Outstanding Soldiers of WW2

9 copy and paste citations from the CMH back catalogue since I first asked my simple question that requires no researc, merely a yes or no answer.

25 overall so far and counting no sign of an answer.
May it be said he is avoiding the question yet?

That is true Mr. Schätzer, it is a light rifle, and as such, it did not shoot pistol ammunition. Albiet a weak rifle, but effective at it’s maximum effective range, as are all weapons. It may not be effective at 600m, like a standard or sniper rifle, but it was a dandy little weapon.

does this quote mean that a standard rifle is effective at 600 metres unlike the M1 carbine, IRONMAN?

Do you have any info on this person???[/quote]

Top Finland ACE WWII is Ilmari Juutilainen with 94 Victories.

Most victories obtained flying the Dutch made Fokker D.XXI’s a plane which is also made known by the Dutch WWII Ace Cor Roos who on his last flight took out 12 Focke Wulfs 190’s and ME-109’s before crashing into the ground with his guns still blazing during the first week of the war on the Netherlands.

Check the links below if interested:

Finish Ace = http://www.sci.fi/~fta/finace01.htm

Dutch Ace = http://home.tiscali.be/ed.ragas/

Fokker D.XXIs = http://www.saunalahti.fi/veijju/ma03.html

Dumb dumb dumd, mixed the South African Ace up with the Finish one

South African ace was Squadron Leader M.T. St. J. Pattle with 41 Victories while flying for South Africa.

Another South African Ace was Marmaduke Pattle+ with 51 confirmed victories while flying for RAF. (Check 2 links below)


German Ace was Major Erich Hartmann with a stunning 352 confirmed victories.

Hiroyishi Nishizawa was the Japanese Ace with 87 victories.

Russia had Ivan Kozhedub with 62 confirmed victories.

Major Richard I. Bong was the US Ace with 40 victories

Here’s a good link with a nice overview for more aces


While I’m at it… another hero in an untapped field in this topic. The resistance fighters.

Hermine Santrouschitz, more commonly known today as Miep Gies. She risked her life to save the lives of others. She hid Anne Frank and her family and many others from the Nazis, providing them with food and other necessities, as well as news from the outside world. Most of all, she provided them with courage, hope, and a friendship that will never be lost.
I think that being able to make a difference in someones life and taking advantage of that opportunity is what makes a hero

Also a good link for WW2 aviation aces is:

Not exactly a soldier, but I think Kurt Student deserves recognition. He came up with the original idea for Paratroopers, but his idea failed. Germany first used Paratroopers in the invasion of Crete, but due to faulty intelligence, was a huge diaster for the German Army. After that, Adolf Hitler swore never to use paratroopers in such a large scale operation. But anyway, it’s due to Kurt Student that the world now has Para Troops.

True, Kurt Student did come up with the idea as far as my knowledge go’s.
His original plan to use Paratroopers was over Den Hague in the Netherlands.
Kurt set up a daring plan to capture the Royal family to end the war in Holland quickly (Hmmm… or lets say even quicker than it did).
But fortunately for the Dutch the royal family already had chickened out to the UK, leaving the Army in rule to defend the kingdom with obsolete army gear dating back as far as the the Napoleonic war… (Funny to look back at now, but it wasn’t at that stage)