Not the State of the Site

Ok, I’m afraid of you too, if it makes you feel better. Anyways, I hope we can still be friends.
P.S> cool Avtar or whatever you call it…it looks real cool!!

Who cares?

Its absence contributes as much to the site as its presence, like almost all of aly j’s trolling posts.

RS, I heard on the news that this wallaby escaped from one of the private zoo’s near Toronto, and they are offering a $1000 reward for its capture. They are afraid the cold will kill it as it’s 5 degrees now… Poor Wallaby (however its spelt). Australia always makes the news over here!..(Although I am still sceptical on your Gonnareah fish (or however its spelt) that supposedly exists in the Highlands……:rolleyes:

Or as we say, addition by subtraction. And it’s the truth!

And for the record, I was blitzed out of my skull last night, saw Aly making her typical “how do I log onto the internet?/how do i put stuf in moi signature?/how do I make an avatar?” questions, became very irate, and deleted a page worth of her latest posts…

Sorry, but there it is. She’s horrible, and probably doing it intentionally to hijack the site with bad posting…

It’s Sergeant Rock…

That is most unsatisfactory behaviour by a mod.

If you were any good at your job, you would have deleted every post she ever made, and then deleted her.

Still, you were blitzed, so you can be forgiven for not finishing what you started. :wink:

Dunno why.

I used the shoot them for the cost of a bullet. For a grand, I could have freed large parts of the land from them.

If you get a dose of the clap, highland or lowland variety, you’ll know how hard it is to get rid of it.

It’s easier to shoot wallabies. And that is a permanent treatment for that affliction.

That is most unsatisfactory behaviour by a mod.

If you were any good at your job, you would have deleted every post she ever made, and then deleted her.

Still, you were blitzed, so you can be forgiven for not finishing what you started

Hehe, I would do exactly that. Man what is wrong with you ?..we are agreeing to much lately , this cant be good…or maybe is, I dont know :smiley: