Polish new fighters

Thought this might be of interest



Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Thanx, at least you got that one right! BTW, isn’t that remarkable for a german?

Obligatory Goon Show quote:
Q: Who says ve Germans have no sense von humour?
A: Just about everybody I think!

<imagine Peter Sellers and Spike Milligan doing heavy German accents>

Thanx for those postings pdf27 and flamethrower guy, really enjoyed them reminds me of a joke doing the rounds in Germany in the last days of the War.

Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels etc go to sea to examine a new wonderweapon u-boat, the submarine sinks and Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels etc are drowned but Germany is saved!

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Look, Russian also rode ponies in WW2:

What i like about the polish soldiers in WWII its that they may have obsolete guns like the italians but they had spirit to fight. even when they were conquered by the germans