Posts from Argentinian Military

Spain has spanish ethnic.

Argentina has italian,spanish,celt,german,various kinds of slavs,jews and muslims,and inmigrants from the rest of south america(a small amount of portugueses too).

Spain has the original dialect

Argentina has a different dialect,considered by most of us as an improvement of the spanish (because it`s easier to learn other languagues since we eliminated the SSS when we talk :lol: )

Argentina is bigger,it`s ubicated in one of the most big countries,spain is a small country.

Argentina has apart from argentinian spanish different dialects talked,specially german and french (of course the english is the 2nd official languague,the most talked before spanish).

Spain has the Original spanish,gallego,and different regional dialects

Argentina has longer streets,different tipes of buildings (spain has some older buildings,but both we have modern buildings a lot)

Spain has a different subway payment form (more expensive) than argentina.

Argentina has different history than Spain.

and btw,don`t do stupid comments in this thread i took to much time to do!.

Argentina has different history than Spain

I shall try my absolute hardest to remember that one, I think it might be important, in the future, Thankyou for a very good post Erwin.

Anyway i have a genuine Argentine military question. Please no flame wars again.

What is perceived as the greatest threat to Argentina? Do you have any disputes with other S American countries over territory etc. Please try and keep the Falklands out of this one.

Not Man Power, war in present day usually doesn’t depend on man power, but on technology, and USA, UK, anf FRA have the most advanced weapons, and Russia’s military is very orderly, India’s isnt really used to offensive operations as much as defensive, and China’s military doesn’t have the best technology out there. Any ways the military channel also said so :? But I know… I know. don’t always rely on TV

disputes?,no,we don`t have any.

chile wants our territory,but they haven`t any reasons to claim,because this territory has never to do with them.they just hate us,because we are better a lot :twisted: .

the only is the falkands.

disputes?,no,we don`t have any.

chile wants our territory,but they haven`t any reasons to claim,because this territory has never to do with them.they just hate us,because we are better a lot :twisted: .

the only is the falkands.[/quote]

The dispute with Chile, is this in the south?

of course!,we are talking about south american,don`t you know where it is? :lol: .

yeah,in the patagonia,chile claims a part of tierra del fuego,that its argentinian,since there wasnt any chilean populating there,and its on our limits. but they cant took it,they are,and they were always scared of us.
we are a better country in all the sides you can see us.

bolvia claims antofagasta in the north of chile,but bolivia is destroyed,chile is better.

uruguay don`t claims,but they thing some parts of argentina and brasil belong to them,but of course,lies! :lol: .

bolivia also claims part of brasil,and the capital of paraguay,but they will obviously never get it,since paraguay is too small,they protect their territory (with the poor things they have).

i guess there are more claims here,but,let`s start another topic :wink:
we are out off topic.

Thanks for that, as for Chile, well when I was in the Falklands they used to fly in to MPA. The Chilean Air Hostesses were very nice looking and used to bring me the odd bottle of Chilian wine.

:smiley: .

Chile hostesses nice looking :lol: :lol: :lol: .
come on!,you have rocks instead of women! :lol: .
the only nice girls in south america are argentinians and brazillians,the rest look bad (well,except if your tipe of women are mexicans but fatter)
they are bad as shit,when they saw me in the airport of santiago,they called me “argermano” (argengerman or something like that),like they use to call the argentinian germans,in revenge of that we called them Chilotes! :lol: .I received a horrible treatment,and when i arrived the airport of santiago to come back,i had to run two guys who stole my clock!.

those asses come to argentina to work on rock mines in rio turbio :lol: .

well,excuse me,i hate them.

the best south american wine comes from mendoza in argentina :wink: .

you fought in the islands???,or just visited???.


you fought in the islands???,or just visited???.

Woa Im not that old!

Did my 4 months service there back in 95.

the most of veterans here are 41 years,and the officers older i guess.

weren´t you 40 + / -

40 - yup

poster of argentine pilot of the war of the 82

Erwin have you ever been in the Army, excluding conscription?

Why are you so interested in your army? I can understand National Pride but you are beginning to sound like a walt.

thanks,i have been in the army,i said in your post,only one year :oops: .

and quote where did i sound like a walt.
national pride is an important traith,and it isn´t usual here,since the foreigners are only for working,and don´t like the life in a smooged and loudy city like buenos aires.

It wasn´t conscription! so proffesional 8) , :lol:

You volunteered Erwin ?

Conscription in Argentina ended in 1994 I believe, although those serving at the time still had to complete their service.

In 1994 you would have been twelve - were they taking soldiers at that age ?

You volunteered Erwin ?

Conscription in Argentina ended in 1994 I believe, although those serving at the time still had to complete their service.

In 1994 you would have been twelve - were they taking soldiers at that age ?

:shock: The plot thickens

i did the army!!!,not the conscription,i thought it´s the same,my error.

that is why i asked you recently,and btw,if you want to talk me about the military,i have my msn!!! :smiley: ,so,i prove and done.