Panzerfaust or Panzershreck????

The only real advantage of the RPzB54 is the range, but when the Panzerfaust 100 appeared this advantage was no more.

I am a old defender of the tank fist.

so what was the differnce with the 100m from the 60m? other then the range, internally or amount of damge it could inflict?

Basicly the range, the P 100 contain more propellent so it had more muzzle velocity, then more range.

Panzerfaust 100 cutaway.

The shaped charge was the same, it could penetrate about 160-170 mm of homogeneous armor.

An odd view of a Sherman tank equiped with french chickehouse mesh wire. :?

That was for reppeling the Panzerfaust shaped charge.

How long did it take the Panzerfaust to cover 100m? How does this compare to the Panzershreck?

That chicken mesh defence is quite interesting!

Take a look at police stations in NI !

How long did it take the Panzerfaust to cover 100m

The Panzerfaust 100 more than 2 sec, the P- 150 1,5 sec.

How does this compare to the Panzershreck

Well dont be lazy and read the previous pages of this topic. :twisted:

Now a nice present for Panzerknacker - Happy D-Day anniversary!
A few interesting photos of P/faust and P/scheck:
Enjoy and start discussion!

Look at fuse housings. (?)

Hmm, without it this poor bloke would fly? :smiley:

And now… real rarity. Panzerabwehrmunitionskraftwagen Mk1

And Mk2…

Enjoy, :slight_smile:


Quiet nitid pictures thanks.

The weapons depicted are both from late 1943, The RpzB 43 without the shiel (that why the shooter use the gas mask) and the Panzerfaust Klein.

I was just looking for a comparisant between the speed of the weapons(not weapons overall), whether or not the extra second or two is a big advantage?

Oh…in that case the Panzerfaust 150 superior muzzle speed made it very superior weapon, but few of these were actually deployed.

Did the weapon emit some type of poison?

Did the weapon emit some type of poison?[/quote]

No, just a lot of smoke. But soldier on the pic wear gas-mask against blast from starting rocket - as Panzerknacker wrote - RpzB 43 is without shield. Normally shield is sufficient cover for the face.
You may ask why American bazooka had no protective shield…
The secret is in different propellant.



Indeed, the mask was to avoid any burn or propellent pellet entering in the shooters eye. This was not wrote in the weapons manul but discovered by the foot soldier.

By the way in this video you can see the actual secuence of loading and shooting the 43 model Shreck.

if anyone was behind a one of these would get burned by the jet of flame shoot from brhind it

nice screen shot from saving private ryan if i’m not mistaken

Honorable gentlemen, please accept my request for forgiveness because of evidently belatedly posted pictures. However, as a beginner I surely do hope that these original color photos of German infantry rocket-propelled anti-tank weapons, previously printed in a truly remarkable German wartime „Signal” magazine back there in 1944, will be useful additions for encircled presentation of aforementioned weaponry.

Panzerschrek – just fired

Panzerfaust – ready for launch

Panzerfaust – hollow charge effect on a STANAG 4032 panzerplatte

In the very same time I wish to express my personal gratitude for numerous hours of pure historiographic joy, courteously offered by you. Your truly remarkable insight, astonishing amount of factual knowledge, as well as almost inexhaustible fact-resources have created a true all-inclusive WW II reference – center on the web. Once again – thank you for your efforts. May god bless you and keep you!:slight_smile:

Dobrodoshlo Librarian!
Thanks for your warm thoughts. I only hope that you’ll contribute from now on as you remarkably started. Please enjoy our community and our board if I may say so.
Once again welcome!

Very nice pictures , welcome. :cool:

Checking more carefully those seems colored screenshots of this piece of film.