
At the time of Pearl Harbor, the top US Navy command was called CINCUS (pronounced “sink us”), the shoulder patch of the US Army’s 45th Infantry division was the Swastika, and Hitler’s private train was named “Amerika”.

True or false?

True :? I believe…

Of course all three were soon changed for PR purposes.
Your turn.

G503 was the US Government Designation number for what piece of American equipment?

Ah the Jeep…

Yep. Once again Tsolias’s turn.

Born in New York of an Irish father and an English mother,he lived in England from 1921.
In 1933 he joined the British Union of Fascists led by Sir Oswald Mosley.
He made no effort to hide his admiration for Adolf Hitler and attracted by Hitler’s ideology he moved to Germany in 1939 and began broadcasting Nazi anti-Semitic propaganda from a Berlin radio station in Charlottenburg.
His broadcasts from the Hamburg studios were listened to by millions in the UK.

Who might that be?

After many days of research, I have no results! You have puzzled me Tsolias!

Sorry mate thought it was an easy one.

William Joyce, alias Lord Haw-Haw.


Sorry mate thought it was an easy one.

William Joyce, alias Lord Haw-Haw.[/quote]

Well post another quiz! :twisted:

Hmm… maybe later.
Would you like to post one for me?

ok here it is:

When was the term “Axis” first introduced?

Ok, what is the number of the sub that sank the RMS Lusitiania, and who was the commander of that sub? Very simple question.

The U-20 under Kapitanleutnant Walther Schwieger.

November 1936 :?

Franklin D. Roosevelt–that other great communicator–coined “Axis Powers” to stand for that unholy alliance of fascist states? According to Roosevelt’s public papers in World Book’s American Reference Library, he did use “axis” 157 times in a political sense but never before Nov. 11, 1940. Furthermore, his usage did not define the term but merely used one that was already “out there.”



Nice find but no.

hmmmmmm… hint perhaps? :?

It was first used by Benito Mussolini when he wrote ‘The axis of European history runs through Berlin.’ After his meeting with Hitler in October, 1936, at Berchtesgaden, he used the term again in a speech at Milan in November when he said “This vertical line between Rome and Berlin is not a partition but rather an axis round which all European states animated by the will to collaboration and peace can also collaborate.”

Tsolias check the page 29 last post here i am ansew on your quiz :smiley: November 1936 .

Next quiz. :wink: