Polish new fighters

That’s the point! :wink:

Thats a… “Insurgent uniform” ;), there’s M35 helmet with polish band around, and piece of SS M42 camo smock on summer side in Platanentarnmuster (6) camouflage. You can also see a Y-straps and strap of Bren-kit bag. :slight_smile:

I read a diary of German soldier fighting in Warsaw Uprising. According to him, after few days of fighting some German soldiers stopped to wear their helmets, because they were also widely used by polish side, and there were cases of friendly fire on german side because of these helmets.

You’re one and only Chevan, a hopeless case :slight_smile:

Well, it would be great if there were no Polo-phobia among Russian idiot-politicians.:wink:

The slight difference would be that the AK boys are considered “heroic” in Poland,
the HJ boys are considered “misled” in Germany though.

Przepraszam, no offence. Just envy of a guy to slowly converge the feared “40”

Or NATOphobia…:wink:

No problem :smiley: That’s frequently :wink: Some peoples also confusing me with a girl :mad: :lol:

deleted post Adrian Wainer

The Third Reich spent considerable effort to send Jewish children to the gas chambers, even dispatching trains for the purpose when German frontline troops were suffering defeats in part as a result from transport supply logistic problems. Given how low the Polish nation figured on the German scale of “racial purity”, the Poles could have been next for the gas chambers. In the circumstances for children to fight an occupying power in their homeland, does not seem to me to be particularly out of order.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Slight difference, is that Germany invaded Poland and much of the rest of Europe and in fact the Hitler Youth was misled, take a look at Goebbels hardly a great example of supposed “Aryan racial purity” or old Johnny one Ball himself Adolf Hitler, well if you suppose a failed Austrian postcard painter starting a World War seeking to re-organize Europe on the basis of a Wagnerian opera as a strategy and ideology makes good sense, well then no they weren’t misled.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

PS I have haven’t heard of any stories of the the likes Herman Goering or Reichfuhrer SS Himmler fighting T-34s in the dying days of the Reich with a rifle or a Panzerfaust, maybe because it never happened :confused:

Sorry, but kids used as soldiers is definitely out of order to me irrespective of the conflict and aera. Watch this boys in Africa these days, armed with AK’s bigger than themselves: f**ked for life!

Good point here, but I see hardly a coherence to my post. Or do you believe to have read something “between the lines” making me approve Hitler’s actions?:confused:

So if you are saying then that it would have been wrong for Jewish children to fight against the Third Reich military forces, when those same forces were intent on exterminating them, if that is indeed the case that sounds to me like political correctness gone mad.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

It was “wrong” (understatement of the year) to try to extinct the jewish population in the first place. As we all know two wrong don’t make one right though. For the case you mentioned: there was no major (!) resistance attempts of the jewish people but the Warsaw Ghetto uprising in 1943 so it would be wrong to send in children first.
And remember there is always the danger of over-political correctness to go mad…

I never said anything about sending children in first. And to come back to your original remark, you made no exceptions and the fact that there were not other major Jewish resistance attempts than the Warsaw ghetto uprising is non-relevant. As for two wrongs do not make a right, one could apply that to all military activity and say the only response of the Western democracies to the rise of the Third Reich should have been disarmament and passive resistance in the style advocated by Mahatma Gandhi in his struggle for Indian independence, in the event of a Nazi occupation of United Kingdom and the United States of America by the Third Reich.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

So, what’s your point in the first place? Glorifying kid soldiers?

Hey, that’s a superb alternate history scenario. You should write a book about this…

Who said anything about glory I certainly didn’t, war is a dirty nasty business and the best War is the one you avoid having to fight. Like people play computer games and think that it is fun…well there is nothing fun e.g. about being on the receiving end of a 5.56 assault rifle round, since it makes up for it’s lack of velocity and weight by acting in the same manner as a dumb-dumb round, it tumbles once it has struck the target. That said, it is a entirely legitimate action for a child to fight people who are exterminators.

Ha Ha very funny, unfortunately it would not be a very long book. The Waffen SS / Einsatz SS had a rather different methodology of dealing with civil dissent to that of the British Indian Army, I don’t think Mr Gandhi and his associates would have got too far with the likes of civil dissent from inside an Indian Auschwitz, Zyklon B tends to be very effective in countering the legalistic and moral argument of folks like Mr Gandhi, and as for the greater mass of the Indian people, passive resistance e.g. laying down on railway tracks to stop trains would not have worked very well, if the Third Reich had been running the show in India, in that they simply would have run the train over the people lieing on the tracks. And while I am giving examples from India, there is no reason to suggest that the Third Reich authorities would have acted any differently had they met such passive ie non-violent civil resistance in an occupied United Kingdom or USA.

All of which by the way, seems somewhat besides the point in that in my opinion your position is effectively in tatters and you appear to be going off at tangents to distract attention from that. The English have a saying, when you are in hole stop digging.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

So what was my position once again? Not to glorify the existence of kid soldiers, no matter the nation. So no need for distraction for your arguments can’t change my point of view in this.
I just start to wonder about your exceedingly insistent dedication in some threads on the forum. Has it something to do with self-justification? Just mentioning that austrian sounding family name of yours…

Well speaking of Austrians, at least Otto Von Habsburg didn’t think too much of Herr Hitler and his pals and speaking of family names are you related to the Auslandsdeutsche Flamethrowerguys of Moldova by any chance.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Sharp-witted, ain’t I? Good to hear about Otto von Habsburg and his opinion of Hitler and his posse. That makes to of us then.
I’ll tell you a secret, don’t pass it on: ‘Flamethrowerguy’ is not my real name, just a nickname for the forum. No connection to Moldova though, quite the opposite point of the compass.

Have a nice life!

LOL, Oh for sure I hadn’t realized that it was unlikely in the extreme that “Flamethrowerguy” was your real name, ever watched Monty Python, you should have auditioned for it, in my opinion you’re a natural.

Not much about glory, there is there…like I think you are saying that children fighting in War is wrong at any time, under any circumstances.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer