Not the State of the Site

Then why didn’t they correct the simple words as well?

Or is there a genetic defect in your family that allows them to spell difficult words correctly, but not simple ones, just like you? :rolleyes:

Exactly, with the possible exception of my suggestion elsewhere about extra mods with powers limited to deleting spam.

The way the site is going lately, if it appoints more mods we’ll have more mods than active useful members.

<NOWAH>No, it’s just her idea of a pulling technique. She pretends to be dumb when there are men around to impress them.</NOWAH>

You mean, she’s intentionally dumbing herself down just to make us think we’re smart?

Would a grown woman really do that just to pull a bloke. :shock:

This is what she claims, and it does fit with the fact that her spelling mistakes are inconsistent with each other.

So, who’s she trying to pull?

You, me, or Nick?

I reckon if you go back through her posts it’ll be pretty clear she’s got the hots for George, because he’s the nice one.

Lucky George! :mrgreen:

They didn’t correct the simple words cause they are only passing by, not actually sitting next to me.
There actually way smarter than i am.

I don’t do that to guys, thats discusting. Anyway i’m to shy do go that far with a guy, to pull on there privates.

PLEASE STOP SPAMMING… If you dont ave anything relevant, please, STFU…

I don’t even mean those spelling mistakes.
You guys got me all wrong.

Well since you brought it up.

I’ve only spoken to George once on these posts, and yes he’s a gentleman.

Geez ,R/S you got it wrong again.

George is a nice bloke, but it’s not him.

That has to be one of my favorite pictures EVAR!!!

EDIT: Oh yeah, Aly J! Get FireFox! Now! It has a BUILT IN SPELLCHECKER. Your posts give me headaches because of the bad grammar.(BUBBAA’s too, and I’M NOT RACIST/SEXIST!!!)

Me too.

Um… by the way, whats a cracker?

That’s black slang for white people.

Negro slang for “White person”.

Edit: Darn you NavySon!!! Posting that half a second before I do!!! :lol:

But I’m asian…ToT

Don’t know what black people in US call Asians…:neutral:, ask and maybe we’ll find out.:wink:

I think it maybe along the lines of “Chink” or “Gook”.

^Thanks Wikipedia…