PK's Feedback Thread

Ok seriously thats enough … PK RS take it to PM

PK, any chance of telling me what you feel about my good self?

I feel a bit upset you have told RS but not me.

And I thought we were friends… :.( (me sad and crying).

Sorry but you continue confused, I repeat i was nor “dropped” as a Mod.
Of course I am concerned about the enforcing of the rules, but as I said, you are no free…worry no more.
Your way won, the mine lost, be happy.

The think I would do is erased the message that was out of place ( like me calling someone “dork”, no particular Mod actually) merge the two Irak topics, and solved. Of course I would not allowed this topic because is an invitation to became agressive but it seems is funny for the Moderator who created it, Nick in this case, that is a clear indication he have no real qualities for Moderator, he should be called “Inflamator” or something.

You see, is much better in that way. And me spitting poison…? that is a bit harsh, I would say I am corrosive, but poisonus…dont think so.

Ok seriously thats enough … PK RS take it to PM

For me there is no trouble, this is pure enternaiment, and free, the old aussie is a natural clown.:cool:

PK, any chance of telling me what you feel about my good self?

I feel a bit upset you have told RS but not me.

And I thought we were friends… :.( (me sad and crying).

Sorry man but you are a bit of mistery, the only thing I can tell is you seem to have two or three personalities.

My lips are sealed.

Although I think using Super Glue wasn’t such a good idea. :smiley:

My lips are sealed.

Pity, because I was just getting warmed up. :smiley:

Well, since you’ve dropped my name again, Panzernutter, I just wish to convey that you did (seemingly deliberately) post an article that is essentially called a duplicate, or “dupe,” on most message boards, since I had already started a separate thread on the Turkish incursion. One that was pretty clear to anyone with an IQ above 40 or had bothered to read over the thread titles. But I am truly sorry your Holiness. I apologize for violating the sanctity of some macho, puerile little preening wannabe internet martyr’s post. For who am I to forget the importance of Panzerknacker and all he represents? and how his posts are so important? Perhaps we could point out several inconvenient facts: like that you’ve banned and deleted peoples’ posts, banned posters seemingly on a whim with no discussion, and even contravened your superiors like a good, smug little self-important tin-pot autocrat. The truth is PK is that you can give orders, but you just can’t take 'em…

But you’re correct. Let no one believe that PK was fired! Indeed, he quit. He had a meltdown because another “junior” mod dared reverse one of his many little tyrannies on this board. But you know what? That’s just tough pal. You don’t like it? Grow up! For once someone stood up to the little junta-boy and said “no?” Deal with it! You do not own this forum, and it does not exist for you to decide who is allowed to post on it nor does it exist for you to settle your vendettas the minute the opportunity arises. You know PK, this is all a shame. A damn shame! Because you are an excellent poster when you’re not carried away on some bizarre Latin-male power trip.

Your knowledge of all things panzer is second to none. Your posts are borderline scholarly when you put your mind to it. But good God are you such a little drama ______. But it’s getting old man. The whole spoiling-for-a-fight act is just plain old and tired at this point. No one is hopping on your “rise-up-and-overthrow-Nick” bandwagon, and the fact that you actually thought that more than a couple posters would care is borderline comical. As is the fact that now you are referring to me as the "inflaminator™ " :smiley: I think that’s about the third puerile “insult” you’ve thrown my way that I’ve pretty much ignored. I’ve been patient. I’ve been very forgiving and even whimsical as I am mildly amused by all this. But I’m warning you, if you want to down in some blaze of internet glory. That’s fine. But I’m through turning the other cheek, Evita. I’ve taken far more shiite from you than you ever would have from any poster, and the whole hypocrisy thing is becoming unbearable. I’m guessing that in your macho little dissent filleting culture that this sort of behavior is interpreted as a sign of weakness. It isn’t. Out of deference for your past posting, I’ve ignored your little insolence and open personal attacks, but my patience is straining…

Spot on!

Especially about PK’s hypocrisy.

PK reinforced that point by posting a response to me after GS told him and me to can our bickering. He would have gone apeshit if anyone did that when he was a mod. We know that, because that’s what he did when I did it to him a while back.

Apart from just being unable to cope with not being a mod any more but behaving like he still is, I suspect that’s he misbehaving intentionally in pursuit of some perverse scheme to prove that the modding standards have dropped since he committed ritual suicide as a mod, by showing that his bad conduct isn’t stopped by the current mods he sees as woefully incompetent and incapable of running the board as brilliantly as he ran it ;). His arrogance and blind conceit are such that he doesn’t realise it reflects badly only upon him, not the current mods who display all the desirable modding qualities he lacked, and that the more he’s allowed to get away with it the more he reveals himself as petty, vindictive, and irrational, just like when he was a mod.

Of course, if a mod acts against him, he’ll claim it’s part of some vendetta against him. Maybe he’ll use it to abuse the mod for being incompetent for not acting against him earlier. :rolleyes:


What about discribing my personalities?

I wont be offended, I am intweaged.

This is something to look forward to.

An analysis of mulitple personalities perceived by someone with multiple personalities.

I can’t wait.

Here’s PK considering the problem. :smiley:

This is serious this you know RS.

PS. Where did you find my vid? :stuck_out_tongue:

Mate, I know it’s serious. When am I ever anything but serious? :wink:

Do you mean you have a spy camera in PK’s bedroom?

Isn’t he already paranoid enough? :smiley:

PS. He’s put on weight since the pic he posted in Forum Faces, but otherwise he looks about the same, apart from being a bit older in the vid. :smiley:

Don’t beat a man when he is already on the ground - one has to know when to end the childyness imho.

Don’t waste your sympathy on him.

He’s not on the ground. He’s on both feet and slugging away as hard as he can, looking for new targets all the time, and finding them.

He said in his last post that this was pure entertainment for him. He loves being the poor downtrodden oppressed victim of the bastardry of the incompetent mods who can’t do their jobs half as well as he did, and leading his revolution of one. Soon his signature will be a picture of Che Guevara, which you might find on the PM he’ll likely send you to join him so he can double the size of his revolutionary forces and storm the evil WWIIIC palace.

As for ending childishness, that’s up to PK. He’s the one who can’t accept what’s happened to him or accept things the way they are.

If he shut up, there wouldn’t be any noise from anywhere else.

It’s not my sympathy, it’s my opinion - but everybody has to eat what he cooked, so decide how to arrange that. A public flamewar leads to nothing than bad blood.

PS: No i have not recieved any PM of him, and i am not feeling like a oppressed individuum. ^^

There’s no flamewar here. It’s just a continuation of PK’s endless commentary on the many deficiencies of other members who are lesser people than him and the many stunning faults he sees in the current mods and how this board fails to meet his grand standards, with responses from some of those who don’t quite share his views.

What a pity.

PK thinks the forum is full of the oppressed and desperately needs some opressed people to swell his oppressed ranks to two. He’s going around in circles leading himself as the oppressed masses. If it goes on much longer, he’ll get dangerously dizzy. :smiley:

Gentlemen, General Sandworm has asked you all to take it to PMs. You’ve ignored him, so I’m locking this thread to force you to. If you start any other threads on the same subject I’ll delete them. If you want to slag other forum members off in public, go somewhere like Gen[M]ay - not here.