Polish Army on the Eastern Front

Incidentally, here’s a parallel discussion, and I think most who’ve read of, and have any degree of knowledge of the disposition of the pre-War French Army agree that their chances were mixed at the very best…


The French Army could simply not operate on the same level of tactical efficiency as the Germans, or the British, for that matter…

BTW, corrections are that the Saar Offensive was launched on September 7, and it was made with nine divisions initially…

Are you joking? No help and no advisors. It is the new Polsih version of history or what?

It costs almost nothing to gather half a million men in comparison to the costs of their weapon, ammunition etc.

There is no known or documented account of military advisors sent to Poland during the war of 1920.

And about no foreign advisors



Interesting information about one advisor.


After the armistice, de Gaulle continued to serve in the Army and on the staff of Gen. Maxime Weygand’s military mission to Poland during its war with Communist Russia (1919-1921), working as an instructor to Polish infantry forces.[1] He distinguished himself in operations near the River Zbrucz and won the highest Polish military decoration, the Virtuti Militari.

In the bullshit of a post of yours you do not mention that Poland was left with entire factories, arsenals, manufactures, yes it was ruined, no it was not even close to bankrupt.

Ruined factories, arsenals, manufactures is a great industrial base for war.

The first engangement and any wind of war happened on 14 Feb 1919 when Poland already had a massive fully equipped army, the first shipments of equipment were ‘ordered’ prior to battle of Warsaw.

Of course it had a massive fully equipped army thanks to Entente.

The FT-17 at Dyneburg were purchased for a hefty price and transported to Gdańsk where a polish garrison ensured they’d be allowed passage, Italy never commited a single weapon to Poland and the carbines you came up with were being used by the austro-hungrarian army and inherited by its polish elements and some captured arsenals in and around Kraków.

Actually 90% of the equipment Poland already had was inherited from the three partitioning nations which undermines your version of massive help, Poland did purchase a few tanks and planes since it had a running infrastructure, in fact it was in better shape at that time then for example Russia or Germany but the amount of equipment bought was minuscule since we already captured what we needed from our partitioners, next please.

Oh my God. Captured from the partioners. It is an anecdote. Evidently you are trying to say that Russian, German, Austrian troops were defeated by Poles, they surrendered to Poles and gave all their weapon, ammunition and equipment to Poles.

The region of Warsaw was one of the most industrialized regions in the Russian Empire, the region of Poznan was one of the wealthier in Prussia, Poland was far from bankrupcy since it erected half a milion troops without any support and its economy was running pretty well ( for a post WW1 country that is ).

Prussia like the rest of Germany had become a bankrupt by 1918 with hungry riots, hyper inflation and the like. It was not much better in Warsaw. By the way Poland was in economic crisis most of the 1920s.

Returning to the blue army.

The Blue Army added exactly 68 000 men to the existing 690 thousands, 40 FT-17 tanks to the already purchased 95.

Approximately 50 airplanes of various types used mostly for observation.

It participated in the main offensive against Ukrainians and played a crucial role then. The number of tanks speaks for itself. It is a huge number for that time and all these tanks were given to Poland for free.

They did help but were neither crucial nor instrumental in victories since despite being part of the core of the military the main victories of the war came from the employment of indigenous cavalry mixed with tanks and armored cars, the main combat of the Blue Army was under Bzura when the war was already won.

Among other kinds of weapon I have already pointed out that France and Britain gave tanks and armored cars to Polish forces. This Western help was really crucial as the Red Army was equipped much worse due to economic blockade. Even with huge foreign military support Poles were close to defeat.
So the absence of the Blue Army could be critical for the outcome of the war.
Besides fortunatlely for Poles senior Soviet commanders assigned to this campaign showed themselves as incompetant amateurs to say the least of it.

I’m not going to take part in this discussion, but I would like to add my few comments:

  1. Convenanter, I hope the warning you received from mods will let you restrain yourself from insulting other members of this forum. If you don’t agree with anybody here, even if he is talking fairy tales in you opinion, still you should respect him. What is worse, your way of discussion make you a person of great disrespect among the members who don’t have anything against you and even may share your opinions.

  2. Thank God polish government in 30’s didn’t share your views about alliance with nazi Germany. Personally, I cannot recall any of Hitler’s statement in which he would express opinion about possible friendship with Poland. What is more I remember he hated Poles so much, that the only role he could find for them in future was as a slave-workers and final in gas chambers. The idea of alliance with nazi Germany could be popular among the members and sympathizers of ONR (polish pro-fasist, nationalist, radical and terrorist group in 30’s). That’s all.

  3. There was a lot of military advisors from abroad in Poland after WW1. Personally, I’ve seen a photo of Capt. de Gaulle together with other members of French Military Mission in Poland.
    That mission was established on 25th of April 1919, and numbered 429 to 1000 advisors. The mission was present in Poland till 1932.
    source (polish only):

  4. It is not an invention of mods of this forum that sources are required in historical discussion. It is a basic condition everywhere. If don’t provide them you simply become unreliable person. So I would kindly ask you not to forget it, no matter they are in english or in polish, or in any other language. There is plenty members from all over the world who can confirm your sources, so don’t worry.


Mods are neofascist shits and when 2012 comes the comet will obliterate these fuckers after killing their families and i get to piss on their mortal remains.

Hhhrrrr… hhrrrr… Impressive. Most impressive. Now, release your anger. Only your hatred can destroy me. you do not yet realize your importance. You have only begun to discover your power. Join me, and I will complete your training. With our combined strength, we can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the galaxy. hhrrr… hhrrr…

Covenanter, I am your father!
Search your feelings, you know it to be true!