Panzerfaust or Panzershreck????

Link to the following information on anti tank.
All you had to do was ask…

Source is good, but who cares? If no one yells at you, your information is probably exact.

For those who still dont know where my nick come from: :smiley:

The Panzerknacker, german army manual for close-antitank combat.

Plate 1:

"Tank Killer: Instructions for Close Combat with Tanks

Leaflet 77/3"

Plate 2:

“You also can crack tanks!
You need vim and presence of mind. Above all superior savvy will prevail.
Think that tanks don’t come only where there are paks [anti-tank guns]. Every day it happens that tanks infiltrate somewhere. You also can face suddenly such a coffer [“Kasten” also means box, hutch cabinet]. Anybody, if you are in the rear, if your are in the furthermost trench, you can get into this situation. The tank does not ask, weather you were trained to be tank cracker or something else.
Every body can do this - even you!”

Plate 3:

"A tank every 150 meters.
Over 1500 km.

What many others do daily,
You can do just as easily.

Over 10,000 German soldiers wear the Tank Close Combat Medal [Panzernahkampfabzeichen]. That many knocked-out tanks corresponds to the equipment of 200 Russian tank brigades and the total Russian tank production for a half year.

And all that done with the most primitive means, no less. But these lay in the hands of real men, and that’s what it boils down to.

You ask yourself, how is that possible under such unequal conditions? It’s quite clear: First off, tanks go after evenly matched opponents: tank, AT gun, and flak. At first they don’t pay you any mind. But then, pay attention:

You can kill tanks too!"

Plate 4:

"On the other hand,
Even the strongest tank has weaknesses.

Have you ever attacked alongside tanks? Or ever sat in a tank? You will have noticed right away that the fight between man and tank is so uneven—not at all, because even a tank has its weaknesses!

It sees poorly, poorest of all that which goes on right next to it.
It hears poorly.
It can’t defend itself well against you, particularly when you’re right next to it.
It’s highly dependent on terrain.

You have to know the weaknesses of the tank. You’ll find every different production type shown in exact detail in the Tank Close Combat cards (Supplement to Army Manual 469/4) Get them and study them. The first requisite for the tank killer is: know the type. Know the weaknesses. And of course: observe, observe, observe.

(Cannon blind spot = around 7-24m
Small arms blind spot = around 5-9)"

Plate 5:

"Success at tank killing comes
When you know their weaknesses, otherwise not at all.

Overall, note the weaknesses from this sketch. It’s only a schematic drawing, though.

(front: hatches, optics, guns and mantlet, turret ring, MG and vision port, running gear, final drive train.

(aft: hatches, turret ring, hatches, running gear)

(side: cannon, mantlet, vision ports, ventilation, running gear, turret ring)

(His coat has worn patches,
And tanks show their weaknesses in the same way!)

There’s no basic formula for the positioning of these locations. So, commit to memory the Tank Close Combat and Tank Identification cards.

It’s fear that it generates!"

Plate 6:

"Dangers are already half averted,
As soon as we recognize them clearly.

(black bar: “From here here he sees you.”
Red dot: “Danger lurks here.)

A tank is definitely not completely defenseless against close attacks. It has pistol ports through which the tanker can shoot with pistols and machine pistols and throw grenades. Aft MG’s are also dangerous. You only need to know: where does he see me most easily? Where does danger threaten?

Note: With hand grenades, he can also reach you in the blind spots.

Look out, danger lurks here!"

To be continued…

Some nice stuff there. Where did you get it from and is there any more?

You can found the Panzerknacker booklet translated in here:

Thanks for that buddy, Im going to read it now.

The penetration in plain armor is far better in the Panzerfaust due his larger 140 mm warhead compared with the 88 mm in the Panzershreck.

Also the was some Panzerfaust 150s in use even les than 1000 by april of 1945.

Later on in the war with Germany’s resources dwindling… did they not come up with a ““Panzerfaust”” that could be reused after being fired? Instead of just throwing it away… could be used up to 10 times or something like that. I"m sure it was the Faust… and not the Shrek… or am I wrong? :smiley:

Yes it was the P-150 that is the only reloadable Panzerfaust, the steel tube in the 150 was reinforced to withstand the firing pressures.

For the spanish readers and all in general here is an article about the Panzerfaust that I wrote in colaboration with a friend.

“Weapon for oldmen, women and children”

well the panzerschreck even it was heavyer it fired a lot of shots and with the panzerfust you had only one chanse of hiting and i don’t think you could fire very good when bullets are flying above your head even if the panzerfust had more fire power you couldn’t fire straight with that thing :roll:

Yea but is heavier and required a two mas crew, the Panzerfaust 30 was rather dangerous I agree with that but a P- 60 or even better the 100, are more practical weapons that the panzerschrek.

:smiley: As i know that panzerfaust is most easier to use coz its easy to reload and payload!!! if we think a tank health as 800 points…panzerfaust will take 300 points from a 30 meter distance… like throwing a grenade but much easier???

U must first dig a hole and then the tank wont dedect u if there is no infantry near by (its all imposible to be dedect by the tank).When its 30 meter just throw the panzerfaust 2 times! now your enemy tank is a titanic on the ground!!

These are all my thoughts…no body is responsible fo these… :wink:

As i know that panzerfaust is most easier to use coz its easy to reload and payload!!! if we think a tank health as 800 points…panzerfaust will take 300 points from a 30 meter distance… like throwing a grenade but much easier???

U must first dig a hole and then the tank wont dedect u if there is no infantry near by (its all imposible to be dedect by the tank).When its 30 meter just throw the panzerfaust 2 times! now your enemy tank is a titanic on the ground!!

These are all my thoughts…no body is responsible fo these…

Ok, after reading some of your other post on top of this one, I have to ask if something is wrong with you? We are not talking about a videogame, and one well placed hit from a soldier armed with a panzerfaust can knock out a tank, period. “Health points” do not apply on the battlefields of WW2. Also, how the destructive effects of a Panzerfaust’s projectile hitting a tank at 30meters, well within the effective range of the Panzerfaust 30, 60, 100, and 150, is in any comparable to the effects of a hand grenade against a tank is beyond me.

When its 30 meter just throw the panzerfaust 2 times! now your enemy tank is a titanic on the ground!!

Throw a panzerfaust at a tank…twice? So not only is a German soldier using it as a club, he has to run and pick it up to thow it at a tank a second time? I hope he had his will made :wink:

And also…there is no need to writte everything in Bold, with the normal front would be enough.

I have to ask if something is wrong with you?

I think there is… :roll:

u dont like me right!!? But u must sure that u cant live the horror of ww2 only talking by this way!! ı cant see the bad way of a video game!?!?
what else every person has different pshyclology! id like to write on bold!_ who cares!?

so!? im respect on all heroes on ww2!im respect on u too!!! thats all dudes just calm! i dont know more than u about ww2…just sharing.

Edited by Panzerknacker to remove the “boldness”

You can show you respect writing in a normal front also.
The problem is yours not mine.


I care, mate. Try to avoid emboldment if you haven’t reasons to embold other than “I like bold”.
Also make an effort and use proper English language. You are not in a chat room to use “u” instead of “you” (as an example). Don’t forget about capitalization of I instead of i. It’s OK if you don’t know how to spell some words. It’s OK if you don’t give 2 cents on syntax. But, it’s is a proof of disrespect to continue using bold font.

u g0t m3? :lol:


Both had their pros and cons, but for ease of use the panzerfaust is what i would take.