Republicans VS Democrats

Just like I said… GREE-DY :roll:

True words

What the hell are you talking about? How could you say any of that stuff when 75% of it is untrue? I have looked up both partys, MAYBE YOU SHOULD TOO, before you start making up comment and supporting your idiotic crack-pot theorys based on democrats.

What you just can’t get through your freakin head, is that Democrats make higher taxes to pay off the government and guess what the rest goes to? YOUR TOWN AND AREA, god, pick up a book on politics, maybe you’ll learn something. And republicans don’t believe that, they believe in making Rich people richer, and poor people poorer.

And you are contradicting yourself like a fool “The Republican Party believes it is important that we assist those truly in need, those who, for whatever reason, are not able to provide for themselves.” what do you think that means? HIGHER TAXES omg you freakin idiot GAH

The republican party makes about as much sense as Britney Spears wearing a Harvord sweatshirt.

You know nothing about the democratic party and it show… OH TRUST ME IT SHOWS. If you didn’t live in a republican obsessed state, maybe you would learn a thing or two about the other party, but I guess not, you are too old, and it’s too late for you. Another one contributes to the downfalls of the greatest nation in the world :cry:

True words[/quote]
Umm… no they aren’t - at the age of 14 he is highly unlikely to be working (certainly not full time), very unlikely to be a taxpayer and certainly not a voter. These are very important to people’s experience of life and views of government, and as such these will affect how we view his posts. Therefore, they are critically important to how we view him in this thread.

True words[/quote]
Umm… no they aren’t - at the age of 14 he is highly unlikely to be working (certainly not full time), very unlikely to be a taxpayer and certainly not a voter. These are very important to people’s experience of life and views of government, and as such these will affect how we view his posts. Therefore, they are critically important to how we view him in this thread.[/quote]

being older don`t means being wisiest,also,you have different idea,so,what comment i have to wait from you?.

btw,here,some older people fight and do idiot things,and younger are better members and help so much more

If you understood the whole context of my posts, you would learn that what you have just posted is shmuck. pdf27

Thank you Erwin

While I commend him at 14 for his posts. There are some here with a far greater number of years who dont sound half as grown up. I do agree with PDF on this. While I am not fully qualified to be involved in this debate, and at least for the most part it has been a debate, I am intrigued at the bi-polarism of it all. Somewhere Im sure there is a centre to meet in.

Edited for coherence.

No problem mate,firstly i thought you were 21 like me,i entered of that when you said that you are younger.

Umm… ever heard of the Laffer curve, the way the multiplier works in economics (in relation to tax rates) and how countries with high maximum rates of income tax historically suffer bad brain drains?
The Laffer curve for instance suggests that reducing tax rates will actually bring an increase in tax revenue, and most of the evidence around tends to support this (there is no such thing as proof in economics, and TBH I strongly suspect a lot of it is made up - so where there is evidence at all that’s a very good sign).
The multiplier works by the fact that if money isn’t taken in taxes people will spend it (as a rule anyway). When it is spent, the government takes some of it in tax. And so on. Now, this works both ways - when a government taxes money hidden under the bed as it were, it stimulates the economy as the amount of money sloshing around is increased. However, many government programmes are the equivalent of stashing money under the bed on a large scale, and in this case the economy suffers.
The brain drain theory is the easiest of all, and well proven - when income taxes are high, the brightest people (who generate the most wealth and attract the highest pay) are the first to leave. Many countries welcome them for their ability to generate wealth, and make it easy for them to move. When you lose them, you lose both your biggest income tax contributors (10% of a million dollars is 10 times 10% of 100,000 dollars) and your biggest source of wealth generation.

These are all very simplified and probably have a few errors in them (been a while since I did economics, and was concentrating on proper subjects while they came up with all these dodgy theories) but they are broadly accurate.

[quote="StalingradK your idiotic crack-pot theorys
fool you freakin idiot
If you didn’t live in a republican obsessed state, :

Typical Liberal democrat response to start name calling when you have nothing else. Oh by the way, I live on the WEST coast in California and its a Democrat State.
I have a better way for you to spend your money rather than to give to your Mom for taxes or give to charity. Maybe you should spend it on school and learn to spell and use proper grammar and maybe a little more on geography also. :lol:

Stalingrad!,stop insulting!!! :evil: .

and the same goes to you grandad mickey :evil:

What are you talking about? I have given the information about the democratic party that obviously is better than the republican. And it doesnt come down to your community, it comes down to your state. South Carolina voted republican during the elections… And what the duce do you mean by focus on grammar and spelling? How I type on a forum does not reflect on how I write offically. And Geogrpahy? LOL, everything that I have said and you said is irrelevant to geography.

The truth is, you have nothing more to say :lol: so you have to try and find every single little flaw in my posts to use against me… -tisk tisk tisk- typical republican, history repeats itself once again :roll:

Oh yeah, the only way I could see you getting ripped off by the governemnt at all is by your current occupation. Police, Fire Fighters, and Emergency Medicals’ get screwed over by every party, not to mention school teachers and anyone else who works for the state.

I thought I saw somewhere that the word idiot was not considered an insult somewhere in this forum :?

AHAHAH YOU DID IT :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: ERWIN IS WATCHING YOU :twisted:

Oh whoops… California, not South Carolina… Change your location :? and CAlifornia voted democratically
Except for the Terminator :lol:

Sorry for my stupid ass mistake, I only glanced at your location

Oh idiot!,you are right!!! grrrrrr!!! :evil: . :smiley:


I WIN :lol:

I think we should just stop this thread, because we could argue about politics until we die x.x

yeah!,and we are out off topic,a plus!.


pdf - you git! I was going to mention the Laffer Curve! The big debate with it, of course, is which side of the optimal point we are on. Certainly in Europe we’re weeeeell past the optimum, and evidence from the US suggests that they are still to the right of it as well.

If we are to take the logic stalintroll (for the “I WIN :D” post proves this), we should all gratefully pay 100% tax cos some of it will be spent in our local communities, and the rest will go on supporting government (i.e. paying their wages) and certain “disadvantages” groups. We should be grateful for every penny which is spent on welfare careerists (who are the genuinely selfish ones), every penny spent on lesbian outreach workers and real nappy coordinators, and every penny spent on bribing certain socio-economic groups to vote in a certain way. Personally I don’t believe that the state can spend my money more wisely than I can beyond the bare essentials of defence/roads/schools - and I think that for the majority of people that is also the case. For those that can’t & just spend it on White Lightning & Sovereign fags, well my heart bleeds for them - it’s their own goddamn responsibility, not that of the rest of us.

And I personally took part in the UK’s brain drain (MEng (hons) Oxon), and now live abroad.

/minarcho-libertarian rant over.