Religion - Attitudes towards, beliefs, etc

Humankind? You didnt even bother to go to the links did you…

Bloody troll.


It’s a simple sentance Crab. But if you want to believe that it uses the term “Homo” incorrectly, which it does not, that’s your deal. But you should not insinuate that the word is used incorrectly when it is not. Let me provide one more attempt to make it more easily understood:

“The species of humankind…”

read: sapiens

“genus Homo,”

read: genus Homo

“is over 1 million years old.”

read: is over 1 million years old.

Did that help you understand the sentance? I thought my previous attempt at helping out was pretty good, even though I got the words backwards in the analogy the 1st time. I don’t think I can make it simpler
than that.

EDITED FOR TYPOS - content not altered.[/quote]

So, let me get this straight - what you’re saying again is that Homo Sapiens is 1M years old?

There is an excellent speech given by the late Douglas Adams:Is There an Artficial God? given at the Cambridge Digital Biota 2 conference in 1998 and also extemporised in his collected last works The Salmon of Doubt (pp 126 of the London edition). It covers many of the issues raised here, I’m not endorsing it but it’s well worth a read.
Interestingly in Salmon… there is also a transcript of an interview given by Adams to American Atheists magazines that as much about the dogmatic and prostletyzing nature of American Atheists as it does about D.N.A.s views on the subject (pp95, same edn).

By the way while you lot are arguing about taxonomy I’d like to remind you that speicies names should always be either underlined or italicised and that only the genus should be capitalised.

I believe mankind is only about 4000 years old and thats just my belief, you guys can believe otherwise, i respect that.

By the way…IRONMAN read the recent posts before you post any replys… :roll:

It’s not a question of belief when there’s scientific evidence to the contrary. So every time they discover human remains from earlier than 2000BC do you think they are lying?

You cant argue with strong beliefs. Its your old adage of anything older than 4000 BC has been deliberately put there by GOD!

It’s a good answer. It can’t be disproved. But then again, I quite like the theory of Intelligent Falling. It was devised as a parody of Intelligent Design. What appealed to me was that as long as the higher intelligence pushed objects that have mass together with a force proportional to the product of their masses and the inverse of the square of their separation, it makes no difference and fits with what we know as well as any theory involving the exchange of gravitons.

The question is, is it good enough for government work?

Yes Ive always liked the theories made up to answer things. But how can you dispell belief?

Throw all Christians to the lions maybe?

Ah bring back the good old days :twisted:[/quote]

Surely were not all that bad?

Throw all Christians to the lions maybe?

Ah bring back the good old days :twisted:[/quote]

Surely were not all that bad?[/quote]

Well, the lions are very hungry, and you wouldn’t want them to go without their supper, do you??? :twisted:

I personally prefer non-christian ‘olde worlde’ religions. Ah the happy nights dancing round the fire covered in nothing but woad!

I just deleted a disgusting post made by fuchs… please dont do that again. :shock:

Cdo, that post was in no way disgusting. Please dont assume that being a MOD allows you to imprint your personal belief set on others. Thats where Erwin started to lose it and we dont want you going the same way, do we.

I’m just going to jump in and say my part.

I’m an atheist, I really don’t care what other people are, I don’t discriminate on people for doing what they want to. However, it really angers me when Christians nearly faint when I tell them I’m an Atheist, and then commit themselves to convert me. I’m very stubbornly Atheist, nothing anyone says or does can possibly convert me to Christianity or any other religion. If everyone respected everyone elses rights to worship whatever the want (even if it’s nothing), there wouldn’t half as many problems these days. I respect people’s choice to practice religion, it’s just that I don’t and never will, so stop trying :evil:

I’m just going to jump in and say my part.

I’m an atheist, I really don’t care what other people are, I don’t discriminate on people for doing what they want to. However, it really angers me when Christians nearly faint when I tell them I’m an Atheist, and then commit themselves to convert me. I’m very stubbornly Atheist, nothing anyone says or does can possibly convert me to Christianity or any other religion. If everyone respected everyone elses rights to worship whatever the want (even if it’s nothing), there wouldn’t half as many problems these days. I respect people’s choice to practice religion, it’s just that I don’t and never will, so stop trying Evil or Very Mad

Sometimes atheists do the same thing.i guess it’s matter of personality,some people just can’t relax unless they try to convert people.Naturally,they usually can’t accomplish anything that and they try harder.Which means they become even more annoying.Atheist,christian or muslim;i tend to avoid that kind of people.We surely need more people like DerMann.

Don’t worry about it too much, I lived in a houseful of people like that a year or so back (uni mates). They were persistently trying to do the same to me. I’m a Catholic (so clearly don’t believe in God :shock: )

Edit: screwed up formatting

Don’t worry about it too much, I lived in a houseful of people like that a year or so back (uni mates). They were persistently trying to do the same to me. I’m a Catholic (so clearly don’t believe in God :shock: )

Edit: screwed up formatting[/quote]

You just believe in guilt then? :smiley:

(My bold)

What?, your either very naive and didn’t read his post or just plain crazy, he posted jokes about semen going in your eye and having sex in a coffin, ITS WAY OFF TOPIC :shock:

What?, your either very naive and didn’t read his post or just plain crazy, he posted jokes about semen going in your eye and having sex in a coffin, ITS WAY OFF TOPIC :shock:[/quote]

AH then I never saw that one, but you also seem to have deleted this one:

Throw all Christians to the lions maybe?

Ah bring back the good old days

This is what I was on about.

I agree with firefly…Just because something does not coincide with your beliefs is no reason to delete. I don’t know about everyone else but a deleted post is censorship and should be done for severe reasons…not just because you don’t agree with what has been written.