
Hello happy holidays i am back agian. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Welcome back Clauss!

Tiger, the answer is Luxembourg.
(American Cemetery and Memorial
Hamm, Luxembourg
50 Val du Scheid
L-2517 Luxembourg)

Thanks for an easy question :smiley: :smiley:

Hey mate!

Welcome back Clauss, and yes Dani, you are correct! Please post a quiz :slight_smile:

When was the first RAF raid on Germany (and where)?

Sep 1939 - 10 Whitley bombers of Nos. 51 and 58 Sqns carry out the first RAF raid over Germany, dropping some 6 million leaflets over Hamburg, Bremen and the Ruhr - 10 Whitley bombers of Nos. 51 and 58 Sqns carry out the first RAF raid over Germany dropping some 6 million leaflets over Hamburg, Bremen and the Ruhr.


Yep! Your turn!

Who was the first German General to be executed after the war?

Thanks guys dont know answer Tiger ?

hey im new how about this one. Out of every drop in operation Market Garden how many soldiers were shot while they were in the air?

Ive researched and not been able to find anything?

Seconded. :frowning:

id say ebough to be noticed :!:

OK, I have no idea. This is going inactive. :? How about we go back to my question :?:

Who was the first Nazi General to be executed after the war?

After a trial, I suppose…

We’re counting on you for that one Dani!

Because I haven’t got the slightlest clue…

I dont know answer ?

Infantry General Anton Dostler.
His case: http://www.ess.uwe.ac.uk/WCC/dostler.htm
Executed on 1st of December 1945.

Edited: Also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anton_Dostler

Hiddenrug, I saw you online. Please help us! :smiley:

I don’t know the answer i just put that in to find out!