No fun with the hun???

I think that you have brought up some excellent points. I personally would not have a problem banning SS avatars and other symbols of racist/neo-Nazi ideology.

Concern over its recent proliferation has been brought up among the mods, and I feel that it should be seriously considered as official policy on this website.

What is it about 14/88?
Googled it and found an aryan web site promoting crappy german (wehrwolf LOL) and white supremacy…
What does it mean?

looked at the stevey no nazi thread…
I thought it had something to do with the T-34 first…Biiig mistake…

It’s the number of words used in two separate, but related, asinine racist declarations…

I see… and stevey says he isn a nazi LOL

i thought the british called the germans craute and jerries
im sure of it…

Kraut, Jerry, Hun, Boche and Squarehead/Boxhead have all been used at various times.

the only german people i ever knew personally were my grandma ang Mr G, who owns the produce company ten minutes from my house, and if they are representatives of their country, then germans are a fine people. I loved my grandma, she was such a contrast to my dads family. she was very classy ,and to the day she died, very elegant and ladylike like my mom, god rest their souls . Mr G is a great guy, everyone in town knows him and likes him.He is an old man, and still works like a young guy, he still even wants to slap box with me whenever i see him

I think I’ll have to hang around here more often again. It should be really easy to ferret out some fake German wannabe Nazi, e.g. by using German slang.


Did that already. No response…

Wirklich? Feiglinge sind sie also auch noch!


…oder einfach nur (post-) pubertäre Lügner und Wichtigtuer…

Well, guys, I hope someday you’ll let the rest of know what you are talking about… :slight_smile:

Anyway, stevy has gone quiet, supposedly because he’s on vacation, and maybe he’ll come back, or not. But at the risk of being called an egotist for quoting my own writing, I had earlier posted:

I’d like to make a formal suggestion to the site administrators. I’ve stated elsewhere that I have mixed feelings about Stevey getting banned or not. I think the Mod’s decision was probably fair and appropriate – and it’s not like he can’t be banned-for-life in the future if he doesn’t change some things. And that’s where my suggestion comes in: I DO think that TWO of those things that ought to be required of him are 1) losing the “14/88” and 2) the prevention of his using the SS avatar or anything similar.

The first I would like to suggest become a site policy: that anyone who opts for a log-in name containing such blatantly racist/neo-Nazi symbology be presented with an immediate choice: change it within 24 hours or get banned. I think such names not only promote ideals many find to be offensive, but, just by being out there publicly, may also attract like-minded individuals to the site. I know others have voiced the same opinion; I’m just offering a draft wording of the rule as a starting point for discussion (if anybody wants to do so). And because they have shown themselves to have a propensity along such lines, when they are given their 24 or be banned notice, they should also receive an “official” warning about making racist/neo-Nazi posts, which if they ignore, they get banned.

The second change (avatar) is something I’m less sure about becoming a policy, but I do think it is something appropriate for this individual. I am glad his “SS” avatar is now gone, but I’m not sure if that will remain the case once he returns from his “vacation.” I think ruling out anything to do with the SS (including photos of soldiers, unit badges, symbols, or ANYTHING) as an avatar may also serve as a subtle reminder to him to “behave” every time he sees it. As a broader policy though, I have mixed thoughts – simply because, as somebody has already pointed out, there are lots of kids who think “SS” is “cool,” without understanding what they were really all about. While I personally would like to see that happen, I am also afraid it might open a can of worms: if somebody were to feel, for instance, that a Red Guards badge is promoting Stalinism or something like that. I mean, who would be the judge,and what would be the criteria? And if and when avatars becomes a “problem,” we can deal with it then.

So, that’s my thinking and the suggestion: Site-wide ban against log-in names containing neo-Nazi are racist components, and for Stevey as an individual, policing his avatar as necessary (or if that’s too much trouble, and if it’s possible to do so, just take away his ability to use an avatar, period).

What do you all think? And would the administrators here be open to such suggestions from members in any case?

I believe there was only one direct response to it, by George Eller, which was positive:

I think that you have brought up some excellent points. I personally would not have a problem banning SS avatars and other symbols of racist/neo-Nazi ideology.

Concern over its recent proliferation has been brought up among the mods, and I feel that it should be seriously considered as official policy on this website.

The subsequent posts also seemed mostly sympathetic. Anyway, stevey is back (even if more absent than usual), along with his rune avatar. Is further discussion of a policy called for, or am I beating a dead horse? And, more to the point, would further discussion actually lead to something happening? Would the administrators listen? No disrespect intended, sirs! (Is that enough CYA, Herman?) But there have been a few posts by at least one individual suggesting the moderators are something less than proactive, and I haven’t been around long enough to know if those comments are warranted or not. Even if stevey never comes back, I’m confident the issue will, sooner or later, raise its ugly head again. Should this topic be discussed seriously, while things can be discussed more…objectively? calmly? I’d know exactly what word to use here, but I think y’all know what I mean. Again, I’d like to hear what others think…?

Know i now whos the real germans on here
Makes me want to learn german.:cool:

There was a fair bit of discussion on this in the war room - much more mixed results, mainly as to how we would enforce it. Don’t worry, we haven’t ignored you!

Nothing special, Ardee, just mutual checking for identity I guess hence the german language. :wink:

No problem, aly. I’ll teach you. Today’s lesson:

Really for real…:smiley:

Er ist unter die busch. (?)