Polish resistance in WW2

Hi mate.
nice to see yo again.

That’s simple. Stalin achieved his goal by polish hands.
Look what would happen if polish commies had refused to suppress their own nation - remember Hungary in 1956?

Oh polish commie prefered to suppress own people instead to resist of soviet influence.

OK let’s look at WIKI.

On October 19, the majority of the Polish leadership, backed by the army and also the Internal Security Corps, brought Gomułka and several associates into the Politburo and designated Gomułka as First Secretary of the Party. The Soviet leadership viewed events in Poland with alarm. Simultaneously with troop ‘manoeuvres’ on the Russian-Polish border, a high-level delegation of the Soviet Central Committee flew to Poland. It was led by Khrushchev and included Mikoyan, Bulganin, Molotov, Kaganovich, Marshal Konev and others. Gomułka made it clear that Polish troops would resist if Soviet troops advanced, but reassured the Soviets that the reforms were internal matters and that Poland had no intention of abandoning communism or its treaties with the Soviet Union. The Soviets yieldedGomułka was confirmed in his new position. Information about events in Poland reached the people of Hungary via Radio Free Europe’s news and commentary services during 19 - 22 October 1956. A student demonstration in Budapest in support of Gomułka, asking for similar reforms in Hungary, soon sparked the Hungarian Revolution of 1956.

So as we can see the Poles Commi Gomulka have enough BOLDNESS to resist and even threat for the SOviets,
They even began the economic reforms witiout agreement with Soviets.

but dumn… you say us that the Polish Commy was afraid by the Soviets and therefore they suppressed the own polish movenment?
Does not look it strange mate?

You see. when Poles want , they might even move the Soviet Marshall Rokossovsky ( who was by the polish origin) OUT of Polish Politburo.
So the question is - did the polish Commy so fear the SOviets sp muc as they try to present today?

I’m not making Soviets responsible for everything, but you got to understand what was primary cause - Soviet intervention and influence (political and military presence) in Poland.
They were there only in order to protect Soviet area of interests.

But really the NATO did not the same?
SO in you mind the Stalin should let the enemy NATO come into the Poland?
Especially before the probable WW3?

That’s funny. Do you really believe that Soviets would withdraw from Poland when Polish asked them to do it???

Chevan, have mercy… :wink:

No mate, if they even hinted…But instead, the Polish Commi just kissed the comride Breznev every time they visited the Moscow.
You saw, they were enough independent to press the Soviets when it was needed. The Garek even started the new anti-semitic compain in the 1970-yy making the Jew going out of Poland, without advise with Soviets.
But now you want to present it as the "Moscow threat " of poor Polish Commi:)
This is nice:)

Mate, I do understand you.
Don’t worry, I think polish rusofobia can put into the books now.
Russia was a great bogey for our government in last two years, but it turned out that majority of society doesn’t believe in this propaganda. The only problem is the way we look at history. At Katyn, at soviet repressions in Poland, etc.

Oh the really just one the KAtyn and Soviet repressions mate?
you are too humble.
And what about Polish repressions in Western Ukraine and polonisation? You still have the different way to look at it with Ukrainians.
And don’t please forget about Soviet POWs who has been treated to death in 1920-21.
And what about stolen lands of Upper Silesa, that was so kindy presented to the Poles ( who as we hear today ,indeed hate him) by the Stalin?
You see , there too many different looks on history, not just KAtyn.
And hardly we should ignore rest of them, right?

Mate please, open your eyes.

I’ve opened it already in mid 1990…
When Poland joined to NATO.Instead to be independent like scandinavian states or Austria.
Who did threat you mate at that time?
Evil Russia ?

The legal polish government was in London in 1945, not in Warsaw. These guys in Warsaw were the bunch of Stalin’s puppets.

Oh nice Stalin’s bunchs, one of them even had a public speech that starts the Hungurian evennts:)See the WIki article.
The “Stalins Buchs” who continie the suppressions of oppositions FAR after Stalin’s dead.

Well, I don’t know why you’re angry Chevan. Russians played well, especially in 1st period. I just waited when they’re gonna score the goal. The russian raids on the right wing were great. They strangled Poles for over 50 minutes.
Our boys woke up in 70 minute. Started to play as they should play.

Oh as i said - they are just the bunch of russian cripples:)
COuld win the France, England or GErmany, but lose the Israel or Poland:)