ODDESA The Organization of Former SS-Members (emigrated)

Aren’t the osprey books those slimline picture books (100 pages or less including lots of pretty drawings) they give to children?

this book is 200 plus pages. but it spends a lot of pages listing the war crime record of the waffen-ss. and i have two other books that confirm that.

Do you have the ISBNs, titles and authors of the other two books please mate ?
I may have them but if not I’ll do my best to read them.

David or Richard? :lol: ,who are you talking about student scaley?[/quote]

David Irving was is a “revisionist” historian and general Hitler fan who lost a libel case against a Jewish historian who called him a crap historian and a “Holocaust Denier” who made up his evidence. The court found that Irving was in fact all of those things and he lost quite a bit of money in Costs. :lol:

Ah great day for level-headness that was.


Eugen Kogon’s “Der SS Staat” (The SS State)

or, for a dry historical and organisational layout of the whole SS, SD etc. organisation, “The Order Under the Death’s Head”


you study the holocaust? by watching schindler’s list and the pianist? the ss was a very large organization with different branches. i’ve already made myself clear enough.[/quote]

I don’t study off that, those are movies, to learn what the holocaust is really about you must meet with a survivor, study from books, and take in knowledge from holocaust historian.

Just because I say rash things does not make me right and I know that I do not know everything, but a lot of SS killed, not just Jews, but the civilians the Nazis took over, just because they did not mass-slaughter of people, does not make them out of the questio nof war crimes.

thats not what im saying. there are branches of the ss that were criminal to a sick degree. but the (waffen ) (read:different branch) ss was not criminal to that level. out of the 38 waffen ss divisions, six were highly criminal(composed of concentration camp personnel and anti-partison units) and ruined the reputations of the organization as a whole.

Elite units like 5th SS wiking, 17th ss gotz von, 9th SS hohenstophen, 10th SS frundsberg fought very well and have no war crimes record. in fact, around 3/4 of the waffen ss don’t have war crimes record at all, big or small.

the top dogs of the waffen ss, Hausser, Dietrich,Bittrich, Meyer, and Eicke, only Eicke was considered a true war criminal. but he was kia in 1942. The rest didn’t get the death penalty at nuremburg and were imprisoned fairly lightly in comparison, despite all efforts of the allies to find incriminating evidence. these men were out of prison in the early-mid 50s.

its not true that the ENTIRE waffen SS were baby eaters.

furthermore that “evidence” is rather weak. These were words that came out of politician’s mouths that did not fully transfer with reality. what the (WAFFEN) ss turned into was a pseudo-army of variable quality with no preference for equipment. half of the waffen-ss were non-german, many of the personal varied (composed of conscipts, transferred army, airforce,navy) himmler eventually lost control once the ss got so big in 1943; it became managed by many regular army generals.

while waffen ss men were regularly shifted in and out of concentration camps, this was limited to select divisions like the ss-totenkopft, 4th ss poleizi, 7th ss florgein geyer, and 16th reichfuhrer ss. There was a strong intention to keep knowledge in certain units and not “putrify” the rest. since more then half of the ss were non-german,

one of the books is the SS: Hitler’s instrument of terror, ill dig up the other one when i get home.
go read these books.

Im sorry to say this but, YOUR ON THE WRONG THREAD.

This is about Odessa, the organisation that helped Nazis escape justice after ww2. Your post seems to be about the SS, there is already this debate going on over in the ss thread.

To go back on topic, does anyone know of the process involved. I think that some of them were helped by the Vatican as well as maybe the CIA.

I will try and find out more…

you´re right!,in the page it is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ODESSA

btw,i see that this thread will never end :lol:

Interesting stuff. Erwin, do you know if any of the other 36 files regarding Nazi War criminals escaping to Argentina have been released. It would be very interesting to see what they contained.

they were never in jail mate.

and in this years,i guess most of them are died

they were never in jail mate.

and in this years,i guess most of them are died[/quote]

No. I mean the 36 files that Argentina have not released yet. The articles does not say if they ever have been released. They would be interesting, Im sure its about time that modern democratic Argentina got it all out in the open. Instead of always having questions asked.

they were never in jail mate.

and in this years,i guess most of them are died[/quote]

No. I mean the 36 files that Argentina have not released yet. The articles does not say if they ever have been released. They would be interesting, Im sure its about time that modern democratic Argentina got it all out in the open. Instead of always having questions asked.[/quote]
I don´t think both democratic and autoritary argentina want to give that information.
that was probed during those years,for example when peron was (he was a democratic president),and he didn´t want to talk about the nazis in argentina.

I believe it is more important growing economically slowly than doing investigations of the past,who took to much moments and money.