Religion - Attitudes towards, beliefs, etc

Well for those of you in college (especially in the US) that are required to take off major classes. I suggest taking a class on the history of religous thought. Mine was not easy but I really learned alot.

We have an optional course at my uni, called the AKC (Associate King’s College) a sort of religious/philosophy course which if completed entitles you to have the letters ‘AKC’ after your name. This would probably be the same as what you were on about Gen. Sandworm, but unfortuneatly i just don’t have the time.

Im roman catholical,if anyone insults my religion,i will do bad things with his wife/sister and burn his house (but in internet i just can send some “not nice” stuff ;))

so take care when talking about god,jesus and the entire blible!.

Catholicism advocates the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Having read several versions of the Bible I recall no instance where Jesus suggests that the weak, (or even the strong for that matter,) be attacked.
Nor is arson one of His teachings.

Anyone suggesting that they would do any of the above show that either:

a) they have a very poor knowledge of the religon they claim to espouse.
b) they know the teachings and choose to ignore them.

If the answer is a) then in claiming to be a follower of that religon they are an impostor as they don’t know what they are supporting.

If b) they show that they will pick and choose which parts of the religon applies to them. They are very obviously poor Catholics as that is not how the Holy See views the matter.
(This is directly comparable to those that claim to be law abiding but choose which of their country’s laws they will conform to, making them crooks.)

Another indication of a lazy Catholic would be neglecting to capitalise any reference to the Godhead or part therof - it is a sign of disrespect.

On a final note, a number of people have now been successfully prosecuted across international boundaries for sending various forms of spam over the internet, despite some of these sad individuals using some rather advanced ‘cloaking’ devices and combinations to hide their locations.

Of course, the sentence given to such spammers tends to bear a direct relationship to what he or she sent to the recipient(s).

Interesting. My Bible must contain a misprint. Reading Matthew 5:39, it suggests that if someone strikes my right cheek, I should offer them my left. Does yours say that you should beat them savagely and then attack their family?

Actually the bible contains many stories from Ancient Babylon, specifically Noah and the Flood, but there are many others in the old testament?

Why is this, well the Jews were exilled to Babylon for a couple of years or so. Funny that eh…

What?, your either very naive and didn’t read his post or just plain crazy, he posted jokes about semen going in your eye and having sex in a coffin, ITS WAY OFF TOPIC :shock:[/quote]

Naïve !
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hello Pot. This is Kettle. Colour check, over.

Hmmm. I wonder who the puppeteer is ?

Catholicism advocates the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Having read several versions of the Bible I recall no instance where Jesus suggests that the weak, (or even the strong for that matter,) be attacked.
Nor is arson one of His teachings.

Anyone suggesting that they would do any of the above show that either:

a) they have a very poor knowledge of the religon they claim to espouse.
b) they know the teachings and choose to ignore them.

If the answer is a) then in claiming to be a follower of that religon they are an impostor as they don’t know what they are supporting.

If b) they show that they will pick and choose which parts of the religon applies to them. They are very obviously poor Catholics as that is not how the Holy See views the matter.
(This is directly comparable to those that claim to be law abiding but choose which of their country’s laws they will conform to, making them crooks.)

Another indication of a lazy Catholic would be neglecting to capitalise any reference to the Godhead or part therof - it is a sign of disrespect.

On a final note, a number of people have now been successfully prosecuted across international boundaries for sending various forms of spam over the internet, despite some of these sad individuals using some rather advanced ‘cloaking’ devices and combinations to hide their locations.

Of course, the sentence given to such spammers tends to bear a direct relationship to what he or she sent to the recipient(s).[/quote]
but killing a kelper is a form of helping the humanity,at least im going to help the world!,there are too much brits,and not much argentines.

Actually the bible contains many stories from Ancient Babylon, specifically Noah and the Flood, but there are many others in the old testament?

Why is this, well the Jews were exilled to Babylon for a couple of years or so. Funny that eh…[/quote]
eh?,whatever :roll:

You want to kill people because their job involves the collecting and drying of seaweed from a sea shore? Sorry to break this to you young Erwin, but
(a) I doubt the number of kelpers still employed in Britain breaks double figures. We had this thing called the Industrial Revolution and all of a sudden we didn’t need to use subsitance farming and collecting rotting sea plants as the only way to support our economy anymore.
(b) I’m pretty sure that killing people for having the wrong job or being the wrong nationality isn’t mentioned in the Bible - did one of your forebears bring his own Bible with him from Germany?

Thread reopened.
Please stick to the topic.

Erwin, in keeping with the subject of this thread, could you please tell me how your interpretation of Catholicism advocates the killing of other people based on their nationality ?

Or is it perhaps not so much a part of your religeous beliefs but an indication of your politico-philosophical views with reference to race ?
If it is the latter it does not automatically preclude discussion on this thread as all religons must have a philosophy upon which to base their teachings.


Erwin, in keeping with the subject of this thread, could you please tell me how your interpretation of Catholicism advocates the killing of other people based on their nationality ?

Or is it perhaps not so much a part of your religeous beliefs but an indication of your politico-philosophical views with reference to race ?
If it is the latter it does not automatically preclude discussion on this thread as all religons must have a philosophy upon which to base their teachings.[/quote]

you are not,and it has nothing about religion,im telling you what i want to do.

Erwin, he was asking how you reconciled your Catholic faith with your desire to commit genocide.

Has that stopped it before?

I give you the Inquisition and the Crusades, not to mention a lot more.

let’s not also forget the thirty years war.

Let’s not forget the Alamo… Sorry… Let’s not forget the witch trials that lasted for ever ;(

To be fair to the Inquisition, they were the only court in Europe who regularly aquitted people of being witches. There is rather a strong negative correlation between the strength of the Inquisition and the number of witch burnings, with the net executions for “religious” crimes (I’m including witchcraft here) being from memory lowest where the Inquisition was strongest. Slightly wierd but as far as I know true history.

I seem to remember reading that the Inquisition was also one of the first courts to ensure that the defendant had a competant defender.

There is however a distinct difference between the Spanish Inquisition and that run from the Holy Office in Rome, one was considerably worse than the other but I can never remember which.

Has that stopped it before?

I give you the Inquisition and the Crusades, not to mention a lot more.[/quote]
yes,i will kill a few roastbeefs and then god will sorry me,and i will get my sin cleaned