
Yes, that is the American flag by the way!

Rename the pic mate :twisted:

OK, they are doing the Pledge of Allegiance, but I’m asking about the salute!

It was the original salute of the flag and changed after the nazis demonstrated full blown socialism.

Yep! Your turn! :smiley:

RAF saved Hitler’s life twice.

True or false?

False :?

Sorry mate, its true:

In February, 1944, Infantry Captain Axel von dem Bussche agrees to blow up Hitler and himself while he demonstrates a new army winter overcoat to the German leader. Fate intervenes the day before when during a British air raid the uniforms were destroyed and Bussche was returned to duty at the front. A few weeks later another ‘overcoat’ attempt was made. This time the volunteer model was Ewald Heinrich von Kleist, son of one of the original conspitators and included Major General Helmuth Stieff. Again the RAF saved the day with an air-raid just before the demonstration was about to take place forcing its cancellation.

Wow, didn’t know that one! :oops:

Please post another quiz! :slight_smile:

In May, 1943, an electrocardiogram revealed no improvement in Hitler’s heart condition. A stomach ailment also troubled him and he discussed this at a meeting with Romania’s Marshal Antonescu who recommended to him a well-known dietitian from Vienna.
She took up her duties to cook exclusively for the Führer with an inducement of a 2,000 Reichsmark cash payment and a tax free salary of 800 marks a month. While serving at Hitler’s headquarters she became engaged to an SS adjutant and it was through this that Hitler learned that her great grandmother was Jewish. Hitler had no option but to sack her immediately ‘I cannot make one rule for myself and another for the rest’ he explained.

Who was this woman?

Marlene von Exner

Your turn.

Who’s behind this quote?

“We should listen to the voice of conscience. It does not take nearly as much courage as one might think to admit to our mistakes and learn from them. Human beings are in this world to learn and to change themselves in learning.”

Hmm Gandhi? :?

Afraid not.

A hint maybe?

Tiger i know this maybe Hitler’s secretary i forgot name Jundge is last name,but name is damn, Trudl ,Tradl or something. :?

Ah!!! Clauss good job! Her name was Traudl Junge, and yes, she was Hitler’s last personal secretary. Clauss it is your turn! :smiley:

Who was Kurt Waldemar Tank?

German aeronautical engineer, cheif of the design department at Focke-Wulf from 1931-45.