Operation Valkyrie

I didn’t say that but, whether you like it or not, of course tall people are regarded by almost everyone as superior to small people. (They cannot be “far more” ‘superior’ as ‘superior’ is already a superlative.)

Otherwise bed shops would have people queued up to buy pygmy beds instead of queen and king size beds; the regulation height for a basketball hoop would be four feet instead of ten feet high; and surfboards would be made of laminated sanitary napkins.

There is nothing moot about it.

Try to get a sport scholarship to an American college, in any sport apart from dwarf bowling as the bowling ball, if you’re four feet tall.

and I thought I heard it all

Ok, how about we all just calm down.

I made a joke that people should be small, and listed ridiculous arguments for it.
Rising Sun responded to my joke by making the exactly opposite argument, obviously meant as a joke as well.

Nobody meant to offend anybody, and the entire argument that tall people are superior to short ones is ridiculous, as size has nothing to do with intellect or skill.

It is ridiculous and pointless to try to categorize somebodies skills on his appearance.

So just shut up about it, both of you.:rolleyes:

is it any good i may see it tomrrow

Try perusing through the previous 3 pages of posts guy! There are enough reviews and opinions (interspersed between arguements and threats) to make an edumacated guess as to whether it’s worth watching or not. personally, I dislike Tom Cruise for his condescending demeanor to the rest of the world, but on a friends suggestion, I’m going to go see it anyway. My friend is a HUGE WWII armchair historian and he says (if nothing else) the accuracy of the vehicles,planes etc is worth the price of admission.

Insofar as the short thing goes, I like short people…Especially short, blonde haired girls.

I rear ended a car a few days ago.

The driver got out of the other car, and he was REALLY short, and man was he pissed!!!

He looked up at me and said “I am NOT happy!”.

I said, "Then which one are you?

Inside every short man is a tall man doubled over in pain.

Confucius say: Short man who dance with tall woman get bust in mouth.

“It is better to have loved a short man, than never to have loved a tall.”

I’m glad you’re tall. It gives me more of you to dislike.

“In elementary school, in case of fire you have to line up quietly in a single file line
from smallest to tallest. What is the logic? Do tall people burn slower?” – Warren Hutcherson

You’re so tall that even in the summer time you still have snow on your head.

Didn’t your mother tell you not to be long.

In this photo (Hitler at the Wolfschanze, July 15, 1944, Stauffenberg -left- Field Marshal Kietel -right) from The Unmaking Of Aldolf Hitler ~ Eugene Davidison, Stauffenberg looks a lot like Cruise.

I saw Valkyrie last Thursday. Not sure what references the screen writers used but it was right out of William L Shirer’s The Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich except for four unimportant scenes that I noticed.

  1. When Stauffenberg armed the bomb it was in the anteroom of Keitel’s quarters after returning there to retrieve his hat and belt while heading to the fateful meeting. Not while changing his shirt in meeting building.

  2. In the scene where Beck shoots himself after the conspirators were rounded up by Fromm he actually only wounded himself and failed again after a second attempt and the coup de grace was administered by a seargent.

  3. It wasn’t von Tresckow whom went to retrive the failed bomb from Brandt, it was an officer from his staff, Schlabrendorff.

  4. I’m thinking…I know there was one more.

Something to think about: It was Brandt whom Tresckow got to carry the failed bomb onto the plane and Brandt, again, whom moved Stauffenberg’s briefcase to the other side of the large oak table leg after Stauffenberg asked him to watch it while he pretended to take a phone call. It was the moving of the briefcase to the other side of the table leg that saved Hitler from the blast and killed Brandt.

It is estimated that almost 5000 people were arrested after the July 20 plot. And it was piano wire and meat hooks that dispatched most of them.

your right. I see the resemblance between Stauffenberg and Cruise. im going to rent it when it comes out on DVD. I wanna see it again.

And it was piano wire and meat hooks that dispatched most of them.

and Hiter had the executions filmed as well.

And wasn’t the Wehrmacht forced to change their salute from the standard army salute to the Hitlergruss after this, something the Officers had tried to avoid as long as possible?

That’s right. Most oftenly rejected this order was supposed to “strengthen the Wehrmacht’s loyalty” to Hitler.

Which is why I think the scene in Band of Brothers is pretty unlikely, when the surrendering German officer is seemingly so used to the Hitlergruss that he accidentally does that instead of the normal military salute, before realizing his mistake and switching the salute.

Returning to the topic: I scanned this pic from the local paper (apologies for the resultant poor quality). Have a look at the imitation PzKpfW-IV on the right: you can see the add-on dummy tracks & bogies. Pretty poor choice of still for a promo, don’t you think?
