Religion - Attitudes towards, beliefs, etc

Don’t think anyone else has mentioned this - why are there no dinosaurs in the bible?

don’t know, why don’t you ask God?

Because he doesn’t except calls from witheld numbers - he doesn’t want to get spammed for duty :wink:

Try the Book of Job (not the duty roster, the biblical one). There’s a passable description of some big beasties there. The one I have in mind is commonly assumed to be an elephant, except that an elephant hardly has a ‘tail like a cedar’.

I’ll look into it then, never read the Bible all the way through properly.

Theres a new version out:

Im sure you will manage this?

I don’t suppose you happen to have listened to last week’s Old Harry’s Game did you?

I don’t suppose you happen to have listened to last week’s Old Harry’s Game did you?[/quote]

No mate, what is it and what happened?

Because he doesn’t except calls from witheld numbers - he doesn’t want to get spammed for duty :wink:[/quote]

Ah, he obviously got the BT spam blocker.

Sitcom set in hell, currently running on Radio 4 at 6.30 pm on a Tuesday. Very, very funny, and had both God and Satan getting calls from various telemarketers.

Sitcom set in hell, currently running on Radio 4 at 6.30 pm on a Tuesday. Very, very funny, and had both God and Satan getting calls from various telemarketers.[/quote]

If I remember, I’ll listen next week

If you go to the BBC website you can listen to it on ‘listen again’

Sitcom set in hell, currently running on Radio 4 at 6.30 pm on a Tuesday. Very, very funny, and had both God and Satan getting calls from various telemarketers.[/quote]

If I remember, I’ll listen next week[/quote]

Try Aunty Beeb’s Listen Again website under “O” (sorry).

What I want to know about Radio 4 is why do we have to put up with another series of Quote Unquote before I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue… returns?

Maybe because it wasnt until we advanced in archelogical unearthing of dino bones were we able to classify them as such. :? :shock:

Maybe because it wasnt until we advanced in archelogical unearthing of dino bones were we able to classify them as such. :? :shock:[/quote]

Can you explain what you mean please Pz? I honestly dont undestand it.

Maybe because it wasnt until we advanced in archelogical unearthing of dino bones were we able to classify them as such. :? :shock:[/quote]

Well ill give you my 2 cents. IMO man wrote the bible over a couple of centuries/millenia and added and left out many parts. So the modern bible lacks quite a bit of things that could be in there.

Dont know if some of the other books that were left out might make reference to odd creatures. This would be the real connection. Studies have been done that show pretty conclusively that the ancient Greeks did find dinosaur bones. They, as we do today, did their best to explain what they where. Resulting in the mythical creatures that most of us are familiar with. Man has progressed, kinda, since then and are explaination of these fossils are much better.

Interesting point…My great-grandmother, very religous, had never heard of dinosaurs untill I told her in 1990 or so(she was 82 at the time). She just belived that man was created 5000 years ago and before that nothing happened. Well thats what you can expect from people that do nothing but go to church every Sunday and concentrate on religion in their daily lives. Nothing wrong with that. One of the kindest people ive ever know and probably ever will know. So from a scientific standpoint … its rather unbeliveable. But in general my grandmother didnt need to know about dinosaurs to live a good life. So religion has its good points and bad.

Also I might point out that she was born in 1908 and dropped out of school in 1924. So if any of you have very old realatives or are friendly with old religous people…see if they have heard of the dinosaurs. Not sure what years they started teaching this in schools. And would differ from country to country.

My Grandfather was born in 1912 and I believe he finished High School, but didn’t have a college education. He knew about dinosaurs - but I’m not sure for how long though :shock:

Can anyone shed light on what this beastie is?

The footnotes in my Bible suggest that the behemoth is an elephant or hippopatamus, although it acknowledges that that relies on ‘tail’ being a mistranslation of trunk in the case of the elephant and makes no sense for a hippo. Is it possible that anyone here can read ancient hebrew and has access to a copy of the untranslated text?

Job 41 describes ‘leviathan’, which seemed to be a crocodile until I got to the fire-breathing bit. It actually better fits the description of a dragon.

Quick googling reveals lots of discussions. You’ll find opinions from ‘obviously metaphorical’ to ‘obviously referring to real creatures with which Job was familiar’.

Of course it’s entirely possible that the creature described was supposed to be a metaphor for something else, not neccisarily an animal. Don’t forget that jesus used a lot of allegorical stories, the three talents etc, to get his point across.

I’ve never read the Bible (my whole family is Atheist), but isn’t it possible that the person writing the Bible might’ve not known about the existance of elephants? Such as what happened during the Punic Wars.

My grandfather was was born in the 1920’s, he had a partial college degree (in Medicine he had to stop because he got drafted for WWII), I didn’t know him well enough before he died, but I’m pretty sure he was Agnostic if not Atheist.