside.[/b]
Philip Martin writes: Gordon is right: Immigration, whether legal or illegal, adds workers, most of whom get jobs, which makes the U.S. economy larger. If there are economies of scale, as when producing more lowers the cost of production, the prices of some goods fall, benefiting those who buy those goods at home and abroad.
Most of the benefits of immigration go to the immigrants who earn higher wages in the U.S. than they would at home. In the standard triangle analysis, there are no net economic benefits to the U.S. economy (the triangle in the Hanson and Borjas papers above, as well as in my book "Promise Unfulfilled: Unions, Immigration, and Farm Workers") if wages do not fall with the addition of immigrant workers.
It has been very hard to agree on how much wages declined because of immigration, but the 3% estimate of Borjas is reasonable.
With migrants getting most of the gain from immigration in their wages, and owners of capital and land getting most of the rest in higher profits and rents, the surplus triangle is 1/10 of 1% of GDP. Pro-immigration people stress that immigration is positive, a net economic benefit, and in a $13 trillion economy, 1% is $13 billion. Anti-immigrant people stress that immigration adds $13 billion, or about two weeks' growth in an economy growing 2.5% a year.

Economists agree that the immigration generates a small net economic benefit for the U.S. and in doing so redistributes income from workers to owners of capital and land. Perhaps this is why immigration is such a political hot potato; it’s mostly a distribution issue and, for governments that are in the business of redistributing income via taxes and subsidies, regulating immigration is another redistribution tool.

How many, from where and in what status are the core questions of immigration policy. Could the U.S. get a larger economic benefit if changed the mix of immigrants arriving?

The National Research Council data suggest the answer is yes. Making often heroic assumptions about how well immigrants and their children will fare in the U.S., the NRC calculated the present value of a typical immigrant arriving in the U.S. in the mid-1990s to be $89,000, that is, taking into account the taxes paid of immigrants and assuming that their children and grandchildren are like their U.S.-born counterparts, the NRC estimated that the present value of the taxes paid will exceed tax-supported benefits consumed by $89,000 over the next 50+ years.

However, the same study emphasized that the key to the benefits of immigration for the U.S. are their level of education. Those with more than a high-school education had a net present value of almost $200,000, while those with less than a high-school education had a net present value of negative $13,000. ... [... continue reading - free link ... covers the history of immigration including the Bracero program as well as the challenges ahead].

Courtesy of The Wall Street Journal Eco-Blog

I’d also like to ask you Mike, what do you propose to do about illegal immigration?

Cherrypick…you like that word huh?

As smart as you are Nick…why dont you run for office… You can fill ol teddys spot… LOL

Well, I guess now is where we start with the personal attacks…

But yes, it pretty adequately describes the use of stand alone ‘shocking’ statistics without any real context…

As smart as you are Nick…why dont you run for office… You can fill ol teddys spot… LOL

I never claimed to be smart, just to have common sense enough not to distill all problems down to (mainly) Latin immigrants, who have become the new Chinese coolies in some quarters…

I blame the special business interests and their lobbyists that have bribed the federal gov’t into looking the other way. Not necessarily the immigrants that would fall off numbers wise once businesses no longer hired them…

Whoah, you mean it’s “all” Ted Kennedy’s “fault,” now?

Well, he was in the minority party from 1994 to 2006. So, what did all the current windbag Republican populist wave-riders do about the scourge of illegal immigration in that time frame? Um, was it nothing? Who was it that gave amnesty to illegal immigrants?

Why, they even had complete control of the gov’t from 2001-2006, yep, five years of nothing! Gee, I wonder why that is? :rolleyes:

But it’s Ted Kennedy’s fault, the Right’s favorite whipping boy…

It’s hard to have balls, and charm at the same time… :slight_smile:

The only thing I blame him for, is getting Drunk, and Driving off a bridge, with his date, killing her. Am originally from MA, and have never understood why voters there vote for some of the pols they vote for. They knew Mayor Curley was stealing money from the State, but still voted him back into office over, and over. Even after being convicted for mail fraud, they voted for him again. :roll:

Your words contradict you, you can’t be unopposed to voter ID, and believe it is a “cynical effort to disenfranchise people” “is being unfairly prosecuted”, etc. The law, is the law, is the law of the state.

It is not like the law was passed two days before the election, and no one knew what it was or what ID they had to have. Everyone had the opportunity to know, and to get proper ID. Laws apply to everyone, not just those where you think it is ok to apply it, and not those where you do not think it should apply.

Traffic laws are different in many states, if you violate them, you pay. Those who violate election laws are no different than a traffic violator. They do not deserve any special privileges, just because they are ignorant of the law. According to your concept, if I do not know the speed limit past a school in your state, I should be allowed to drive at whatever speed I choose. Then, let the children be aware they are no longer safe.:shock:

First of all, that has nothing to do with the discussion. I believe Mike was referring to Ted’s support for the lousy immigration bill, not his past history. And George Bush’s had a penchant for the use of cocaine and also getting drunk and driving, but fortunately, he never killed anyone. He wife also was involved in a hit and run accident. She nailed a pedestrian and sped off, using her families’ money and connections to avoid serious consequence. Secondly, I’m pretty sure that wasn’t Mike’s big complaint about Kennedy nor the basis for acting like I’m like him. And they vote for him in MA because he brings home large amounts of federal funding that somewhat compensates for MA’s large contribution to the economy. Nobody condones Kennedy for what he did. The only reason he perhaps gets a free pass for that one was that he lost two brothers to assassination in about five years, which clearly put him over the edge. I’m not saying that that’s an excuse. But feel free to offer one politician, especially a president, that doesn’t have skeletons in their closet…

But there are dozens of scandals that have erupted over political members of both parties, but mostly involving the one acting very arrogantly that was in power until recently…

There are dozens of politicians that have skeletons in their closets…At the end of the day, you vote for who you vote for. If Ted hadn’t lost JFK and RFK, he’d of been thrown out on his ass. And if he hadn’t driven off that bridge and gotten that girl killed, he’d probably have been president…

Really? It’s not “ID,” it’s picture “ID” that solves a problem that doesn’t exist and creates other ones…

…to voter ID, and believe it is a “cynical effort to disenfranchise people” “is being unfairly prosecuted”, etc. The law, is the law, is the law of the state.

Really? You mean just because a state enacts a law, that’s okay? Like the Nuremberg laws?

Since when is government supposed to regulate where no problems exist?

BTW, I said I have no problem with a voter ID law provided we have a national ID card registered at birth and updated every five years or so, much like in Europe…

It is not like the law was passed two days before the election, and no one knew what it was or what ID they had to have. Everyone had the opportunity to know, and to get proper ID. Laws apply to everyone, not just those where you think it is ok to apply it, and not those where you do not think it should apply.

No everyone gets the “opportunity” to get picture ID. As best I can tell, one must have a driver’s license or a student ID to vote…

Traffic laws are different in many states, if you violate them, you pay.

Traffic laws simply do not apply. Driving is a privilege, voting is an inherent right!

Those who violate election laws are no different than a traffic violator.

No, they’re much worse as they’re perverting the election system. But, no one has ever been found guilty of that in Indiana…I don’t think we can say the same about driving…

They do not deserve any special privileges, just because they are ignorant of the law.

Oh, so American citizens aren’t allowed to vote now? Now we have hurdles? Qualifications?

According to your concept, if I do not know the speed limit past a school in your state, I should be allowed to drive at whatever speed I choose. Then, let the children be aware they are no longer safe.:shock:

Actually, according to “my concept,” (and a whole host of legal scholars, even one of the Justices that voted to defend the law in the Supreme Court), they’re making laws for crimes that likely do not exist effectively preventing elderly and minorities that are unable or cannot afford to drive or have no use for a picture ID otherwise in their lives…

What was my BIG complaint about Kennedy? All I said was maybe you could fill his spot. :slight_smile: But I do wonder what his health care would have been like if we / He had the social medicine / government healthcare that he supports?

Like I said…I’m not impressed with either party, for me its going to be the lesser of two evils and that’s sad. If you want more government and taxes in your life vote Democrat…If you want Less…vote Republican