No fun with the hun???

R u German too?:shock:

Είμαι άτομο

By the pic that you got up there…U should change youre name.

Clearly an official publication - if it was aimed at the true target market it would be limited to phrases like “get your coat love, you’ve pulled!”

Hey, this had been the 40’s…:oops:

the troll is Stevey 14/88.

Cool:cool:,I thought my name was going too pop up there.
Im going too keep out of harms way:rolleyes:

Lesson 3:


I think im turning German:D

Hehe, and it’s facetious.

The name “Schwarzenegger” is from a village namend “Schwarzenegg”.
Correct is what you wrote about “black” or “dark” and the rest:
“Egg” is an old word for “Bergrücken” (= “mountain ridge”). :slight_smile:

Sag mal flamethrowerguy, kommst du aus dem Ruhrpott? :mrgreen:

Greetz, Melanie

Hi, Melanie!
Nein, nicht ganz. Weiter südlich, aus Aachen.

Aw, it’s just here, round the corner. Ich wohne in Essen. :slight_smile:


Gruß nach Essen. I don’t know too much about Essen (“Mit Essen spielt man nicht”, sagte meine Mutter immer!), just Zeche Carl (music hall), the RWE football stadium and the prison in Krawehlstraße (“Krawallstraße”).:slight_smile:

I don’t know what your mother always said Flamethrower, but maybe you can help me, since your German…Do you remember Heintje?..I have an old record of him when I was a boy. I was wondering if you even heard of him? or what ever became of him? favourite song was Kling Gletchen Kling-aLing-A-Ling…Kling Gletchen Kling…I miss my Heintje tunes…Meine Mutter bist tote so I can’t ask her anymore…

Where should I start? “Heintje” (civically: Hendrik Nikolaas Theodoor Simons) was a famous child celebrity singer in Germany. But -as you may read by his real name- he’s actually dutch. His birthplace is about 10 miles away from my place, just across the dutch-german border.
The song you mentioned should be the popular christmas carol “Kling Glöckchen klingelingeling” which could be translated as “Ring, little bell, ringidingiding”. Please check out this wonderful christmas medley by Heintje:
His carrer ended abruptly with his puberty vocal change. Today -aged 53- he still publishes CDs (german/dutch folk music) with minor success.

P.S. I am sorry about your mother.

Thanks Flame Thrower…I really appreciate that info…thanks a lot


What did yor Mother say about Essen, I can’t quite get it. Something like, with Essen man says nothing ??

Tough to translate, Paul, it’s a german play on words. “Essen” has three meanings actually: a) the town, b) “food” and c) it means “to eat”.

So, when a mother says “Mit Essen spielt man nicht!” she means “Don’t play with your food!”. Used as a football fans slogan it means “Don’t play with Essen!” (RW Essen, the resident football club).

Pooh, was that halfway understandable?

Do any of you true Germans know an answer to my query?..A person from Hamburg greets another person and to see if he is from Hamburg he say’s Hummel Hummel…and the response is Morse Morse…(my spelling may be off)…but my dad always said this and I don’t know why…anyone?..anyone?..

Yes, that’s now understandable, I heard that many times in English growing up. (about the food, not Essen:))