
Ok guys here is my question ,its not about 101st bu ti hope its like it :lol:

How many soldiers Russians have in Kursk battle and how many Germans ,easy question . :wink:

I can tell you Germans, but not sure about the russians :?

German Armorments: 200 Panther tanks, 90 Elefant Panzerjägers, every Henschel Hs 129 ground attack aircraft, 146 Tiger Is, Panzer IVs and captured T-34/76s.

Total: 2,700 tanks and assault guns, 1,800 aircraft and 800,000 men.

Don’t know about the russians though :?

Correct Germans have 900.000manes but ist close , i am still waiting info for russians from other members. :wink:

The Russians had also placed vast numbers of men and equipment in the Kursk bulge. 1.3 million soldiers were based there, 20,000 artillery pieces, 3,600 tanks and 2,400 planes.

Correct Tsolias ,next question who will .

ok who was the man behind this famous quote:

“If a man hasn’t discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live.”

Martin Luther King Jr.

Hell yeah!
Your turn Tiger.

:smiley: OK really easy one, in the Pacific theater, Douglas MacArthur’s rival was…

adm.chester nimitz

of course, Pavy your question

Pavy… still your question :lol: we are all waiting :smiley:

Pavy is forget :lol: :lol: on this usergroup its joke ,after Pavy its Dani turn to put question do you agree guys. :wink:

wht were the names of all 11 enola gay crew members

Flight Crew

Navy Capt. William “Deak” Parsons, Manhattan Project Scientist
Sgt. Joseph S. Stiborik, radar operator
S/Sgt. George R. Caron, tail gunner
Pfc. Richard H. Nelson, radio operator
Sgt. Robert H. Shumard, assistant engineer
S/Sgt. Wyatt E. Duzenbury, flight engineer
Capt. Theodore J. Van Kirk, navigator
Maj. Thomas W. Ferebee, bombardier
Col. Paul W. Tibbets, 509th Group CO and pilot
Capt. Robert A. Lewis, co-pilot
Lt. Jacob Beser, radar countermeasure officer
Lt. Morris R. Jeppson, bomb electronics test officer

Ground Crew

Technical Sgt. Walter F. McCaleb
Sgt. Leonard W. Markley
Sgt. Jean S. Cooper
Cpl. Frank D. Duffy
Cpl. John E. Jackson
Cpl. Harold R. Olson
Pfc. John J. Lesniewski
Lt. Col. John Porter, ground maintenance officer

source: http://www.nasm.si.edu/galleries/gal103/EG_crew.html

cheat :wink:

Nah,of course you didn’t expect me to know all these people names by memory do you?

:shock: lol I hope you didnt memorize all those :lol:

Anyway, Tsolias, your turn :wink:

Ladies and gentlemen,the first multiple choice quiz is here!

Which of these three Nazi leaders was not born in Germany?

a. Goebbels
b. Himmler
c. Hitler