PK's Feedback Thread

Okay, if you insist - I suppose it’s better than six!..where do you want me…over the chair?

I am not going to get crazy with the quotes as many you like to do so:

I dont know what is coy, but my problem with Nick is between he and me, I dont need intermediation.

When I said moderator beware, well that was beware of me, I am no more mister nice guy.

Is was no intention to make a good topic by the way, just to complain about some inconveniences, but it must be it comes so…even if I dont like, that is a quality poster…not like the guy here with the number of the other registered in Oxford. amazing.

This topic will became the voice of the opressed ( opressed by inept moderation that is) whom I ll be glad to representate.

Twenty paces?

Is was no intention to make a good topic by the way, just to complain about some inconveniences, but it must be it comes so…even if I dont like, that is a quality poster…not like the guy here with the number of the other registered in Oxford. amazing.

This topic will became the voice of the opressed ( opressed by inept moderation that is) whom I ll be glad to representate.

Um, what constituency is this? The ones you unilaterally deleted and banned, often on a whim?

What’s Spanish for “irony?”

Don’t you think you’re being a bit of a drama-queen about all this?

Has something changed?

I am pleased to have amazed you.


The deposed dictator elects himself as the leader of the revolution against the popularly elected new government. Very South American.

Yes you have amazed me,…with your stupidity.
And I was not “deposed”, I simply decided not to work as moderator anymore since I have several differences in how to handle the forum. And I am convinced that my way is much better than the todays ways, but you probably now that.:rolleyes:

Um, what constituency is this? The ones you unilaterally deleted and banned, often on a whim?

Puff, pure tipical nonsence, I already been interrogated several times about this question in the Mod room and I did all my explanations there, I dont going to repeat that here. If you cant find the related discussion…well is not my trouble.

I’m still pleased to have amazed you. It’s fun amazing you. You’re very funny when you’re amazed. I like you when you’re funny. You are, in fact, amazingly funny when you’re amazed.

Well, me old sport, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the fact is that there is no change in the standard of modding since you weren’t deposed but left to spend more time with your family, except for a huge reduction in conflict between members and mods and a refreshing absence of complaints by members about mods’ conduct, with one notable exception among the non-mod members.

Now, back to the revolution you’re leading.

You realise that as a banned then unbanned member, with five infraction points reduced to one for twelve months, and with another member still upset about me having had two accounts at one stage, I am the one most in need of your representation.

So, what are you going to do to correct the ‘opression by inept moderation’ I’ve suffered?

Sorry, but it seems that the Alzheimer is playing games with you again.

  • You never had 5 infraction points in your Rising Sun account. You have a maximum of 3.

  • The double account is clearly forbidden by the rules, so your alter ego was perfectly banned.

You will understand my decline to represent you , I simply dont like people telling lies in my face.

Beside, despite your 2000 and some post I dont think you are much important or bring some special to the forum, let me say that you are an expendable member.

Thanks for clearing that up.

At least you’ve finally come out in the open and stated what we’ve both known is your attitude to me for a long time: Contemptuous and determined to get rid of me.

Would you care to tell me when I lied to you?

Or perhaps he was referring to me? I’d like to know if I have ever lied?

This is possibly the best thread I’ve ever started BTW…

I think you have a very good chance of being told, and soon.

I agree.

It’s clearly therapeutic for PK, and he does need therapy. :smiley:

I don’t understand it. You said you’d be glad to represent me.

Now that you’ve rejected me, it looks like you’re leading a revolution of one. That should bring the mods to heel. I can hear them in the mod room saying

‘Eek! PK is revolting!’

I am honoured to be No. 1 on your list of expendable members. You do realise that that makes me important and special, don’t you? It was very kind of you.

I suspect that you have more than one person on your list of expendable members. As you’ve been kind enough to reveal that I’m on it because I allegedly lied to you, why don’t you extend your spirit of frankness and tell us who else is on it, and why?

But, whatever you do, I’ll always be No.1 in your eyes. Thank you.

Oh common PK , you have not insult the member by such open insolent way.
Sure the RS is not so much importaint in Nazy/Weaponry/Glorify threads :wink: like you.
But he definitally one of the best about Pacific/middle east/Japane wars threads.
And he has no lack of feeling of humor , unlike somebody here:)

Thanks for that.

You’ve probably just made yourself No.2 on PK’s expendable member list.

As if, given his insulting post to you in your congrats thread, you weren’t already, anyway. :wink:

PK, me old china plate, me old cobber, I’m a bit perturbed by your uncharacteristic silence.

I trust you haven’t been lost in the pampas.

'Cos I’d really like you to tell me when I’ve lied to you.

Having Alzheimer’s and all and being fed on stale bread crusts and possum dropping (the nurses reckon they’re raisins but I know what possum shit tastes like) blancmange here in the God’s Waiting Room Home for the Terminally Bewildered with no broadband, it’s so easy for me to forget what I’ve done. But you have an excellent memory, so I’d be grateful for a touch of elucidation.

Of course if you, or preferably your sister, would like to drop around and give me another type of touch, that would be nice, too.

Silence ?
I cant be online the 24 hours, you now…
You lied when claimed you got 5 infraction poits in the Rising S. account, that never happen. Maybe is not an premeditated lie but is not the truth.

Now that you’ve rejected me, it looks like you’re leading a revolution of one.

Well, you need to start in some way, who knows, maybe in 6 months I ll got 2 revolutionaries , hahaha :smiley:

I like your signature aniway.

To some Mod. can we merge this two ?:




I read the numbers in English.

Do tell me where I saw a 5 that wasn’t there.

Of course, you’ll slide out of it by saying that Registrar Oxbridge got the 5 points.

Probably best not to be too pedantic about such things, or your pedantry might come back to bite a big chunk out of your bottom. (I was going to say arse, but Nickdfresh might be modding and he’s quite delicate about such things.)

Inability to see clear numbers like 5 happens a lot in the Home for the Terminally Bewildered, where we old people lack the acuity of you young blokes. Not to mention your confidence.

And I could have sworn I saw a 5 somewhere in there.

Here’s a tip, if you ever come over here. Don’t go into pubs. I’ve seen blokes glassed for a lot less than you’ve thrown at me lately.

How old are you two? I know you must be older than the way you’re acting…

Of course, you’ll slide out of it by saying that Registrar Oxbridge got the 5 points.

Of course, the points were for that account, then Gen Sandworn merged the two accounts, that is why you have the remarks there.

But in the end I dont know why you worry about, you can strolling all you like so…go for it.

Here’s a tip, if you ever come over here. Don’t go into pubs. I’ve seen blokes glassed for a lot less than you’ve thrown at me lately.

Agreed, I seen people stabbed by much less than “f…ing wanker”.

How old are you two? I know you must be older than the way you’re acting…

I am 28, but I believe there is no age for clearing matters.:cool:

ROFLMFAO :mrgreen::mrgreen:

Time for a reality check, me old sport.

You’re the one who’s been bleating about me having two accounts. You’re the one who’s got his cute little lacy black panties all bunched up in his delicate little crack and putting unbearable pressure on his enormous cojones over it, not me or anyone else.

My, my!

How your standards have dropped since you were dropped as a mod.

Calling people dorks (And a mod no less, when you’d have been issuing infraction points like confetti if someone called you a dork before you got dropped as a mod), stupid, liars, and fucking wankers.

You wouldn’t have allowed that when you were a mod.

I’m starting to think you’re right about modding standards dropping since you’ve been dropped.

Maybe a mod should go back to the old standards you miss and want to restore by your revolution of the oppressed, currently led by yourself at the head of the raging throng of the oppressed masses, being yourself.

Of course, I can see four infraction points that you’d have issued just for what you’ve done in this thread. One more and that’d get you banned, which would be a pity because you actually make a very good contribution to the board, when you’re not spitting poison at people you don’t like because they don’t share your unique view of your personal magnificence.