
Ok sorry sir i am not translate good,sorry and you Tsolias. :oops:[/quote]

Hey no problem :smiley: keep posting! :smiley:

Ok just to keep things going,here’s the answer:


What you see in the picture is Stalingrand’s industrial region. Running south to north were the Lasur Chemical Factory (which from the air resembled half a tennis racket), the Red October Metallurgical Factory, Bread Factory No. 2, the Red Barricade Armaments Factory, and, at the extreme north, the Tractor Factory.
It was the ultimate target for most German offensives at the area.[/img][/quote]

I know im a bit late but that was a damn good quiz question. :smiley:

Next quiz please guys. :smiley:

Who’s next?

Hmmmmm Tiger :smiley:

Ok :slight_smile:

What was Josef Stalin’s birth name, and why did he adopt Stalin? Pretty easy, I hope :wink:

Josef Jughasvili and Stalin means Iron man :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Josef Jughasvili and Stalin means Iron man :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:[/quote]

I dont want to remember that user American Stalin. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Correct Tsolias, your turn :slight_smile:

We all know what the third Reich was, but what were the other two?

The First Reich was the Holy Roman Empire (the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, Heiliges Römisches Reich deutscher Nation, not the ancient Roman Empire), 800 - 1806.

The Second Reich was the Hohenzollern Germany, from the unification of Germany following the Franco-Prussian War (1870 - 1871)

Only second was normal becouse we get independens and first cancellar -Reichkanzlr.

Well done Hanz!
Your turn.

Who was that man Vatutin, Nikolai Fedorovich and who kill him?

He was the Commander in Chief of the 1st Ukrainian Front who died in 1944 in an ambush by Ukrainian nationalists at the age of 43.

He was the Commander in Chief of the 1st Ukrainian Front who died in 1944 in an ambush by Ukrainian nationalists at the age of 43.[/quote]

Correct your turn i always put easy quiz i and my damn english. :smiley:

Yeah I know that feeling :frowning:

What was ‘The Berghof’?

The Berghof was Adolf Hitler’s summer retreat in the Bavarian Alps.

Correct-your turn.

I dont have a question. Clauss or Dani can go :slight_smile:

Not me pease tsolias can you or Dani. :roll: