Night Fighters

Twitch wrote:

If anyone else desires to ask aces questions go ahead. Oops! Many are dead now so you can’t but I have their tapes. Hehehe!

Which sort of reinforces pdf’s point, doesn’t it. Many WW1 vets were interviewed by the BBC not so long ago. They all volunteered to be questioned and were questioned about some things that made them weep. The reason why was to get as much information as possible about the War before the last of the died.

Even if this makes you feel uncomfortable, it does me, this information has now been saved for future generations, who will never meet such men.

I take it that you are a wargamer and not a real historian, I have read many of your articles and although they seem well researched, they do lack substance and references. I see your specialisation in Flight Sims, so I see why you have concentrated on arial subjects.

What Flight Sims do you play, as I too dabble in flight Sims, when I’m not flying for real.

I have written over 250 articles of all sorts about war games, autos, various real wars and combat therein. Yeah I specialize in air combat. So? I have many hours of interview tapes with aces from Germany, Russia, Britain, and simply tons from US aces. I don’t mess with flight sims. When I was paid to do it I did it. You know bub for a moderator you’re a real dredge being as bigoted as you are. If you feel you must attempt to anger me by your quite childish insinuations feel free. I could care less what you think of my work. Once again opinions. Almost every article that has been published of mine has been accompanied by lengthy bibliographies. Even when some one is finally acknowledged right the posts are worded to show how the poster is “more right” however.

The attempt to forcefully project points of view into questions I “should have” asked top ranking aces is simply bizarre. How does anyone get off with that? That’s just nitpicky bullcrap and you know it! Like the insidious disecting of commonly known statements like the one about a few 30mms taking out a bomber.

I really don’t want to discuss anything with some of the most rude, stubborn and opinionated people here. I’ve made that clear and I’m simply ignoring those future posts. There are plenty of friendly and interesting people that don’t attempt to shove their education degrees down others throats. Tell me why I should be impressed by a kid that just fell off the turnip truck with a sheepskin when he attempts to degrade men with decades of designing successful aircraft. How many aircraft are any of these modern know-it-all geniuses personally responsible for?

Simple topics are turned into never-ending harangues of rhetorical crap just because people want the last word. The penchant some have for relentlessly picking apart anyone’s posts is just lame. Playing with words has become some peoples’ permanent pass time so they can ‘AHA! I caught you in a miniscule error!’ Get lives will you people.

Most of us here do not want confrontations, arguements and people constantly correcting everything we write. This alluding to the fact that some here who choose to discuss a legitimate named topic like ‘German Military’ are some sort nazi lovers is just sick people. Those that don’t want to participate in topics of German things should make the conscious decision to avoid the topic if it upsets them. It’s one thing to mention that many German aero designs laid the ground works for future Allied ones after the war and quite another to say ‘I love the nazi phlosophy.’ Please separate the 2 before going off on us.

As I’ve said several times before several of us wish to discuss some subjects without derogatory comment, something that it seems is too much to ask considering that every post is pounced upon to be disected for minutia and be corrected by some obscure source on the web since obviously few here have any printed material and are forced to believe the hogwash that anyone can post on a website as fact. I guess you’re a “real historian” by doing that. We’d just appreciated being left alone.

The fact that you constantly step outside the role as neutral moderator shows how absolutely juvenile you are. It is offensive to me and I’m certain to others here.

Twitch you are also one of the biggest pedants on the site!!!

Anyway, what are some of these 250 articles you have written. What magazines/books?

Just because someone doesn’t immediatly shout “yes, Twitch, you are all knowing on the subject of aircraft!!!” doesn’t mean they are childish or bigoted. You have presented no sources to back your claims, you have claimed that the internet is not reliable as a resource, I would say it is. Yet you have not presented any book titles or ISBNs to back them up either.

All you allude to is unsubstantiated “interviews” with “aces”, in which you seem to glean only information that could probably be sourced from the planes manual.

Firefly has proven time and time again that he is suitable to be a mod, otherwise he wouldn’t be one. He was put forward by the members of this site, and given his mod status by the mods and admin staff of this site. And you are who to dispute this?

Get a grip.

Twitch, for any complaints against a mod you should PM me or better to the admins (FW-190 Pilot and Gen. Sandworm).

It was a bad move from your side to express openly your anger I’d say.

As for your affirmation

bear in your mind that as you judge others, others might judge you.

:lol: :lol: :lol: I remmber that you posted once about BMW Flugelrad and I found the source of your post ( With a simple copy and paste you made a post here without any reference. When I pointed out, you preffered to remain silent.

Did you published any book? I’ll be interested to read at least a brochure written by you. (Internet articles doesn’t count :wink: ) Why don’t you want to publish (not on the internet, of course) your interviews?

I doubt that you are a real historian You just liked to be told historian. A historian argue, not ignore others. A historian remains calm not responds in an offensive way.

It is my first and last request to you: respect others instead of replying so angry. So far, you are starting to look very similar to IRONMAN for me.

Kindest regards,

P.S. I apologise for spelling/grammar mistakes. Obviously English is not my native language.

Now I found that post. Read carefully (including my edit)

Excuse me Dani, but reading that again- no I did not cut and paste it from that website. My original source that lead to the concise data is from a now crumbling old book-

Bergaust, Erich
Hitler’s Secrets Revealed published in 1956

So basically at some point, someone may have copied the book to that page. Thus the internet will contain information that you could use to back up your posts. And not as factually desolate as you would believe and have us believe.


You are a plagerist, copy and pasting from sites without reference, to some how prove you are greatly knowledged on the subject of aircraft.

Your choice.


I dont care either way what your opinion of me is.

You decided to join this Forum. And no matter what you say, it is a Forum. You should expect to have your every post dissected and laid bare as you are not dealing with a bunch of 15 year old know knothing kids.

You have already dismissed the thoughts of at least 3 qualified aircraft engineers who merely commented on your posts about German future aircraft.

Also, you seem to firmly believe that because the ME-262 shot down 150 aircraft during the whole war that it was a really significant part of it.

I would say that you really need to take a reality check here! If you dont want comments on your posts, dont write them, as this is why this Forum exists, if you simply want to post stuff without comment then send Henk a PM.

Your posts, like everybody elses, on this forum will be checked by people who may have more knowledge or a different point of view.

Read some of mine on Yamato thread, I was slightly off on some of my opinions or knowledge and have been put right. And I didn’t throw a pre-pubescent paddy about how no one should be commenting on what I say or think.

Like Firefly says, we are not clueless 15 year olds, that you can large it in front of. If you are wrong we will tell you. Learn from this feedback (negative, postitive and neutral) and you will expand your knowledge.


Fighting, fighting, fighting and fighting. No boys dint your mammas teach you to play nice. :smiley: :smiley:

I found this on a Website about the Me-262 nigtfighter here in Johannesburg, South Africa and they show more detail of the aircraft.

They give the History of the aircraft and I must correct myself because the aircraft was not brought here in 1945 or 1946. THis is what they say.

"After completed trials, Red 8 was shipped to South Africa on 23 February 1947, arriving at Cape Town on 17 March. Amazingly, it survived in storage until the late-1960s when it was taken over by the museum.

This important aircraft was restored for display in 1971 and has been a crown exhibit of the Johannesburg museum since 1972."

Here is the link to the site.

To get to the pictures go to down the page and there at the end you will see Me-262 in detail there you will see the links to the pictures.



Sounds like that plane could be brought back to flying condition if one wanted to and had enough money…

I think it can be done, but I do not think that the museum would allow it. They will hold on to it for dear live.

NOTE: The pictures of the plane is quite old and was taken before the aircraft was restored.


Did I dream it, or has someone managed to get a 262 flying again?

I’m sure I saw something fairly recently about one.

Yes, but they are replicas and not the real thing. They build a Two seater Me-262 and a singel seater fighter.

Here is their website.


Thanks Henk

Within the classic car world we are quite used to replicas of real machines that are either too valuable to race, or perhaps no longer exist, so I see nothing wrong with making replicas of planes as well.

Here is a Lancia D 50 (none left, so some replicas have been built)

A 1936 Auto Union Type C replica

A 1938 Auto Union Type D replica

All the above were built AFAIK as there were no originals left anywhere.

Other replicas are built because the originals are far too expensive for race use (although that doesn’t stop some brave souls!) or there are just not enough to satisfy demand. My all time favourite car is the Aston Martin DB4 GT Zagato.

To see & read more about this car, and other Aston Martins, visit this site, run by a friend of mine who took virtually every photograph on it.

The DB 4 GT Zagato is so rare (only 19 ever built and worth about £ 1 M each) that Aston Martin had another 4 made in the 1990’s and there are also some “private enterprise” replicas as well.

Please note that in all the cars above, we are talking about replicas in the same manner the Stormbirds Me 262c is built. Faithful use of materials except where safety is concerned etc, rebuilt engines where possible (obviously easier where you are looking at piston engines arther than jets) and maintaining the "look and feel " of the real thing.

Sorry this has drifted off topic a bit … :slight_smile:

I dont think a real ME-262 would get a license to fly today, it would be considered a death trap with those engines!

Thank you FluffyBunny that is realy great to see so many replicas of such lovely cars. The Aston Martin DB4 GT Zagato and all the other Aston Martin cars are real classics.

It is Ok that you drifted off topic because I learned something new.

I think that if the made a engine exactly like the Jumo 004 today with all the better materials we have and change a few things it would not be so bad. For the Me-262 airframe I think if it passes the safty regulations it would great to see on fly today.


mmmmm. Maybe, Henk

Thing is though, when a classic engine is known to have a flaw, like the Aston Martin straight 6, when they make new ones they correct the flaws by adding extra main bearings and stuff.

The route the Stormbirds guys have taken with the Me 262c, using an already-approved engine might be the only sensible route to getting a licence to fly, as Firefly suggests.

A car engine doesn’t need FAA/CAA certification for example.

Still, anyone who rebuilds old machinery is alright in my book :slight_smile:

There’s a factory somewhere (Duxford I think) that builds replica Spitfires (£250,000 each IIRC).

I can’t give exact details, I read about them in Reader’s Digest in the Med Centre waiting for my appointment a while back, I’ve got another on Wednesday so I’ll try and nick the mag and post the whole article up.