Recommendations for medals.

Fine with me. Seconded.

This recommendation by me may cause surprise and consternation in some quarters, probably not least in PK, but Panzerknacker has been a longstanding and valuable contributor. He has a fair few medals already, but his continuing service should be recognised by another one, or perhaps a bar to an existing one.

I agree … I was glad to see he is still around. Although I may have not always agreed with him :smiley: … he IMO is an invaluable member on this forum.

I will recommend him in the following way (hint hint) :smiley:

  1. Panzerknacker
  2. Outstanding Site Service Medal
  3. The many posts and threads, the excellent info, the work as a mod and the ability to keep things interesting in a variety of areas.
  4. If applicable please list location of action.


Also im glad to see the level of interest in the awards … lets see if there are more and then we will get working on awarding them.



^Wouldn’t that be thirded?


Grand !
Namvet is recommended for
Good Conduct Medal
Good supportive posting, with a genial demeanor.

Von Weyer is also recommended for
Good Conduct Medal,
good supportive posting, and genial demeanor

Both members have been seconded by RS*

RS must have posted just as I was posting.

I Recommend Clave for a Special Merit Badge, or similar suitable Distinction/Honour.
He has very much contributed to the tone, colour, and general improvement of this forum with his vast contributions, in multiple Threads.
His work is generally superb, and I feel have earned him a Distinction of Merit as recommended above

Outstanding Site Service Medal, (or such other suitable Distinction as WW2Admin and Moderators may decide.)
For his many and vast contributions of Colour Plates of many aircraft and other vehicles, rarely seen outside standard national illustrations of colour schemes.

I hope a fellow forum member, or a moderator, will see fit to Second my recommendation.

Kind and Respectful regards, Uyraell.

Definitely seconded. He does awesome artwork.

A specific award needs to be indicated, please look in the awards list in this section and choose one from there.

So did this recommendations thread suddenly become the most active thread in the entire forum?

Copied directly from the Awards list, Posted by WW2Admin:

Outstanding Site Service Medal
-Given to any member that has repeatedly done the site a great service.

I Recommend Clave for the above medal, due to his many and varied contributions of finely crafted colour plates throughout this forum.
I respectfully ask for a Seconder.

I had thought I’d made the point clearly. My apology if the additional phrase “or such other award as the moderators may decide” created the impression I had not given a specific recommendation.
I included the phrase to indicate my awareness that another award may have been considered more appropriate by those in a position to bestow it. Again, I apologise if that phrase seemed to confuse matters.

Kind and Respectful Regards TG, Uyraell.

Agreed on Clave award.

This recommendation by me may cause surprise and consternation in some quarters, probably not least in PK, but Panzerknacker has been a longstanding and valuable contributor. He has a fair few medals already, but his continuing service should be recognised by another one, or perhaps a bar to an existing one

I am not surprized, I know that in the bottom of your soul you love me ( in a No-gay way :lol: ) as anyone else in this forum.

Hello my friend thanks for specifying the award,as there are several medals along the lines of your recommendation, The Outstanding Site Service Medal
The Site Service Medal
The Outstanding Post Medal
Not to mention the" All around good posting medal" and a couple of others that may have fit the intent of your recommendation if not the letter of the title. This just helps to keep us all on the same page.

It well should be, these are Peer awards, put forward by the members for those they feel have contributed something of note to this site, for the edification of all members, and guests who may use the site for research. This is one of the best sites of the lot because of the good work posted by all of you. So step right up, dont be shy, recognize the good work of others, and recommend them for an award. No questions are dumb, so ask away.

Hello my friend :slight_smile: I’m sorry about the error the phrase caused.
Call it Brit-style upbringing, wherein one is guided to being at times overly courteous, which is why the “or such other” phrase was included in my post. Simply put: my intent had been to recommend, but not dictate to the moderators.

Navyson, and Panzerknacker : Thank you both for the Seconding of the recommendation I made. I appreciate each of you doing so.

Kind and Respectful Regards, Uyraell.

It wasnt dictatorial at all my friend, A sound recommendation for, and by a worthy member.

I wish one day I could be recommended. Cheers! JK only. :smiley:

I you stick around for a year, or two, and contribute quality information in your posts, in general becoming an asset to the site, you will someday find yourself being put forward for an award.