No fun with the hun???

Or, Essen die gemuse. Correct?

:mrgreen: OMG The Fans of Rot Weiß Essen are all feeble minded and antisocial :wink:

Hehe flamethrowerguy, Zeche Carl rulez
JVA Krawehlstraße weniger :mrgreen: :smiley:

The Name of the city Essen does not refer to the act of eating (also “essen” in German). :wink:

herman2, I only know about the salutation “Moin Moin” in Hamburg resp. in the North.

Or, Essen die gemuse. Correct?

Oh yes, the sentence “Iss das Gemüse” is frequently used for childs :smiley:

That’s why we always yelled that! But the fans of my club, Alemannia Aachen, are not a jot better.:wink:

P.S. I know the prison in Essen only due to professional reasons, not as an inmate.

This is confusing like English. When essen die gemuse can also be iss das gemuse. Wha…? And what is english for the above Rot Weib(?)Essen

I thought it was a play on words with the place name and essen to eat. I just couldn’t quite see it.
Who says the Germans have no sense of humour ??!!

For us followers of the mighty Oxford, the supporters of Swindon are the butt of our jokes, but with all the inbreeding they are to slow to get them.

German grammar is curious :wink:

Present: I eat, you eat, He/She/It eats, we eat… means in German:
Präsens Indikativ: Ich esse, du isst, er/sie/es isst, wir essen

I ate = ich aß (ass), you ate = du aßest :-?

And “Rot” means “red”, “Weiß” (Weiss) means “white”
The colors of the team…

Conservative german human does stink. Fortunately my generation grew up with Monty Python, Benny Hill and Black Adder respectively movies of “The Zucker Brothers”.

It’s not a “b” but an “ß”. It’s the so-called sharp “s” which only exists in german language, so don’t try to find it on your keyboard.:mrgreen:

“Rot Weib Essen” doesn’t sound bad either!

Thanks d502…I think!:wink: Or, may I call you Melanie also? I was confused about Weib since I don’t have the key for that on my keyboard. B = (ss):slight_smile:

Call me Melanie :wink:

LOL, “rot” means “Fäulnis” :mrgreen:
Lauter verfaulte Weiber hier in Essen :mrgreen:

An example for “ß” is “Rudolf Heß”

I never watched Monty Python growing up. I’ve watched some as an adult. Now Benny Hill, my dad would let me stay up and watch the show when I was young (if my mother only knew:rolleyes:), that show was pretty rough for a youngster (at that time anyway, nowadays it’s tame).

Yeah, I’ve already pulled all the old keyboards out of the closet looking for one with “B”:smiley:

So, in the German language, are two s’s always “B” as in s sharp?

Hey Nason, something to remember…a Human can Essen but an animal can not…the Germans use a different name called Frist…unlike english where the word eat can be used for animal or human…strange but little things I remember when I learnt German…If you get a chane go on You tube and check out old Henitje tunes…They are really cool!..I still love them…check out my favourite called…

Mama, Du wirst doch nicht um deinen Jungen weinen. Mama, Bald wird das wieder uns vereinen Ich werd es nie vergessen, …

…for me, it’s a sad song about a boys admiration for his mother…check it out!:smiley:

Hi Herman! Yeah, I watched part of the link Flame attached. Some sounded good, but was all German to me!:smiley:
I’ll have to go back and try to listen to the whole thing.

No, it is used both :mrgreen:

After short vowels = “ss”
After long vowels = “ß”
After diphthong = “ß”

HEINTJE RULES? herman, You must be joking! :smiley:
If you like German music, try Wolfsheim :wink:



Germans should play the music they do best.:wink:

…and this ain’t a nazi song, still sung by the Bundeswehr tank forces today!

Sorry, I was meaning linguistics.
As for Wolfshiem, at least they sing some songs in English, it was kind of decent.

Panzerlied is a cool song…I like the lyrics. Is that from “Battle of the Bulge”? (the video).

I hate this twanging voice! (Sorry, Melanie…)

Yes, it’s classic!

:mrgreen: You don’t need to apologize, I thought that herman could take pleasure in, because of his marked preference for Heintje :smiley:
I like this twanging voice :mrgreen: But actually Wolfsheim is a little bit softly :wink:

Thanks D502…will look iinto it…and Ya, I do think Heintje is cool…I mean it reminds me of my mother…there wholesome songs…
p.s. I use to be into Heino, but then I saw Brittney Spears and I converted to Pop!