Polish resistance in WW2

Leaflet of Polish resistance movement concerning mass executions conducted by the nazis in Warsaw


Good stuff PUK

Special intensification of terror took place in October 1943 after taking over a function of Commander of SS and the Police in Warsaw district by a Brigadeführer Franz Kutschera, notorious for his brutality in area of the Soviet Union and announcing an ordinance of a governor general Hans Frank “on fighting attempts to destroy German work of reconstruction in General Governorship”. In result of the ordinance summary courts of the Security Police could pass an immediate death penalty sentences, without any trial or presence of an accused.
After taking over a command in Warsaw Kutschera immediately introduced more harsh policy towards population of the city, aimed at breaking the spirit of people of Warsaw.
Number of roundups and street executions grew. Prisoners of Pawiak were murdered on mass scale in the ghetto ruins. In the 17th and 18th of October about 600 prisoners were shot there. Since the half of October executions in area of the ghetto and in the streets took place every day. Victims of the street executions were both hostages, i.e. people caught in roundups, and prisoners kept at Pawiak for a longer time. Germans were broadcasting over a public address system appeals to the people of Warsaw, telling them to convince the resistance movement to stop their military actions.
Autumn of 1943 was undoubtedly one the most bloody periods of the nazi occupation in Warsaw. Mass executions came as a shock for the people and led to deep sense of hopelessness, strengthen by slow pace of the allies’ offensive in Italy. The Warsavians however did not surrender. In a report of Delegatura (underground representation of the Polish government in occupied country) covering September and October it was said: “Situation in Warsaw is not going to calm down, as Germans expected from the action. On the contrary, the city is outraged and excited […] time after time in different places you can hear shootings which in some cases develop into skirmishes. Warsaw controls its nerves and stands German terror with a great deal of calmness, although in an atmosphere of depression and deep worry. The traffic has got much lighter. People are avoiding trams, city rail, train stations and those points where roundups are the heaviest. Poles are walking through the city with caution, hiding in cases of roundups in shops, gates and private flats. At the same time feelings of hatred and vehemence towards Germans and desire for vengeance and revenge are growing. After the first execution in Niepodleglosci Av. throughout a day the place became a scene of great, silent yet powerful in its expression manifestation of people of Warsaw of all circles and classes. Piles of flowers appeared, as well as crosses, small crosses and candles. People were getting down on their knees, praying aloud for souls of the victims, crying. Cases of collecting traces of blood into scarfs or even marking bodies and hands with it were observed. You could tell by a mood of the crowd it was swearing a revenge on Germans. Similar manifestations took place in Pius St.”.
Germans were initially passively tolerating these manifestations, probably thinking that visits at places of the executions would evoke horror among the people of Warsaw. Once they found out about a real mood of the crowd they took action - began to disperse the manifestations, announced a ban on gatherings in places of the executions, started to arrest or shoot people stopping there. Public executions in Warsaw lasted to the 16th of February 1944. Over that time about 5 thousand citizens of the capitol were murdered. (Marta Jaszczynska)

The publically killing of over the 5 000 civilians in the Warsaw was the worstes and tupical POLISy of terror in the East.
However i have a question in this way?
How could the Army Krajova ( Home Army) surrendered to the Nazy after the lack od Warsaw uprisinf in Sept Of 1944? If they clearly know about cruel NAzy relation to the Poles.
Why did they not joined to the AL ( Army of Ludow) who with fight go out from the Warsaw and joined to the Red Army to continie to fight with Garmany?

Germans declared and promised to treat AK members as the “soldiers of regular polish army”, not as the partisans, bandits, terrorist etc. As the members of regular army they should have been treated according to the Geneva Convention.

When the uprising was about to end, it was already widely known fact, what happened to the members of AK who cooperated with Red Army in the Eastern Areas. So it would be quite naive and stupid to join AL or any other communist unit.

Hi mate.
So ifthe GErmans promised them the paradise in the Comcentration camp - they should believe them?
Really the Poles were so naive to BELIEVE the GErmans will treat with them according Geneva Convention?May be they did not see how did the Germans treated with the Soviets POWs - the other “soldiers of regular army”.
Or may be the Poles believe that the Pole is higher race according the Nazy hierarchy?
I just want to know what was the reason so naive trust for the Nazy?:wink:

When the uprising was about to end, it was already widely known fact, what happened to the members of AK who cooperated with Red Army in the Eastern Areas. So it would be quite naive and stupid to join AL or any other communist unit.

Why do you think so?
As far as the i know from the other threads the the polish 1and 2 Army " Voisko Polskoj" toook active prt in the Berlin poeration http://www.ww2incolor.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3793.
Later those troops has formed the basis of the Commists Polish army.
As far as i know nobody was repressed or deported - they all were the honored veterans in after war Poland.
So really to surrender the Nazy in the last period of war ( when they commited the most mass crimes in the camps) was the best choice for the people who want to fight with Germans to the end?


The proper treating of prisoners was one of the conditions negotiated by the AK HQ, but…
“[…] On the 2nd of October 1944 in von dem Bach’s HQ, capitulation of Home Army Warsaw Corps was signed. Lt.Col. “Radosław” knowing the German atrocities on POWs, gives his soldiers a right to decide and doesn’t give an direct order to surrender to the Germans. The murderers cannot be trusted[…]”
source: http://www.whatfor.prv.pl/

I didn’t find any source with any info about atrocities on AK combatants from Warsaw Uprising. As far as I know some of the AK soldiers didn’t surrender, and wearing civilian clothes left the city and joined the AK units again. Those who surrendered were sent to the prison camp in Germany.

So, I think they were as naive as you think.

You are wrong mate. Especially in the last sentence.
Of course commies called the AK members to join communist army. You got to remember that the ordinary soldiers of LWP (Ludowe Wojsko Polskie) - Polish People’s Army had different stories to tell:

  • some of them were coming from Siberia - they were sent there by Soviets,
  • some were the volunteers,
  • some of them had no chance to join the gen. Anders’s army, and they had to join LWP, because it was the last chance to leave USSR and come back to Poland.

And you got to remember, that although you may think that LWP was a normal army created in USSR in order to fight the Nazis, for polish it wasn’t a normal polish army. It was an army created by Stalin, commanded by Soviet officers and following Stalins orders.

So, just a small number of AK soldiers decided to join the LWP.
The rest wasn’t so naive. And as I said before, especially after all what happend to AK during “Operation Storm” - when AK members were arrested in vast numbers by NKVD.

And about the fate of those from AK who joined the LWP - in majority of cases, the call for joining was just a bait - the easiest way for commies to catch the AK boys. Even if some of them weren’t arrested immediately, they met their fate when the war ended.


Yea i’ve heared about the “promising” of the SS-scum Bach Zelevski to treat “good”. But it was quite amizing for me mate, that poles have balieved them. Especially after what he did in Ukraine.

You are wrong mate. Especially in the last sentence.
Of course commies called the AK members to join communist army. You got to remember that the ordinary soldiers of LWP (Ludowe Wojsko Polskie) - Polish People’s Army had different stories to tell:

  • some of them were coming from Siberia - they were sent there by Soviets,
  • some were the volunteers,
  • some of them had no chance to join the gen. Anders’s army, and they had to join LWP, because it was the last chance to leave USSR and come back to Poland.

So you tend to think that the MOST of LWP members were NOT the voluntaries?
So in this way why they joined the Red Amry after they got the full ammunition and wearponry ( even the tanks ) they did not foight against the Stalin?
As i know even the UPA army who had no the nothing simular wearpon fought with Soviets to the last member?
Why Poles was so passive when they claerly knew that the Soviets is their main enemy?

And you got to remember, that although you may think that LWP was a normal army created in USSR in order to fight the Nazis, for polish it wasn’t a normal polish army. It was an army created by Stalin, commanded by Soviet officers and following Stalins orders.

OK no problems mate, sure i know where and How was formed the LPW.
But does the LPW wasn’t the legitime Polish army since the 1945-1989?
Did they all were occupants who support the Stalin?


I’m afraid that they didn’t have a choice.

I don’t know the percentage, but a lot of them weren’t communist ethusiasts.

And how do you imagine few polish divisions fighting with the hole Red Army?
We all know what happened to UPA.

And here’s the core of our discussions. :slight_smile:
LWP wasn’t an official Polish Army, when it was dependent on puppet communist government and Stalin. By the way, LWP was used also against polish independence organisations.
The legal polish government was in London mate, not in Moscow.


Really they did not have a choise?
So why in this caze the Ugoslavian partisans under command of Tito had the choise.
They lead enough independent policy from the soviet union.

I don’t know the percentage, but a lot of them weren’t communist ethusiasts.

Perhaps the most of them did not support the communism - but in this case they all were the traitors - how could they participated in the Comminists Polish action agains the Ukrainians and support the policy of Stalin.

And how do you imagine few polish divisions fighting with the hole Red Army?
We all know what happened to UPA.

Mate we DID NOT know what would happaned with UPA in 1945.Besides the Baltic “forest brothers” that was in quantity much less then the “few polish divisions” could fought with the Soviet till the mid of 1953.
The UPA and Baltic Brothers relatively strongly resist fo the soviets althoug they even did even not dreamed about the such wearpon that the poles had.

Certainly the Poles ones did not manage to fought Red Army - however if the west ( who till the most end defend the Polish question from Stalin) certainly would support the power anti-soviat movenment in Poland.But this did not happend - coz the poles voluntary subordinated for the Stalin( to the contrast with the Balsic and Western Ukrainians nationalist). This situation foirced the West refused the attempts to destroy the Svist block inside in the 1945-1960.
Moreover poles let voluntary to let the Stalin call the communists poland as the “our brother state” and close ally - the lie that the soviets people have balievd coz the Poles did not resisit for the Soviet invation. Thus most of the soviiet peoples were deceived by this lie, they mistakelly presented the Poland as Sovit-friendly state.
For the comparition althoufgh the Hungary also was the Socialist state- nevertheless the soviet peoples never ( and soviet propoganda) consider the Communist Hunguary as the close ally.All of us know the former Nazy allies - will the first that will attacked us in the WW3 together with our enemies.
Now do you understand what we could feels toward the Poland.
The coward polish puppets in Warsaw presented the Poles as the Great friend of the USSR- they succesfully supressed the own national resistence, they succesfully covinced the Soviet gov in the devotion for the Communists Ideals- and now after the dowfall of USSR we’ve suddenly heard - it was the Evil Russian who ocupped us.And who did say this first- the former polish communist leaders - that now all are the polish patriots.The peole who were responsible for the Communist supprestion in the Poland and who helped to rise the communist blunder about slav brothershood.- now they blame the Russians in the everething.

We though this is our closes East European friend- but this was wrong as you said. So Why the Poles let the Stalin and polish communists to spread this bullshit?
They simply were too small for the resistence- however they were not so small to critize the Stalin like it constantly did the communists Tito?And they had much bigger strength then the Baltic nationalist and UPA.

And here’s the core of our discussions. :slight_smile:
LWP wasn’t an official Polish Army, when it was dependent on puppet communist government and Stalin. By the way, LWP was used also against polish independence organisations.

That’s exactly what i’ve mean - the Poles from the LWP suppressed the OWN polish resistence. How could we call it?

The legal polish government was in London mate, not in Moscow.


I thought the Polish gov was in Warsaw since the 1945 , was not it?:wink:


We got a misunderstanding here.
I meant they had not a choice, and had to surrender to von dem Bach-Zelewski.

As I said before, majority of these guys were on USSR territory, in prisons, labor camps, etc. Joining the polish communist army was their ONLY chance to leave the USSR. So they joined it.
This was the 1st group.
2nd group - these were forced to join the LWP when LWP entered areas with polish inhabitants.
3rd group - AK members, who after being arrested were given a choice: join the LWP or get the one way ticket to Siberia.
4th group - communist ethusiasts.

I wouldn’t call them a traitors.

So you are suggesting that if Poles were so anti-communist, they should fight the Soviets after 1945, with the tanks, planes etc.?
So you mean that LWP, which had Soviet commanders and was totally infiltrated by the NKVD and polish “Informacja Wojskowa” had a chance to succeed?

I have serious doubts about it. :wink:

Please Chevan…
If Western states had a slight will to fight the commies and Soviets, they would do anything. Please remember that after 1945 plenty of WiN, NSZ etc. polish independence units were operating in Poland. They were really active and polish commies were really afraid of them. But the West didn’t want to go to war again.

So it seems that evil polish commies lied to peace-loving Comrade Stalin, right?

Now you shot me…

Are you trying to say, that Soviets entered Poland, stayed there for almost 50 years because as you said “[…] The coward polish puppets in Warsaw presented the Poles as the Great friend of the USSR- they succesfully supressed the own national resistence, they succesfully covinced the Soviet gov in the devotion for the Communists Ideals […]”???

I think I know what you felt, but you got to remember who presented this version to you. It was Soviet propaganda, not polish.

How many Poles have you talked to before 1989 mate?
Maybe they would tell you something different about our relations and history than you learned at school.

That’s interesting. Tell me their names.

Maybe if Stalin withdrew his tanks after May 1945 back to USSR, the story would be different.

Hahaha :slight_smile:

Mistake again :wink:


P.S. I’m about to leave work earlier, because were playing a football game tonight in Moscow! Bye mate!

I’m agree in general.
However you my friend use the wrong the numbering.
the 4 groups indeed was the 1.
And this ws not the communist “enthusiats” - this was the strong communists anti-fascists undergroung- Guard Of Ludov. That was the basis of the future LWP
The Guard of Ludow was formed in 1942 as the military unit of the POLISH WORKING PArty in undegroung.
1 jenuary 1944 the GL was re-formed to the Army of Ludov.( at that same time when the group 2 and 3 has beed joined to the LPW).
In fact that the Guard of Ludow was the most ACTIVE anti-fascist undergroung power in 1942-43 the number about 20 000 of peoples.
So i think my friend it’s uncorrect to say the the LPW was formed by Stalin. Initially it was formed in basis of the Pilish Communist Resistense - and ONLY later there wer joined the other groups.

So you are suggesting that if Poles were so anti-communist, they should fight the Soviets after 1945, with the tanks, planes etc.?
So you mean that LWP, which had Soviet commanders and was totally infiltrated by the NKVD and polish “Informacja Wojskowa” had a chance to succeed?

I have serious doubts about it.

Soviet commanders in LWP - Are yo kidding mate?

Army Of Lyudova (Armia Ludowa, letters. - the People’s Army), the Polish military organization, which acted in 1944 against German troopsin Poland.
It was created on the solution 1 January 1944 on the basis of Guards Of Lyudovoy. Into its composition entered the part of the “battalions of Holopski”, the forces of the people police, many soldiers and individual forces of the Army Of Krayovoy.
Commander the army Lyudovoy was General Zhimerskiy “Rolya”. Conducted about 120 large it was combat with the Hitler troops in The Lipskikh forests, after destroying more than 19 thousand German soldiers. On 21 July 1944 it was united with the 1st Polish army into the united army Polish.
The shiie of militry staff of AL was the Pole general Zavadskij his deputy - the polish general Pritizkij.

SO i.m strongly doubt that the it was the Soviet commanders.
BTW the first polish stalinist Boleslaw Beirut http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolesław_Bierut who was responsible for the cruel supprestion of the after war polish resistence - not the soviets;)

Please Chevan…
If Western states had a slight will to fight the commies and Soviets, they would do anything. Please remember that after 1945 plenty of WiN, NSZ etc. polish independence units were operating in Poland. They were really active and polish commies were really afraid of them. But the West didn’t want to go to war again.

Really the west did not wish go to the war?
And what about attempts of CIA to help the UPA in the 1950 ( that was stopped by the information tht Kim Philby sended to the Moscow).
If the west did not want go to the war- why they planned to help the anti-soviets movenment in the Ukraine?
If the Poles at least imagine the tiny resistance the west immediatelly noticed them and would begin the interractions. But the resistens did not exist in Poland already in the 1946, did not it ?

So it seems that evil polish commies lied to peace-loving Comrade Stalin, right?

Not just lied to Stalin mate - they SUCCESFULLY cruel supress the OWN mational resistence.The Boleslav Beirut organised the power pursuit of the former AK members and the polish nationalist.
Moreover the Polish commi had organized the many action of terror.
Look for instance for the mass shoting of demonstrants in Desember o 1970 in Gdansk.
44 workers were shot - was it the resault of the evil Moscow’s hands too?

Now you shot me…

Are you trying to say, that Soviets entered Poland, stayed there for almost 50 years because as you said “[…] The coward polish puppets in Warsaw presented the Poles as the Great friend of the USSR- they succesfully supressed the own national resistence, they succesfully covinced the Soviet gov in the devotion for the Communists Ideals […]”???

No they staed in Poland coz it was the Cold war as you must remember. And they were here to defende the Soviet block form the NATO attack( or attacked the NATO if was begin ) - not to suppress the Poland.
Moreover the Polish Communists NEVER asced them to go out. Besides the Polish troops TOOK ACTIVE PART IN THE SUPRESSIONS of the democratic monvenment in other state ( Chechoslovakia 1968).
So this is the close circle mate - The polish commi FEAREd the soviets and (and widly participated in soviet politic) - the soviets HEARED nothing except the ask to assistence to suppress the “riots”

I think I know what you felt, but you got to remember who presented this version to you. It was Soviet propaganda, not polish.

Mate soviets propoganda NEVER told about the Poles who hostitle for the Soviets - the soviet propoganda spread a bulshit aboutt socialist slav-brothershood. When will you finally understand it?
They never told about polish anti-soviet resistence - coz this violate the Communist Myth.
So we really knew nothing about Polish rusofobia.
But we have learned this only now.

How many Poles have you talked to before 1989 mate?
Maybe they would tell you something different about our relations and history than you learned at school.

Mate i told with Zero Hungarians- nevertheles we all knew about Hungarian hostinity - coz they RESISTS for the soviets. The polish resistence were SUPPRESSED by the POLES- so we know nthing.

That’s interesting. Tell me their names.

Gomulka ,Gierek - the people who was responsible for the economical and political crysis in 1980 in Poland.
Moreover the Polish communist Gomulka was responsible for the many dirty things

In the 1960s he supported persecution of the Roman Catholic Church and some party intellectuals (e.g., Kołakowski). He took part in the Warsaw Pact intervention in Czechoslovakia in 1968. At that time he was also responsible for persecuting students and intelligentsia as well as toughening censorship of the media. In 1968 he incited the anti-zionist propaganda campaign that was one of the outcomes of the Soviet bloc opposition to the Six-Day War (though his wife Liwa was Jewish)

So when the such polish friend were in Poland the comride Stalin feels good;)

Maybe if Stalin withdrew his tanks after May 1945 back to USSR, the story would be different.

Perhaps the Stalin withdrew the tanks like he did it from Austria - if the communist polish comrides asked him- But they did not ASK. Moreover they constantly ask to support thier actions with the soviet tanks.

Mistake again

What mistake mate? that the Poland rules from outside

P.S. I’m about to leave work earlier, because were playing a football game tonight in Moscow! Bye mate!

Oh damn i do not wath the football mate with Russian team - i try to save my nervous;)
2:2 with the poles in home
Are they not idiots ?I mean the russian team

And they were the basis also of “Milicja” and UB - polish NKVD.

Not true mate. The most active and powerful anti-fascist underground organisation in occupied Poland was Armia Krajowa with about 400.000 members in summer 1943.

Officially Ludowe Wojsko Polskie (LWP) was created in July 1944 by joining the Polish Army in USSR with AL (Armia Ludowa). But please mate…
Both, PA in USSR and AL wouldn’t come into the daylight without Comrade Stalin’s consent. AL was a military organisation of Polish Workers Party, which was created by Stalin. :slight_smile:

Polish Workers Party, Armia Ludowa, Ludowe Wojsko Polskie were dependent on Stalin’s will, and obeyed his orders only.

In late 1944, 40% of officers in field in Polish People’s Army were Soviet, in General Staff of “Polish” People’s Army - 70% were Soviet.

Boleslaw Bierut in 1930’s became a NKVD agent mate.

I’ll comment the rest of your post later.


that right - they have bacame the basis of the Polsih Power structures.Nothing strange mate. Like and in the Western Europe where the the winning forces formed the states govenments.

Not true mate. The most active and powerful anti-fascist underground organisation in occupied Poland was Armia Krajowa with about 400.000 members in summer 1943.

The AK in undeground was the MOST but not the most active. How did many divertions they mke against the germans till the Warsaw Uprising?

Officially Ludowe Wojsko Polskie (LWP) was created in July 1944 by joining the Polish Army in USSR with AL (Armia Ludowa). But please mate…
Both, PA in USSR and AL wouldn’t come into the daylight without Comrade Stalin’s consent. AL was a military organisation of Polish Workers Party, which was created by Stalin. :slight_smile:

What was sreated by Stallin mate - PWP or military units of Guard of Ludow?
I think the Stalin was not able to controll the Poland in 1942;)

Polish Workers Party, Armia Ludowa, Ludowe Wojsko Polskie were dependent on Stalin’s will, and obeyed his orders only.

No mate - thay were not depended - they interacted with the Red Army.ANd consequently the Red Amry provide them with ammunition and military advisers. This is the great difference.
This was the common behavior in any wars - to help the resistanse. The Allies did it too in Balcans.

In late 1944, 40% of officers in field in Polish People’s Army were Soviet, in General Staff of “Polish” People’s Army - 70% were Soviet.

Really 40% of officers mate?
Where did you get this statistic?

Boleslaw Bierut in 1930’s became a NKVD agent mate.

And were the Gomulka and Gieric the KGB agents too mate?
If he was a NKVD agent- why the polish people so calm watch for his criminal illegality?
And why they so yeasy let him to suppress the polish resistence in 1946?

Later about it mate.

Right, it was so easy. Do you really believe that they were independent from Stalin? Stalin as a father of polish commies (I mean these who took the power in Poland in 1944), who started their activity in USSR during the ww2, had a power to control them, to give them orders, etc. Do you really think that if any these polish commies told Stalin to go f**k himself and stay away from Poland, Mr Stalin would stand still and let that guys stay alive???

I don’t think so. And polish commies were 100% aware of what may happen if they do anything, I mean anything, against the will of Mr Stalin.

Stalin didn’t control Poland in 1942, but he controlled polish commies in 1942.

So why the Red Army didn’t provide a support to AK in Vilno area? Why they just arrested AK officers and soldiers? After all, they interacted with the Red Army and had the common enemy.
Maybe it happened because th Red Army had orders to cooperate only with some polish underground organizations (Armia Ludowa)???

From school, but I’ll make some research to find a internet website for you.

I don’t know… Do you think they really were the KGB agents??? That would be a sensational info!

Ohh, right. Now I see. It was so simple that nobody figured it out!

Just to call Comrade Stalin and complain that Bierut was a disgusting NKVD agent!
I bet he would say “I’m very, very sorry, please send him to Moscow. That will never happen again, Poles!”

The Western Allies were very well informed about the anti-communist activity in Poland since 1944. As you may know Gen. Anders and his 2nd Corp. in Italy were ready to act against Soviets.
I think that West didn’t want to start the new war just after the end of the greatest one. Maybe in 1947-1949 and later, when the Korean War had started the U.S. begun to plan some military actions against USSR - I don’t much about it. I know that they increased intelligence activity in Poland, but it was already too late. The largest anti-communist units and organizations were already destroyed or infiltrated by the communist security service.
And mate, the last anti-communist fighter in Poland was killed in 1962.

That’s simple. Stalin achieved his goal by polish hands.
Look what would happen if polish commies had refused to suppress their own nation - remember Hungary in 1956?

I’m not making Soviets responsible for everything, but you got to understand what was primary cause - Soviet intervention and influence (political and military presence) in Poland.

They were there only in order to protect Soviet area of interests.

That’s funny. Do you really believe that Soviets would withdraw from Poland when Polish asked them to do it???

Chevan, have mercy… :wink:

I agree. The intervention in Chechoslovakia was one of the crimes that polish commies should be judged for. I’m fell really ashamed about it.

Mate, I do understand you.
Don’t worry, I think polish rusofobia can put into the books now.
Russia was a great bogey for our government in last two years, but it turned out that majority of society doesn’t believe in this propaganda. The only problem is the way we look at history. At Katyn, at soviet repressions in Poland, etc.

That’s true.

Mate please, open your eyes.

The legal polish government was in London in 1945, not in Warsaw. These guys in Warsaw were the bunch of Stalin’s puppets.

Well, I don’t know why you’re angry Chevan. Russians played well, especially in 1st period. I just waited when they’re gonna score the goal. The russian raids on the right wing were great. They strangled Poles for over 50 minutes.
Our boys woke up in 70 minute. Started to play as they should play.


Does anyone know the origins/history of the first to fight poster? Anyone know a link or anything where I can read about the poster, any others like it, or the first to fight phrase and its use during WW2 or afterwards by poles?

Thank you for any information!!!

Stalin as a father of polish commies (I mean these who took the power in Poland in 1944), who started their activity in USSR during the ww2, had a power to control them

They were not the ones from Poland. In 1941 when amnesty was given to the ones in Stalin’s concentration camps in Siberia, they became “Anders Army” and were barely alive. Many died just making it to Iran where they ended up under British command. After the war they ended up having to leave Poland as Stalin said they were enimies of the state.

If they returned to Poland they were Killed. So you have this group, the group Stalin killed in Katyn and the ones killed by the Nazi’s. Pray tell, who was going to be left to fight the Soviets. Even the men from the Underground Polish Army that went to meet Soviets were killed. Even after the way was over Polish were killed inside “Communist Poland”, they resisted.

I am very interested to find out more about Gen. Anders’s Army. Could you tell a little more about that subject? Do you know what was the agreement Anders had with the British? My father was a Russian-Polish jew, who joined Anders’s Army, and shortly afterwards - the RAF, where he served 5 years, including D-Day. During the war and afterwards, he received several awards of appreciation.
Unfortunately, he died when I was a child, and eventhough we have a few documents, some of the information is still missing. I am trying to study of his stations during the period between 1943-1948.


apparently, you’re looking for info about “polish second corps”. Type it in google and you’ll receive a plenty of answers.
Hope you find it helpful.


This report is interesting and gives more insite.

Civilian Intelligence 1 in Communist Poland, 1945-1989
An Attempt at a General Outline


thanks mate