Polish Army on the Eastern Front

Chevan mayby they are so happy because they could escape from soviet camps on siberia

Ordre de Bataille Polish Forces on Soviet command:

Polish First Army
1st infantry division (Tadeusz Kosciuszko)
2nd infantry division (Jan Henryk Dabrowski)
3rd infantry division (Romuald Traugutt)
4th infantry division (Jan Kilinski)
6th infantry division
1st armored brigade (Heroes of Westerplatte) - often detached and
operating independently
1st cavalry brigade (wARSAW)
1st cannon artillery brigade (Jozef Bem)
2nd howitzer artillery brigade
3rd howitzer artillery brigade
5th heavy artillery brigade
1st anti-aircraft artillery division
st engineer brigade
1st mortar brigade (attached from High Command Reserve)
4 Pomorski Heavy Tank Regiment (Is-2)
13 Armoured Artillery Regiment
1st fighter aviation regiment (Warszawa)

Second Army Headquarters
5th Infantry Division
7th Infantry Division
8th Infantry Division
9th Infantry Division
10th Infantry Division
2nd Artillery Division
6th Light Artillery Brigade
7th Howitzer Artillery Brigade
8th Heavy Artillery Brigade
3rd Anti-Aircraft Artillery Division
9th Antitank Brigade
14th Antitank Brigade
3rd Mortar Regiment
1st Tank Corps
16th Tank Brigade
5th Heavy Tank Regiment (IS-2)
28th Armoured Artillery Regiment (self-propelled guns)
4th Sapper Brigade

But they go on to the Syberia later, right?

The part of them yes, but all come back to Poland after 1956

Oh are you sure the all of then come back to the homeland in 1956. I thought they all were killed by NKVD :wink:
How could NKVD did not liquidate the poles entirely?

Chevan you don’t must be cynical. I don’t think that all russian was villains and hate polish. NKVD was (for me) crime organization but I don’t think that reasons exist NKVD was only mourdered poles. This organization try destroy all enemy “comunist gouverment” independently of their nationalities
or did they was hypotetical or tru enemy.

My correct : all still life come back to Poland after 1956

Next part of pictures?

Tankers of Tanks Brigade “Bohaterow Westerplatte”- Spring of 1944

Fight for Kolobrzeg

Sorry Polar
Indeed i have nothing to insult your feelings. I just thankful to you for the photos.
So do you thing those poles who were deported into Syberia was the enemy of communist gov (i.e.USSR) ? Why?

The most of deported Poles between 1944-1945 was member’s Home Army (Armia Krajowa) and they don’t want establish comunist gov in Poland. In this sence they was enemy comunist gov.
I found this topic http://www.ww2incolor.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4341
and I think that is better to talk about this theme

But it was deported about 300 000 -500 000 of poles in 1940 and about 200 000 in 1944-45. But this is just 2,5% of 32 mln polish population.( or 6-7% of mens population or 15-20% of young mens population of Poland)
Do you think the rest 80% of young poles did like the communism or were a neitral?Let’s suggets the 40-50% were the neitral ( in what i doubt) i.e. the rest of 30-40% are hotly supported the communism?

I found this topic http://www.ww2incolor.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4341
and I think that is better to talk about this theme

Yea this is wery interesting thread , have you to add something interesting?

The answer for you question Chevan is very simply. About 27 % Poland general population supported the communism in Poland. Look this link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_people’s_referendum%2C_1946 this is about People’s Referendum of 1946, also know as the “Three Times Yes” what was show tru about clebrity comunism in Poland.

And do you think if the 27% of poles supported the communism - the other 73% were STRONGLY against?

Mayby not strongly but they don’t like comunist

But where is the evidences they didn’t like the communism so mach than even has let the minority to rule them :wink:
It’s seem if 73% ( i.e. absoluty majiority) woudl hate or dislike the communism they never let them to take the power.

you’ve got to remeber that when the People’s Referendum was organised in 1946, whole population was under extreme pressure from commies, and the large-scale terror was already running.
That why the commies had the free hand to take power.
You really believe that if the commies had lost the referendum, they would gave up and let other political parties to seize the power?
That’s infantile thinking.
Besides that, the referendum’s results were falsified.

The fact is that commies never had enough support to take the power according to the letter of the law.

Dear Kovalsky
But how could you explained the fact that at least 27% of WHOLE polish population STRONGLY support the communists? May be the repression did not touched them.
Or where is the your evidences that the ALL rest 73% were under communists repressions?

Below you can find the questions of People’s Referendum in 1946:

  1. Do you want the Senate to be abolished?
  2. Do you want economic system, implemented by the agricultural reform and nationalisation of basic branches of economy to be secured in future Constitution, with keeping all legal authorizations of private initiative?
  3. Do you want western borders of Polish State to be secured on Baltic Sea, Odra and Nysa Luzycka rivers?

Above questions were considered important (especially 2 and 3), but…
there was nothing about supporting commies, only about securing the borders and economic system, and the abolishing the senat.

The communists’ aim was to make people to vote 3 X YES. They needed some form of peoples’ acceptance for their plans. They didn’t care about questions, they just wanted these “3 X YES” answers. Few months before the referendum they started a huge propaganda campaign.
Anybody who declared refusal or will of voting against, would be considered as the “enemy of Poland”. So all anti-communist organizations were put into very difficult situation.
If anybody voted 3 X YES, it didnt mean at all, that he supported the commies.

So, your first question was based on false assumptions from the very beginning.

Referring to your second question…

Of course not all of these 73 % were under communist repressions.
But do I really have to prepare a lecture for you about scale of communist terror in Poland?


So why then do you think that everybody who voted not 3 X YES was inevitable agains commies?

So, your first question was based on false assumptions from the very beginning.

Mate you get confused.
My question was not how much supported the commie in the referendum.
The link to the referendum whic give us the honored Polar

The referendum demonstrated the weakness of the communists and encouraged them to increase their persecution of the opposition and general repression. It also discouraged them from holding any further referendums. However, it should be noted that communists did have a significant base of support, as at least 20% of voters voted for their policies without any duress.

So do you see the WIki give us the at least 20% are supported the commie.( and please all claims not to me mate)
So my point is.
If the 20% of poles hotly supported the communists DOES IT MEAN another 80% were strongly against.
I’ve told alredy my point is: if about 20% were for so how many was against? 10-15-20%

Referring to your second question…

Of course not all of these 73 % were under communist repressions.
But do I really have to prepare a lecture for you about scale of communist terror in Poland?

So how many in percentage of peoples were repressed in Poland?
I 've alredy told my oppinion about 2,5% at all. So lets admit the relatives of those 2,5% are about 2-3% more ( who also hated the communists).
Mate if you please instead of lecture would you so kind to give us the figure of people who was under a “lage-scale” repression. How many it was in the relation to the rest population of Poland.


Because the questions were not: “Do you support commies?” - if anybody voted 3 X YES, it didn’t mean at all, that he supported the commies.

Other political parties just in order to differ from commies encouraged to vote 1 X YES and 2 X NO (Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe - Polish People’s Political Party), 2 X NO and 1 X Yes, or 3 X NO (Narodowe Siły Zbrojne - National Armed Forces).

So in fact, the result of “at least 20% of voters” voting 3 X YES, doesn’t determine the scale of commies’ support.
Besides the number of real commies who voted 3 X YES, you need to put into these 20% also a some number of people who wanted that three things mentioned in questions to be done, but not truly supporting commies (or even not aware who commies are). That’s all.

Well, maybe not strongly, but they were against, because they voted in the way proposed by other political groups and parties.

I think that I t would be suitable to give you the total number of Poles repressed by commies, starting from 1939, not only these who were repressed after the end of war.
I need some more time to gather all information, but we can start from here:
According to official polish national census, polish population in 1938 was 24,150,000.

Number of victims of deportations organised by the Soviets in areas taken after 17th of September 1939:
* february 1940 roku: 220-250 thousands
* april 1940 roku: 300-320 thousands
* june 1940 roku: 240-400 thousands
* june 1941 roku: 200-300 thousands
Total: 960.000-1.270.000 victims of deportations.

It doesn’t look like yours 2,5 %… It’s 3,97-5,25 %.
And later we will add all victims of Soviets and commies that were unlucky to meet them after june 1941.


Chevan you wrote that 2,5 % was deported. Did you think that in Poland wasn’t prisons or special camps for enemy of comunism or wasn’t death penalty?

In my opinion the answer about yours question how many polish was strongly against communism is in third question referendum (Do you want to adopt the Oder-Neisse line (comprising the Oder River and the Nysa River) as the western border of Poland?) Peoples what answer no on this question don’t accept even positive aspects of communism in Poland. This was 33 % population of Poland