Only In America

oh sorry for not going too university like you.
and does capital letters matter REALLY.
i dont like you
youre horrible

And he happens to be a mod…XD

As a fellow Australian and an Australian taxpayer whose considerable annual contributions to the national coffers have not always been well spent on education and other matters, as exemplified by your execrable txt posts, you would not have written that if you had had a teacher who was marginally familiar with the English language, which is a rare find in schools here these days, particularly among alleged English teachers, and even more rarely if you had had one who actually bothered to try to enforce the use of standard English expression and spelling.

Here’s why you get a Z on the conventional marking scale of A to F for English expression.

Oh [not oh], [note comma, that’s the squiggly thing at the bottom] sorry for not going to [not ‘too’, which means ‘also’ as distinct from the correct preposition ‘to’] university like you.

and does [should be do, as it refers to a plural] capital letters matter [I rather think they do, as they perform the useful function of indicating the start of sentences, especially when the end of sentences is not indicated by a full stop, which is something else painfully absent from your txt spk.] REALLY. [As an adverb, REALLY should be placed before ‘matter’, although for emphasis your usage might be acceptable.]

i [I - indicates the personal pronoun as distinct from just a solitary vowel] dont [don’t, using another squiggly thing above the base line which is called an apostrophe to indicate a contraction] like you

youre [you’re - note the correct use of the apostrophe which is necessary for the contraction ‘you are’ as distinct from the commonly misused possessive ‘your’] horrible

You may be correct about pdf27 being horrible :D, but at least he uses standard English and can be understood on the first reading.

I shall refrain from pedantic correction of misuses of ‘like’ and other words, because, like, you know, like, dude, like is like you know, the modern ummm, cept its like not ummm but like like and like totally random an stuff wot is like to cool for the rents to chill on dude no wot I meen coz i seeb tellin u

I studied Engineering, not English there, so I hardly think doing so should have a significant positive effect on my spelling/grammar.

Yes it does. Approximately half of our members have English as a second or third language. Using text speak, random abbreviations and a lack of grammar/capitalisation make things substantially harder for them to understand and participate in discussions.
Accordingly part of my job as a moderator is to encourage everyone who is capable of it (and as someone who lives in an English-speaking country and is apparently a native English-speaker you should be) to write their posts in clear and coherent English. Doing so adds greatly to the level of understanding of those whose read/written English is not so good.

Oh, and last I checked “being really nice” isn’t on the job description for any of the jobs I do, here or elsewhere. Get over it.

You should, and he’s correct. Not trying to be mean, but you really need to write (and read, for a model of quality writing) more and stay away from the text messaging and internet “newspeak.”

You don’t need a university for that, just a store of books in a library and a diary or something…

I studied English (Literature), and learned almost nothing regarding grammar! :smiley: Although I did get taken to the woodshed regarding my poor spelling and reliance on spellcheck! I suspect this is the case everywhere whether it’s Oxford, Harvard, or the modest, working class state school I went too…

The study of formal English grammar had largely been dropped from American (high school) classrooms in favor of the line of thinking that students would mimic the writings of authors – thereby intuitively internalizing grammar with little formal, technical study or memorization. I think of late, more emphasis on teaching basic grammar has returned to middle and high schools. Especially with the rise of technology and the new shorthand of communication often confused with formal writing by the tweens…

Probably the best way to learn proper grammar is to learn it via a foreign language, where all the forms are analyzed in nauseating detail allowing one to make connections to the primary language spoken, or by studying linguistics (which I absolutely hated in the two mandatory courses I took). But the truth is that the more one writes, the more one fluidly incorporates proper grammar and spelling in his or her writing, whether the area of study is engineering or criminal justice…

Quite. Of course, you rarely write stuff on an engineering course - maybe a couple of proper reports a year, with the overwhelming majority just being calculations. In fact, just for fun I’ll see if I can dig up one of my exam questions!

OK, this is from my fourth year “Flow Induced Sound & Vibration” exam - probably the hardest one I ever took.

Nice seeing 1984 bieng noticed…

Aly, Stop picking on PDF. He is my friend. He is a Nice person once you get to know him. .
PDF if your gonna Rumble, I am right beside you, don’t worry. :cool:

Thanks for ganging up on me herman 2
Im the one being picked on here

Hey Aly J…I wrote that before you sent me that friendship request, so I shall now revise my stance.
Dear Captain PDF, Please don’t start a rumble with my good new friend Aly J, because if you rumble with her, you will have me to tango with also, and we wouldn’t want that now, would we. Not everyone is as eloquent as you are PDF. Quite frankly your brilliance scares me at times. I sometimes think of ways to outsmart you but then am left in the dark thinking how to. Anyway’s Aly j is a new member and she is a girl so we should be be extra nice to new members. Thank You for your understanding. Sincerely, The Herman Meister:)

Thanx…I didt mean too pick on PDF,I dont want too go up against PDF
I think he was trying too help me with my typing,but i got a bit offend.

Thats cool. But whatever you do, don’t mess with RS cause he’ll poke your eye out…My eye still hurts…(he also gets very testy over little things). Me and him had a minor disagreement over the Atomic bomb. I think as I remember it, he wanted to continue the war through conventional means and I opted for a swift end to the war through atomic means…He wouldn’t see my ways so he got pretty nasty with me, but I forgive him. Anyways I think this thread is about drug testing so we are way off topic, thus I will bow out now. Just remember Aly J, that when you post so much in 1 day, the good ol boys will comment on it and say your talking too much, but don’t worry about it, because in a Democracy we are all entitled to cast our say and don’t let the good ol boys knock you down because you don’t proof read or write too much or too little. These seasoned Vets live in WW2 Forum and they never eat or sleep. They just look for an opportunity to pounce on us little people…

Herman, what the frack are you on about?

Sorry, I was having one of those moments before breakfast.It won’t happen again…

Kennewick reservist faces threats over landscaping

Lt. Burke Jensen was called five months ago to serve his country in Kuwait. Now he is being told to get an irrigation system and landscaping on his property as soon as possible or face legal action from the Oak Hill Country Estates Homeowners’ Association.

By John Trumbo

Tri-City Herald

KENNEWICK — Burke Jensen moved to Kennewick about a year ago, bought a nice house in the country south of the city and began to settle into a new job at Energy Northwest.

Then came the call five months ago to serve his country in Kuwait.

So Jensen, who says he is an involuntarily mobilized reservist, headed off, leaving behind a pregnant wife, a young son and a 2.5-acre lot with not a spot of landscaping.

Now, Lt. Jensen is being told to get an irrigation system and landscaping on his property as soon as possible or face legal action from the Oak Hill Country Estates Homeowners’ Association.

“I really don’t give a [expletive] where he is or what his problem is,” said Chick Edwards, owner and developer of the 47-lot subdivision at the south end of Oak Street in Kennewick.

“It doesn’t matter to me,” said Edwards, who insists Jensen has violated terms of the homeowners-association covenants requiring that landscaping be completed within one year after an occupancy permit is issued for a home.

“[Jensen] doesn’t have the right to walk away from his obligation,” said Edwards, who as the developer is the only member of the homeowners association. “I have most of the property still, so I am the homeowners association,” he said.

Jensen’s situation is complicated by the fact his wife chose to return with her son to stay with family on the East Coast for the duration of her pregnancy, leaving the home unoccupied.

Jensen’s attorney, Tony DeAlicante of Redmond, Ore., said Jensen had paid a landscaper thousands of dollars to design and install an irrigation system and hydroseed the large lot this summer.

But DeAlicante said it appears the landscaper may have abandoned the job with the irrigation system only partially completed and no seeding done.

DeAlicante said Jensen also would like to find a renter for his home, but Edwards said that would be a commercial use not allowed by the homeowners association.

“He’s not going to rent it,” said Edwards. He said an attorney who has reviewed the covenants agrees.

An e-mail on Friday from Jensen to DeAlicante, which was provided to the Herald, says several of Jensen’s fellow employees at Energy Northwest are helping to clear the property of weeds and blow out sprinkler lines, if necessary, to make sure they will not freeze during the winter. It also says a neighbor used a tractor to mow weeds.

Rick Miller, whose home is in sight of Jensen’s, said he’s sympathetic to Jensen’s situation. “Given the circumstances, it doesn’t bother me,” he said. “He can’t control the circumstances.”

DeAlicante said he has written Edwards to tell him the federal Servicemembers Civil Relief Act prevents any civil legal action from being taken against someone on active military duty overseas. He also maintains Edwards cannot legally prevent Jensen from renting his property.

But Edwards said he isn’t backing down.

“This is a contract. I don’t like the way his property looks. This clown gets to do what he wants, and I’m as mad as hell,” he said.

Here’s a link to the on-line article which I cut and pasted above:

Additionally, the following information regarding the developer was found on-line:

Edwards, Chick
32220 S Oak St
Kennewick, WA 99337

Thanx for the warning Herman 2 , but how i see it, that PDF is actually gentler than nickfreash is. I think i should watch out for Nickfreash more than PDF, both cool mods but with different personalities. Truce

Yes indeed, pdf is the nice one. I’m the ruthless one…

(Actually, we’re both pretty ruthless, but we switch on and off with the “good cop, bad cop.”)

Oh ok…i just probelery havet seen pdf27 in his bad cop role yeat.
Hopefuly i never see it. Cheers

It isn’t pretty. I tend to get rather loud & shouty, and then start giving fire control orders…